What are the best Action RPGs?

What are the best Action RPGs?

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>fucking gingers
What did illya mean by this?

She wants to fuck her brother and that's fine.

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Imagine having a little sister like this

Is this the power of anime?

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Miyu > Illya

i want to fuck illya
i dont give a fuck how old she is

this anime is deranged, it revolves around little girls sexually abusing each other?

They're actually the same person

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>clicks out of screen
>still accepts anyway

Kingdom Hearts 2 FM, but only the gameplay. Critical and Critical Lvl1 is a blast tp play.

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>Kingdoms of Amalur
>DaS 1 and 3, DeS
>Ass Creed Origins is actually pretty decent
>Darksiders 2
Also lolis are shit

>Intentionally did not mention dark souls 2
you're awesome and your opinions are awesome

>Also lolis are shit

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Miyu's butt

>>Kingdoms of Amalur

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>lolis are shit
Fags should be executed.

Perverted oppai loli is the only acceptable form of loli

Fuck you the combat was fun


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Remnant: From the Ashes, Dragon's Dogma

>if you don’t like loli you’re gay
I’m a MILF man

so fucking based

>Perverted oppai loli is the only acceptable form of loli
This is the worst opinion I've ever seen

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so you're jealous of their youth?


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100% bad taste, not surprised


>Kingdoms of Amalur
>DaS 3
>no dragons doggies

milf can make lolis though

[pretend I posted one of the endlessly repeated pawn lines]

Dragon’s Dogma
The World Ends With You
Dark Messiah: Might and Magic
Transistor if that counts

My sleep schedule is fucked so I’m fucking tired and not remembering things that well. Someone else said DDDA and Remnant From the Ashes which I forgot to add

Wait, is this Fate or something?

worst post on the board right now congratulations

It's a spinoff yuri magical girls show

>those games
>normally fairly agreeable
>user says loli is shit
>suddenly the games are trash
This place never fails to make me laugh


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It's Fate, right?


Post her butt

I want to have sex with little girls.

It's a spinoff of fate

Someone asks about the best action rpgs and your first thought is, of all things, Kingdoms of fucking Amalur. Kill yourself.

Post webm before thread gets nuked

>when you realise that pedos are "attracted" to children because they can't have women

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