ITT villains who got away with it

ITT villains who got away with it

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>Villain was the hero all along

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Half-hourly reminder.

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When will khet make an onlyfans account to support Phil?

Oney is not an e celeb hes a hero


>chad warden

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He’s bitching out YouTube as we speak

As soon as they start allowing beastiality on the site.

Dsp ain't on there so he's fair game; get fucked

>American """education"""

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That says "etc." not "DSP" you dummy

>American """humor"""

Is he seriously just going to walk away from a 150k debt as if nothing happened? they take his old condo in the ghetto that ain't worth shit and that's it?
Is this how american bankrupcy works? just live above my means, when I can't take out bigger loans to pay the smaller loans just call it quits, fill for bankruptcy, keep all my shit and move on?
He spend over 150k and has nothing to show for it and nothing to be impounded.

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>he makes more than a lawyer for being a subpar streamer famous for being a dumbass

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I always sided with the illuminati.

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who the fuck is etc.?

he will be fucked on credit for the next 10 years, and wont be able to take out any loans. but yes, thats the short of how bankruptcy works

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> His switch is a business expense
> His wife plays AC on it all fucking day
If he gets away with this shit it means american legal system is beyond stupid

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"American this, American that"
Rent-free as they say.

>Is he really going to get away with it?
Yes. Of course he will. Phil is undying whether we like it or not. Take his vest streak bulkshit he's been running.

thats a valid business expense. he did need it for his business

>bonger gay butt rape factories masquerading as "schools"

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DSP's an outlier, not the norm. The only reason he'll get away with it is because of his blood pact with an elder god that gives him insane luck.

Europoors never stop thinking about AmeriChads

Uhm, no, the switch he bought for the business broke. The switch he uses now was a gift from a fan.

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Chad Warden was based, but due to the nature of trolls (which he was one of) he's unfortunately still an attention whore


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No way dude...he accidentally set his microwave to 35 seconds instead of 30 seconds what a piece of shit....
I still can't fucking believe those autists bitched about him pushing the wrong button on a microwave holy shit get a life

keep saying it

continue uttering a phrase completely identical to the previous one

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What compels lonely weirdos into giving Phil money?

>but yes, thats the short of how bankruptcy works
No it's not. He's going to lose everything and he'll be making payments for the rest of his life. He makes way too much money to file for magic debt-b-gone bankruptcy.

That's one of the most shocking things about Phil. Despite what a colossal retard he is, he still comes out looking better than the fucking freaks that obsess over him.