Xenoblade DE footage, commercials etc


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I just wanted them to fix the combat.

Oh shit new videos.

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Fuckin hell I can't wait.

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that running animation is so janky

Now all the dumb xenoblade 2 zoomers are gonna play 1 and ruin its legacy

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wow the nip VA is really lame

>he doesnt appreciate the entire blade series

It's better that they played it so that we can get the Xenoblade X remaster

What's your plan for DE Yas Forums?
You guys gonna jump straight into Future Connected or replay the base game first?

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If you actually liked xenoblade 1 you would want as many people as possible to play and enjoy it instead of crying like a bitch

It seems the H2H aren't voiced and the unique monsters don't seem to leave a Gravestone which is a shame but it's alright it was kept like in the original.

My plan was to replay the base game first but I might just jump right into Future Connected since I know I'll inevitably end up being spoiled on it before I actually play it.

Okay Yas Forums, let's say you can only get one and the others never happen ever...

>Xenoblade Chronicles X Remastered on Switch with new post-game story
>Xenosaga Trilogy completely remade on modern hardware as a collaboration between Nintendo and Bandai-Namco
>The rest of Xenogears that got scrapped for FF8 resources back in the day

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So this is the fucker causing all the troubles?

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Does xenogears just retroactively get the missing disk? It's worthless getting it from current square enix.

X I would prefer a sequel too since most of the improvements I would want for that game are too vast for a rerelease
Saga would be the most likely to happen since the team at Namco actually wants it to be remade but only if Monolith Soft does it, but Namco higher ups say it wont sell
Gears would be the most interesting but Square only wants to keep it around to ape off of Blades success, but I'm sure Nomura would love to try and work with Monolith again, Square themselves seems to want to keep them away.

>>Xenoblade Chronicles X Remastered on Switch with new post-game story
I'd rather just have X2. X has some weird shit in it thats just annoying
Out of those three though, Xenosaga remake/master


What did they mean by this?

Chances are that people who played XC1 and XCX are zoomers.


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Xenosaga hands down

I choose a high budget remake of Xenosaga 1 in the style of FF7r

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What the hell are you on? That might not happen.


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xenocross remastered because you can't 100% xenocross without miiverse and my OCD won't allow me to touch it

Probably some fuck from Morytha

so uhh... anyone here who speaks japanese mind telling us what they said about FC?

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I'm so glad we can use the old soundtrack cause that new unique monster theme at 2:03 sounds like shit

Nice monado staff/lance.

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Jesus, everything looks and sounds so fucking beautiful. Every other game has dropped the ball in increasing fuckups ever since Animal Crossing came out and this literal who from 2010 is going to sweep in and save 2020's quality and will still never break 2 million sold when it deserves much more.

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>blah blah new story starring Shulk and Melia blah blah Tyrea: the future of the high entia blah blah blah
No idea what the High Entia dude and the Nopon said though.

Calling it now, it's some kind of remnant of Malos.

is he supposed to be clenching his fist?

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interesting... i'd figured it'd be something like that.

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wii skeleton

The combat is fine though

Hey quick question lads. If i do New Game+ of XC2, would i have to redo side quests and all that shit?

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You can, but you aren't required to.

that's the definitive edition though...

You'd still have the blades that come out of them so you'd only have to if you want the rewards and exp.

Not sure how it could be related to either, reminds me of some boss from the Zelda games to be honest. Got to see if this fucker came from the rifts or what. Also who the hell is that High Entia warrior/soldier.

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This stuff looks great, but I hate that I'm able to nitpick it. I'm really not a fan of the minimalist ui. So many games do it nowadays and it just feels copy pasted everytime.
They also removed the really bright light behind evil in this scene, which is really stupid. Having that behind him during that really made it feel like you were going up against some godly force, and made all his silhouettes pop amazingly.

This also looks bad unfortunately. I really hope this isnt a remake where a majority of it is done really well but ends up with a bunch of minor problems that weighs down the whole experience.
Still buying it day one tho.

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with an imported wii skeleton

They are doing everything to avoid showing scenes of Melia talking in FC.

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I just marathoned this game how did I like it

hmmm, alright thanks!

you thought it was just ok :)

New Monado II design

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She talks in the japanese videos.

>says the habitual shitposter who's never played any Xeno game

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soulless. the hacks at monolithsoft need to take notes from square enix on how to properly remake a game, instead of selling the dolphin emulator version of a wii game for $60.

Wait I might be retarded. I just rewatched the scene and the light I'm thinking of is way lower, out of the shot. Guess its still missing some color, but fuck me.
Looking at it though, that metal texture is NICE.

What god do I have to pray to for them to fix Melia's, Sharla's, and Shulk's atrocious AI?

Melia is debatably the most versatile ally but she's fucking worthless if you don't play as her. Her buffs are great but she attacks as soon as she summons them.

Sharla's cooldowns are all over the place and she always attacks at bad times.

Shulk LOVES to spam his Monado arts when he doesn't need to, meaning when you DO need them, he doesn't have them available.

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Looks like FC's combat won't be wildly different like Torna's was. Only difference I can see here is the extra symbol beside the gauge, which I assume is that weird shit with the nopons that happened at the end.

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Dunban suffered the most out of anyone, I think we all can agree

Just for one bit and the fucking narrator talks over it. While in the English version she is not heard at all.