Neil Druckmann gives a speech
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why is he speaking like that?
Boomers are subhuman simps.
Don't care, hope dies of aids
its almost like
>sexy girls bad ugly dykes good
I am already mad enough fuck you.
>the left isn't ruining videoga-
Now you know everyone else feels, smashfag
I agree with only one point that he made in this video - about the notion that women in video games are usually portrayed in a similarily lazy pattern of "slim, sexy and exposed". Yet, it's not a misogynistic problem in my opinion, but the one that pertains to creativity in storytelling and worldbuilding, because in many ways this problem is tied to male characters as well when they're usually portrayed as muscular and handsome and whatnot.
Too long, too ADHD to read:
He's right about the lazy pattern in which female characters are made, but he's wrong calling it misogynistic, because male characters are also portrayed in a similarily boring way. Name how many "average Joe" characters there are in action games like Ethan in RE7. Very little.
Shocking, he also speaks like a daisy.
>I'm a male feminist
>I alone am granting myself total authority over what girls like
this never turns out well. simps like duckman make a mockery out of women. what do most women like? Kardashians, looking sexy, attention from hot guys, money, clothes, etc. I really don't think it's lesbians in a video game about killer plants. but it's not about girls, it's about duckman.
Hold up, is that a level-headed post? I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you to leave, user.
He's Jewish
Well that explains everything
Imagine being a man and saying women who are sexually attractive are bad role models. What a massive faggot.
Not because he's gay, but because he's putting down attractive women
>Remember girls, if you're pretty, no one should respect or look up to you!
Fucking die fuckfag
yo this image kinda reminds me of Evangelion
Atractive women need to be put in their place desu, every 18 year old has an onlyfans.
Good vs bad role models according to Neil. Ones stunning and brave, the other is just a sexualized piece of meat with no redeeming qualities. Maybe if Cortana tied someone up and beat them to death with a golf club she could be considered a good role model too.
I now believe that Neil got denied some pussy and now is on a revenge path.
Why does he sound like he's about to cry?
Fuck twitter
How is a game where only women get infected misogynistic? I'd ask if he thought Y The Last Man was misandrist but I'm sure I'd get some non-answer about why its different just because its men, or better yet Children of Men misogynistic? I really don't get his point.
>Randomly click forward in the video
>"Because it's misogynistic"
I got all the information I need.
He talks like a fag, and his shit's all retarded
>claims to want to create games with good female role models
>creates a game where a roided out chimp beats a pregnant woman half to death
Bravo Druckmann
They exist for porn.
This is why you go after shy girls because they don't do shit like this.
>women in video games are usually portrayed in a similarily lazy pattern of "slim, sexy and exposed"
But that is how women want to be portrayed. For reference, look at erotic novels that are bought almost exclusively by female readers.
Most of the onlyfans accounts belong to pretty average girls. Just like irl
>This is why you go after shy girls because they don't do shit like this.
> “This is only true for trans people. A trans woman can’t naturally grow large breasts, and not all trans people can afford implants. If you see a game where the women are a little less curvy, it’s not to because the game designers are worried about receiving backlash for sexualising women, it’s because they are worried about offending the trans community.”
Fuck this kike
So if you were against misogyny and bad role models for women then WHY THE FUCK would you come up with an androgynous woman that murdered an old man and almost murdered a young homosexual woman along with a pregnant bisexual woman? That just comes off like an attack against LGBT people. The cold savagery displayed cannot be a good example. Worse still that you decided not to sexualize Abby, she's worse than the sexualized women you brought up as examples. You just come off like a hypocrite through and through.
Pretty much. It's less of a problem with misogyny and lack of diversity, more of a problem with lack of creativity. It's cookie cutter templates for most characters, man or woman.
50 Shades of Gray features an average Joe woman, so I don't think that's true.
If I make a game, I'm going to make it in any way I want. I don't give a fuck if I offend trannys, fags, any race or ethnicity. I want people to stop being giant pussies. Why is the gaming industry run by giant pussies now?
Yeaah about that
Here I thought the white knights all died off. Leave it to the Jews, huh?
tHaNk yOu fOr hELpiNg cReAtiNG mE, aNitA.
Brutally murder old men and attempt to murder pregnant women. Stunning and brave.
So Hatred?
>Play good ol' vidya games to escape fucked up reality.
>Fucked up reality jumps in your dear ol' vidya games.
Wat to do
because videogames are consumed mostly by heterosexual men and big ttities and nice butts sell
What the fuck is wrong with your proportions now Asuka
What kind of role model is Ellie or Abby, they both seem like violent amoral revenge driven cunts
>Why is the gaming industry run by giant pussies now?
Everything is like that nowadays: music, books, movies, games, politics, etc, and the media keeps pushing and pushing it, punishing, cancelling whoever talks against it what HUGE power must want things to be like? I always was facinated by conspiracy theories, found then amusing like trying to understand a madman, BUT more and more I start to believe something like a New World Order is true, a fucking GLOBAL conspiracy.
Boomers are the most cockless suckups to women you'll ever encounter, they're pathetic.
I now got it. If a women is sexy, it's sexist. If a women is ugly it's no longer, here it comes, sexist, because she isn't sexy. I have figured it out guys!
Can we just gas all the kikes already?
>I know what makes women look bad, trust me guys I'm a misogynist
Ngl tlou is the only thing ive seen that goes this far theres plenty of other games out there user
>sonygroes claim this faggot as their lord
what a bunch of pussy ass cucks
That moment he paused for laughs/a reaction but got none.
Stop supporting nips and mutts. Simple as that.
we we are pushed down what me must do is rise
AAA publishers are pushing progressive shit on every hole.
There's still good vidya coming from asia and east europe.
None, because female in general aren't good role models.
Neil Druckmann is merely doing the piss-poor model of character creation that is oh-so rampant in movies and comics lately. The model where he tells and doesn't show. If he doesn't want female characters to be based around their appearance, he could make a female character where their appearance is obscured or made trivial. Instead, he went with making androgynous freaks, that are supposed to be brave statements.
Lazy? Maybe in some cases like Quiet (classic Kojimbo pretentious shit) but when the tone of the game is push to allow it (Cortana's design as a woman is nice since most of the Halo universe iconography is mostly alien and space marines, she represents wisdom and the soft but wise side of humanity) and DoA is mostly ecchi shit you dont have to try.
Also its deeply disrespectful to call something from a coworker "lazy" (even when it is). He speaks like a pretentious art faggot.