Post your Minecraft house, Yas Forums

Post your Minecraft house, Yas Forums.

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You mean my toon?

I never understood this meme. When I first played MC on my Kindle Fire years ago I dug into a mountain and sleep.
I guess.

Can i post it if its modded minecraft or are mods sacrilegious in the great autistic eye of Yas Forums?

Flexxin' on my fellow anons

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Attached: 2020-04-30_17.57.42.jpg (2560x1440, 1.91M)

now all you need is for them to add little slaves to tend your wheat

Go ahead.
Creative. I like my houses to be somewhat grounded in reality, though.
Comfy. It kind of reminds me of the "wheat field of Europa" meme.

Don't have one.

It's about creating a lore and building shit to explore across the land, not having a place to live. I'm currently at a roadside with a bunch of chests as I build the road and landscape around it. Not much to see.

How do i make my own world with the rtx stuff?

Do you have a screenshot of one of the buildings? Share an image and some lore.

the field is a little bigger than it leads on

Attached: autism fields.jpg (2560x1440, 2.43M)

The wheat fields of Europa... home.

What shaders are you using my man?

seus 1.14.4

where does the bridge lead to?

Nothing. It's just a bridge so I don't have to swim or take a boat to the other island.

bow before me plebs. bow and kiss the ground i've walked on

Attached: EJ5_aQTXYAIDBj0.jpg (1200x900, 167.44K)

what do they eat

Fish, I guess.

What the fuck is that half pipe coming down from the castle wall

lets build shit Yas Forumsros
1.15.2 smp vanilla

Is that the newest update?

newfag get out

newest *released update

Sure that's yours

Attached: 3.png (1824x969, 1.56M)

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It's so much less impressive when they use mods and outside programs to build this shit.

Is it?

I used to make farmlands just like you user, until I discovered that you could have essentially 8 block wide plots hydrated granted you have water on each side.