Did your parents ever punish you by taking away your vidya?

did your parents ever punish you by taking away your vidya?

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Perfect Dark was banned from my house because my dad caught me and my neighbour dying laughing, just unloading on NPCs and making their face horribly bloody because “they looked like clowns”

but... presumably... he bought all that, what a troglodyte

>that nerf wall
Do Americans really let their kids play with those annoying foam boggers?

Ladies and gentlemen, the right-wing technique for parenting: Violence! Loud noises! Instead of explaining how things work, me crush! Woah, woah, hold on: Did I mention "based" and "redpilled"? These "people" can vote in elections by the way!

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jesus what a dick they were just enjoying some miney crafta

Why does that 30 year old man dress like a teenager?

I'm sure that kid will grow up with no issues whatsoever

my mom once threw my gamecube out of the second story of our house because i spent an entire weekend non stop playing timesplitters fp.
i still have that gamecube and it still works.

>he never had nerf gun fights with his friends as a kid
lame ass

snowflakes are here

>this is your brain on third world gun ban.

You know there's some healthy non-aggressive relationships going on in that house. Kids will grow up to be normal adjusted adults for sure.

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I don’t think you could be more of a false flagging americuck if you tried, Jesus Christ

When I was in middle school I went over to this kid's house whose parents were batshit insane fundies. I brought Goldeneye 007 for the N64 and when his mom saw us playing she kicked me out of the house and told me I wasn't welcome back anymore.


I suspect at least one of them was his daughter (if not both)
what an evil man, doesn't deserve to hug his daughter right now

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what's the point of a gun arsenal wall if you don't use it when the moment strikes?

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>let's just break all this shit instead of hiding it
very based, hitting kids is the only form of discipline that should be taught

>we only play COD and FORTNITE in this house!

my sister banned my nephew from playing saints row 2 at my house because he told her shooting cops was fun. some people just overreact at shit.

Meanwhile if you did that to a PS2 it probably would have vaporized on impact.

To be fair, that is pretty shitty. Kids like that generally shut down totally and become betas or overcompensating aggressive fags.

He says that the boy’s got to pay for that in the version with audio.

>plastic guns on wall

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I don't think it's their dad, it's probably the bipolar older brother from the first marriage that doesn't really fit in with the younger halfbrothers and does shit like this when he's home for hunting season.

anything can set those guys off

No, but I was pretty lame

Whenever I was grounded my grounding included the PC. I was usually able to ask for vidya privileges and get them back before I was able to leave the house again.

Yeah and I immediately knew where they hid so when they were at work I'd take it and play and put it back before they got home

Niggers love to beat there kids faggot and then vote for a new Democrat gib master.

Sorry that your parents never loved you.

I'll never understand people who think destroying their children's possessions teaches them anything. All it does is show them that it's ok to destroy people's stuff when you don't get your way.


lmao faggot

You just know that fucker voted for Trump and he will do it again this year.

I'm pretty sure this can be argued as a form of abuse, coming in threateningly with a baseball bat to your kid's room. I hope someone finds out who this is and saves those zoomers from him. That guy even dresses like a fucking manchild, no wonder he smashes things he bought for his own kids. The fact fathers like this exist is just shameful for the human race, and I feel so bad for everyone, even the brain-damaged shitposters on this site, who had to grow up under morons like this.

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Wow what a tough ass gangsta breaking shit in front of children

>Open pizza box to let the food get cold
>in fact all the food probably ice cold except maybe the popcorn

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This is absolute fucking trash behavior. There is NOTHING trashier than destroying perfectly good shit to "punish" your kids. Fucking breeders.

All it shows them is that their parents are raging retards.

hello nigger

Ok glowie

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We destroy everything. Property, bodies, futures, genes, we destroy it all.

And he will win again, just so snowflakes like you throw a hissy fit about it.

and then nobody showed up

>going to have to rebuy all that shit
What a fucking idiot, that's like $300 worth of equipment he just smashed. Just confiscate it and hide it.


That Fred Durst stan needs to calm the fuck down. Really wish I knew what they were saying

Mom did this to my GBA

She honestly wonders why I avoid her with all my might

Based, fuck cuckstation

why do white people do this?

Why do people record and publish this shit? It's fucking weird, about as much as reaction videos.

why do these people even have kids if they clearly hate them

Nah he won't.

Because its staged you stupid fat fuck.

There is nothing wrong with whipping your kids.

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That's a PS4 right? Just use a password on that shit. No need to hide anything

Niggers suck too.

Holy fuck I wish I were this loved

>Shoes in the house


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That's hype as shit but it better have been for at least 30 people

we have a need to breed the next generation of retards

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Failure to see they're unfit

>round 2

so this is the so called master race huh? very epic

>grug buy gamebox for child
>spend many rock for it
>child play gamebox
>wait gamebox bad
>grug smash gamebox
>lose rock spend on gamebox
>child mad and sad
>grug smash child
>child no more mad and sad
america truly is the most advanced country on the earth.

I guess in his feeble mind he thought that would help him "make a point" or something retarded. But yeah, he could've just confiscate it, but his hick-ass didn't think things through because anger makes you act like a brainless chimp.

Actually her was a bernout on his Facebook

>stupidfaggot father who is too uneducated and stupidfaggot to create a schedule of about 2 hours a day to sit with his kids on a table, help them study and give them insight, figure out where their talents or interests lie, and then focus on polishing their minds on those subjects and preparing a nice little life and career plan relating to those subjects so the kids have a clearer road ahead, while giving them an ultimatum that other subjects are fine if they score them low just so long as they don't fail them
Kids aren't at fault for the shitty low IQ brainlet parenting of their father.
It's the same reason African-Americans have such high crime rates, absence of fathers with over 72% single-parenthood rates, or rather dumbfuck retarded fathers who are absent mentally even in those ~28%.

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their pullout game is weak

He's a bernie supporter

Why do you guys save these awful fucking webms?

>that look of absolute fucking fear in the two little kids
>yeah nah that's clearly staged
Ok enabler.

My parents banned Gex because he said "My tail is gonna kick your butt!" when I kept whacking a pumpkin.


>Kids aren't at fault for the shitty low IQ brainlet parenting of their father.
Yes they are. You are your genes. You shouldn't be rewarded for coming from poor genetic stock.

I had a friend whose mom took his NES and threw it into the forest behind their house. He went and got it later, cleaned it out, and continued playing games. NES consoles were fucking tanks.

to be fair it's aryans that were supposedly the master race, not these mutts.

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Based boomer

crashed my own house party and nobody came

Soooooo when the fuck does CPS see this and take the kids? Because what kind of retard films this kind of child abuse?

>inb4 "it's not abuse pussy"

Congratulations, now your child is 100% fucked for life

No he wasn't.

if this was like a kids birthday or something then those parents are terrific

Why would this shit be staged you imbecile. Fucker comes swinging a bat into his kids' room, breaking expensive electronics.

Nope.They would have but they are unfortunately both dead.

>he thinks CPS cares about kids
They only take kids away from good parents.

Did not destroy the console so fake.

21st birthday party, you can see the candles

It asserts dominance in the household and establishes the possibility that anything you love is but a swing-of-the-bat away from going away. Show respect or walk.

*Walk by Pantera begins to play*

Is this really abuse? My dad did this to my bionicles, my DS, and my first phone.

Look in a mirror you ugly faggot

>had game system taken away because I called a bully a faggot
My dad just laughed, but my mom took it away.

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I want to beat the fuck out of that guy so bad

>breaks the TV he bought
>breaks the controllers he bought
>doesn't just trade them in for money and buy something the kids hate
So this is how retards parent.
Break your own shit to teach your brainlet kids a lesson about playing too much vidya.

>parents should let their children walk all over them!!!
Fuck, no wonder you yuropoors all grow up to be so feeble, none of you were ever properly disciplined growing up. The dad paid for it, if the kids don't use it responsibly he has every right to take it away. Next time they'll do what he says before holing up in a room to play games 12 hours a day.

Years of professional experience with children has demonstrated you don't know what you're talking about. Is that you in the tiktok?

>instead of just confiscating the console and controllers and hiding them in the attic or something until the kid apologized you break them
What an absolute fucking idiot. He clearly paid money for all that shit and likely will have to pay money again to replace all the shit he broke because he decided to act like a brainless chimp.

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what the fuck does that even mean? so the kid is at fault because his dad is a caveman that responds to everything with violence? kids dont pop out of the womb automatically knowing enough to get up and leave if they decide their parents are shit, they need someone to raise them right

That woulda looked good in Lashanda's kids room

>They only take kids away from good parents.
Fuck off Cletus.


I don't think you meant to reply to me.

yeah, like turn into literal fucking faggots.

my dad did this to my game boy advance because i wouldn't stop playing pokemon and golden sun. He went out and bought me an SP the next day after my mom threatened to leave him

its staged but the trama is real
this is still their dad acting like a maniac

You cant even see the fucking kids you giant cock sucking imbecile.

That's only enough food for like 4-5 American kids

That's the same thing that fucking horrendous family on Youtube did, and they made shitloads of money before they finally got removed from the platform. I think they might have gone to jail

They took away my gamecube and banned me from going to internet cafes because I was getting into trouble and fights at school, they thought it was all the violent video games making me angry when it was the shitty home life that was turning me into a prick

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Thats some despicable sociopathic shit.

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My mom did the same with my phone discs. Bitch was crazy when Dad was on his service. I remember her smashing around 30 discs, wasn't able to complete ff8 because discs 2 and 4 were in pieces, ff7 all gone, syphon filter, medal of honor, and even suikoden

Imagine destroying $300 worth of hardware to get (You)s on a chink app.

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You can see the name at the bottom near the end.
I searched it.
2Days ago, new upload.
>the video is a fake
>the controllers didn't work
>the TV is stuck on one channel so they want a new one

There you go. Calm down retards.

perhaps we have it all wrong
they could have flooded his house in Minecraft with lava or destroyed it in some other way, then this is his unbridled retaliation

perhaps they're actually laughing

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No. And even if they had it would've never worked because I don't listen to stupid people or stupid rules.

>white shitstain does something shitty
>I know, I'll post stuff from shitty parents from other races just so I don't feel insecure anymore

What an absolute brainlet. Literal monkey.
Thinks he's a good parent too 100%

archive shows it was a picture of a baby with a hand on it but it wasn't backed up, what happened?


>smashes tv
>smashes controllers
>unplugs the console and leaves it unharmed and takes it away
this is the dumbest mother fucker on the planet what the fuck was the point of any of that if you're not gonna smash the fucking console?

Yes, but I started masturbating instead, so they gave my games back to me.

bottom right of the video dipshit

Fuck me psone*

>drunk dad
>decides in his druken wisdom that the kids need to grow up and have their first whiskey
>proceeds to stomp around the house drunkenly, threatening to smash their shit up if they don't get up and drink some whiskey
>one of them starts recording
>dad walks in, roaring drunk, wearing his sneakers indoors
>smashes everything sloppily
>last week it was the Switch, this week it was the PS3 AND the TV
>6 more months of quarantine
>6 more months of drunk dad and whiskey
>6 more months of no vidya
>final solution is to kill dad with a nerf gun

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>so the kid is at fault
They aren't worthy of special attention if they come from inferior parents. An inferior genetic line should be segregated from society sure, but they don't need to be coddled and given unnecessary attention. If they weren't meant to perform well, the parents would have put in the work.

Grappa posts here too?
Looks like no imageboard is safe.

Then the PS2 guy would have grown up and got laid while the Nintendie stays glued to childish escapism.

probably just a 12 year old user

>I didn't see the whole video
Way you out yourself you fucking retard.

Why are baseball fans like this

This idiot gave them the toys, he can just take them away. Like, dude, just unplug the toys.

Just use 4chanx its some dad grasping his babys face around the cheeks and then slapping it several times.

>unplugs system
>game never turns off
Oh hey, lets make a video for views

It was a baby getting shook and beaten.

because its fake

>professional experience with children

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What makes me most mad about this is just the money wasted on replacing that shit. He must be living on welfare or some shit if he can't value the money he sunk on that thing before he decided to break it.

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>buy $500 worth of stuff for your kid
>proceed to destroy it
is this why americans don't have money?

Poorfag knew he couldn't replace it as easy as the other things.

It was punishment theater.

perhaps he bet a wad of money on his team that day but lost

I like the image of the kids banding together to assassinate their dad with fucking nerf guns

LOL, one of these. Have you had a single success yet? Did you "save" one of them yet?

Keep talking shit boy. I'll take your precious computer too.

>stage elaborate ruse
>pretend to be retard
>threaten my kids with a bat
>break my own shit
>"heh, I was just pretending to be retarded"
Naw, he's still retarded. Now its even worse because he's retarded and desperate for internet attention.

wtf are you talking about you cancerous retard

White people sure are crazy.

My mother once destroyed my GBA Leaf Green cart with a wooden cat statue in a fit of rage because I wouldn't go to school when I was 10
She also cut one of my shoes in half because I didn't want to wear my new ones yet

Mental illness like most sports fans

how are they inferior? do you not understand the idea of parenting and what role it has in the development of children?

Why is the only thing the country of America is good at is having a shit ton of money and bombs but then they fall behind 3rd world countries in almost every other metric?

How have you never seen a screen break before?

Especially if you smash it, it tends to keep whatever was on it at the time. Looks like it's on, but it's not.

that dad looks like your typical wigger trash, these kids were fucked from the get go

White trash retard fashion of choice

Theres hundreds of videos like this though on the internet. Surely you jest. People stage this exact shit all the time.

What should be done to people like this.

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What kind of a reactionary dipshit smashes everything instead of just packing them away someplace? The fact that they don't obey him and he responds in such a laughable manner is only making the situation worse.

Castration and work camps

Fake as fuck. Someone filming before shit even goes down. Also, kid clearly cares more about nerf shit on wall.

Right wingers should unironically be gassed

>do you not understand the idea of parenting and what role it has in the development of children?
>asking this on Yas Forums

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He would have if the pandemic didn't happen. Now everyone blames him for losing money over the shutdown when it actually wasn't his fault for once.

You shouldn't expect much from ogres.

People living on welfare value their possessions more than average working people. There's a reason all of these videos are from middle to upper class folk. You won't find a video of some welfare recipient doing this.

t. living the ghetto.

>if you don't yell and scream and beat your kids they'll be faggots

I'm glad I don't have to worry about anyone on this website having kids

wonder what does more mental damage to the kids--their dad being an unhinged aggro type who breaks things with a bat, or a cuck who records dumb shit for internet clout

Along with their children. They'll end up just as faulty.

Niggers typically vote republican
See: every single southern state i.e. nigger states

This would be a feasible argument, if it wasn't for the fact that it's flawed inherently. He broke the stuff he paid for. If he didn't chimp out like an ape, he could have taken it from them until they learned their lesson. Alternatively if he decided to restrict them from having it, he could of just sold the items.

How's your transition going?

>t. living the ghetto.
Why is that? What is your mother's situation?