One has to go

Also Steam sale thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

what to get. i need some good jrpg

I bought Dark Souls 2 and 3 at gamestop over another game and I despised my choice. Drop one of the two Dark Souls and pick that third option.

Always keep a variety in selective buying.

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>one has to go
Even though my instinct would be to remove the most expensive one, I disliked Scholar of the First Sin. Get DS3 and Tales


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Which should I play?

Is the ff9 port good or should I just emulate?

what are some decent games for $3 and under

whats golden week

My bank's website shat itself during payment and now im stuck with pending payment until who-knows-when


Probably don't need Dynasty Warriors and Senrans. Pick one.

thinking about getting :

dead rising off the record
lost planet 2

idk what else

A Japanese observation of sorts. Kinda hard to say "holiday" because the big deal is that it's a straight week of holidays. For the rest of the world though, it's basically Christmas for weebs since it means a shitton of Japanese games usually go on sale.

Cladun x2

Is Digimon World: Next Order good?
I'm very nostalgic for the Digimon World 1 on the ps1 but I never beat that game.

RE2 or 7

I have Minoria on my backlog list. As soon as I finish my play through of Stalker COP I'm going to give that a shot.

Rate my cart Yas Forumsros

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Anyone play Lost Technology? I really really want to try that shit out.

Chuck both DaS games

Any decent potato tier games that have decent lewd mod support? Like a weeb Haydee or something?

Enslaved is dull gameplay wise, at best you get to oggle the love interest.

I bought final fantasy 12, umbrella Chronicles 1, project cars and some other shit I can't remember right now

get rid of simp pony-ia you won't like it, it's bad. very bad. very long, very bad. it's terrible. a terrible game.hope you like gay ass puzzles that take 3 hours to solve because you have to backtrack so much through an empty complex.

Remember Me sucks

Xmorph Defense seems good, demo was fun.
Is the full game good or repetitive?
>Crysis ayys
>Red Faction Gorilla destruction (really nice)
>kino B movie acting and plot
>Independance Day but you're the baddies
there is a free ball game that looks cute uhh "Polyball". Like Monkeyball.

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>Streets of Rogue

Is this worth it? I only played the original MGS on psx, peace walker on psp & the one on ps3. Do I need to play others first?

Wait so this game is actually good?


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I feel for you, a lot of services are slowing down

Xmorph is good, it also has workshop. I haven't played the DLC campaigns.

The fun gun crafting glitch is apparently patched out now.

Pathologic 2 Supporter Bundle
AI: The Somnium Files
End of Zoe
Final Fantasy 7

>The entire series is 50% off

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You should be fine just knowing Peace Walker. 3 is important too.

Is Akiba's Trip Undead and undressed censored?

>Dark Souls II

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Nothing's censored. Check PCgamingwiki for some resolution fixes if you get it.

>fun gun crafting glitch
what's that supposed to mean? i haven't played it before but if it was a game breaking one, then i suppose that's great?
alright, maybe i'll replay those first since I mostly forgot some parts of the story. the deal seems good enough

Why based? It's been on my list forever but I can never convince myself to get it.

Any bonuses to getting in on steam over just emulating?

Drop Dark Souls 3. Easily the worst and most expensive.

>supporting imperfect dotemu ports

Fuck off shill.

>what's that supposed to mean?
A big part of the game is selecting and customizing your gear. Part of this is a little gunsmithing thing where you can customize your guns to change their stats, even make new guns. There was a glitch in this system that let you put any parts together. It allowed you to make all kinds of cool shit. unfortunately this was patched out so this gunsmithing segment is super limited.

Get Dark Souls 3 no matter what, I just finished the deluxe edition and it's the only one worth it on that list thank you

>One Way Heroics and Helen's Mysterious Castle
Based. Explore every fucking where in the latter, there's plenty of shit to miss and a major missable in particular

Why add more garbage to your backlog?

nice, Workshop is good to have.
I also forgot
>Dispatcher is a Protoss dude
>Ship is like Crysis and Ikaruga crossed
campy but nice

it's not on sale but should i get pic related?

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Kill yourself

Anyone know if there is going to be DQXI Definitive Edition for PC or it's save to buy DQXI right now?

Isn't there fog when you fully strip people?

The only games I want to buy are ones that are still too expensive.

What the hell why would you pay that for FO4 and gta?

what am I in for?

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Is Obra Dinn any good or just artsy hipster shit?

>Gensokyo Night Festival
Overpriced, unoptimized, short
Overpriced for how long it is
>Senran Kagura
Cringe, 7Even is Cuckstation 4 exclusive
>Dynasty Warriors
Omega cringe, play better game

There, just saved you $50

that seems cool (& OP at the same time). kind of sad i missed that. maybe can be solved by mods? If that's a thing in this game

What should get the axe?

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yeah just remember that the tower defense aspect is minimal. I don't think you get much other than fences and a few towers, but it's been a while since I've played it. The campaign wasn't that long either if I remember, so you might want to get the two $1 campaigns with it.

9/10 waifu

Its neat. You have to like reading and detective shit to really enjoy it though. I watched my wife play through it all.

Fog's there for every release to my knowledge. I thought you meant censored as in the Sony Ethics Department covering the game. Just look up some gameplay on PC.

Enslaved fucking sucks, I left a negative review after finishing game