
Preorders for the vtuber game are up
post neps and vtubers

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Why doesn't nepnep cash in on the vtuber craze and become an R-18 eroge vtuber?

What's even the point of Blanc bonuses, give me more Noire smut!

what is this game

Console-tan threads the game! but somehow official and more autistic, even Chris Chan likes it

korone crazy dog

CH already has an official vtuber. She isn't very popular, but at least she has managed to stay alive for now.

A legit Nep vtuber channel would be a lot bigger for sure, but I don't think the voice actors would be up for the job.

i mean nep's seiyuu has an official youtube channel but watching an old 3DPD hag play video games is as boring as it sounds

*jaw drops*
*eyes pop out of head*
*tongue rolls out*
*picks up jaw*
*fixes eyes*
*rolls up tongue*
*buries face in ass*

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>CH already has an official vtuber
She's their official vtuber again?

I'm still miffed they made a crossover with this shit. Watching somebody else play a video game ought to be a crime.

I just hope the gameplay is decent
doesn't need to be great, just decent and not boring
I hope some of the subsystems have you do some kind of management stuff

Being a vtuber isn't all fun and games Yas Forumsros...
That was my first reaction too a few months back but then I started watching clips of hololive and nijisanji and few back down the vtuber rabbit hole
they're different from the old and busted kizuna ai era vtubers in that they feel more genuine and less rigid and less like actors and more like people and fellow shitposters
best to get into them now so you can enjoy the massive rush of upcoming doujins user

It's still all streaming to me. I'll admit Ai was kind of neat for a sec, and Kaguya Luna made me laugh with that screechy voice, but this shit's no different than the people who worship Fortnite players and camwhores. It's crazy to me people are too lazy to even play games, they've gotta have someone else do it for them.
Hope the game's good though, I can't handle another one like the Canadian game.

She's the official unofficial Vtuber of CH.
She also really could use more love, she's staying afloat but she isn't even in the VTuber themed game.
I think the bullying has just reached peak cruelty when her new co-host was literally just an imaginary friend she made up.

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Is it an actual mainline or another spinoff?

inb4 thread deleted again because of vtuber posting

Nep looks flatter than Blanc here.

Are the fresh jannies super anal? Seems like it.
meh never watched nobuhime so nothing of value was lost
some other vtubers should just quit already like that fossil YUA

fubukis older model is better then the new one

considering it was about 300+ posts of vtuber talk and only about 10 nep posts max makes sense
>implying it matters when all the other eceleb threads hit bump limit anyway

cute bulge

>Canadians make a Valkyrie Profile ripoff Nep game
>It's a broken/buggy mess that still costs 20x more than it's worth and it doesn't update
If the developers are white, they should not be allowed to work with a Japanese IP.

Super Neptunia RPG does not see enough hatred. How in the fuck does this game have a 9.0 on Steam?! The game was created around consoles and it's damn near unplayable on the PS4.

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>that kiss video
why the fuck am i smiling so hard jesus christ korone

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I've found most of the spinoffs don't get enough hate. I bought bother Cyberdimension and Canada's game at launch, and that shit stung. It's like they don't even try. The PS3 Nep 1 is more enjoyable than any of this shit.

>I'm actually about to pay $100 for a game I won't be able to play because lol EOP
Why am I so retarded?

Eceleb threads are fine, they need their own board.

I want to fuck the dog

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Thing is, in this case there already is a board for them and it's called /jp/, but they still keep leaking out of it.

user, this is the same site that still has Yas Forumstards ruining every board. Not to mention /sp/ soccer threads ending up on every board. /jp/ has very little influence anymore aside from /jpop/.

God I've wanted to mercilessly fuck Blanc for a decade

Neptubers when

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Man I hope never.

I want compa and the twins to have their own channels.

neptunia's a trash series with nothing but trash games
one just happening to be a trash ripoff of valkyrie profile in particular makes no difference

You don't want to see Histy playing Apex and Minecraft?

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