Can we get a good old fashioned horror thread going? Are there any good looking survival horror games coming...

Can we get a good old fashioned horror thread going? Are there any good looking survival horror games coming? Favorite creature?

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Nothing good coming that I know of sadly.
Except Carrion, but that's reverse-horror.

Horror question:
How would you make it that the protagonist seems more terrifying than the bad guys? Because I had this idea for an action horror game where you control what amounts to the Caim of FPS protagonists. It follows a soldier who goes up against a militarized cult. And said soldier is also a gleeful murderer who grins like a lunatic while mowing enemies down en masse. The cult is just a target for his murder.

Oh, and there would be a lot of emphasis on how our MC is almost fucking implacable. By the end of the game, his body count is well within the quadruple digits. And his kill count includes
>Heavily armed and trained cultists
>Killer drones
>Modified animals
>Fucking military wizards
>Spirits with superhuman abilities
And that’s just regular enemies
There’s no ludonarrative dissonance. He really is just a normal human being going up against things that, by now, should’ve killed him really easily, and yet he’s still leveling them like a flamethrower in a wheat field.
How would we portray this as absolutely horrifying to look at?

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I've been making a 2D WW2 survival horror game by myself, you might all be interested

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This actually looks pretty good. Neat.

I hope the regenerators are as weird as they look in the remake when they attack you. They had the theme and look they just have to be more unpredictable when they attack.

Anyone know any horror games where the monster/villain is voiced? Not just regular enemies like Alan Wake or Deadly Premonition, an actual main/major threat.

Sort of, but then make the protagonist actually scary as fuck. Basically, the usual RIP AND TEAR, but presented in a way that changes the viewer response from
>Wow, this guy's so badass! Look at him go!.
>Jesus Christ, what the fuck is wrong with this guy.

really cool concept for a horror game.
I'd play it

Like, take this per say
Now try and make something akin to it appear horrifying to the player, even if they're still fighting against mad cultists, biological abominations, and malevolent spirits

Thank you anons!

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WW1 was just as, if not more, horrifying than WW2.
Underused horror material.

cultists will sometimes try to flee from you and have something with sanity where the MC will murder cultists with you having no control over it

That's good. Having to keep the MC's bloodlust in as a gameplay mechanic to keep him from doing something regrettable

Im playing this and its awesome. Any other games like this?

Attached: lost-in-vivo-steam.jpg (287x383, 40.08K)

I would say it's objectively more horrifying.
This video was one of the main inspirations for the game

Attached: Screenshot7.jpg (1920x1080, 765.34K)

user I was about to post your game. It looks amazing. Congratulations
When will it be out?


That's literally just The Darkness though and it's not scary.

Favourite creature are the slayers from the suffering.

I played a few demos of it so far and it is honestly shaping up to be shit.

Just kidding, it is fucking awesome. The sound design is on point and I genuinely dreaded moving to new areas because of what I might encounter.

Top work user! I shill your game at every chance I get.

Why most everyone shitting their pants over this guy? Not even scary even in PRO. The minigun guy is more scarier than that.

>Whistle for your dog
>Hear a whistle back
>Soundtrack that always sounds like it's getting closer
>Confusing maps that are easy to get lost in
>Map textures that look like Clanker's Cavern
This game is too scary for a coward like me.

That's why it's good. Sadly, "Horror" these days seems to be "Take something innocent and subvert it"

>Whistle for your dog
I never do such a thing. I rther hide

>Not trying to comfort your dog
user, no. He's a good boy.

There's a few upcoming survival horrors. Amnesia is getting a sequel. Scorn might eventually come out maybe. Carrion.

I like games where monsters are former humans

Little Hope is coming out soon.

I had a lot of hope for the game, until I found out one of the protagonists is a trans woman.

Attached: TRANNY.png (1237x728, 285.42K)

Interesting concept, sounds sort of like Spec Ops on steroids. It would be cool but its execution would be on a real thin line. Unfortunately most players wouldn't get it and just chortle right along with the MC's mayhem, and """journalists""" would dismiss it as torture porn or whatever.
Not that either of those two matter, of course.

Do you still think it can be good. Do you have a little hope?