Pick one Yas Forums
Pick one Yas Forums
i want to fuck the orange haired woman
Card games are the worst to balance. Power creep is real
Stop thinking with your dick for a second you god damn horny monkey.
Valve method is objectively the most fun method
Valve, fuck blizzard and riot
Give super speed to the one with the short stick
Valve way. There’s a reason MW2 multiplayer is still considered the best so many years later
Oh look it’s that ESL faggot that steals all of his jokes from Yas Forums and his “characters” from OC creators like cap-tan.
Fucking neck yourself you 9fag tier piece of shit.
Who hurt you user?
Of those 3? Valve.
Would rather PVE though.
The Wargaming way. Nerf if non-Russian. Ignore if Russian.
It was me.
Valve. Everyone gets cheated by a lol hax.
riot way best way
Yas Forumstards love to suck valves dick so they claim the dota way is the best, but the reality is that all three styles have their pros and cons.
Nobody hurt me, nerfnow is just the biggest thieving piece of shit webcomic since CAD
If everybody is OP, no one is.
Valve's method is the best solution.
just that the dota way has more pros than cons
>Blizzard's method
>Having any fucking pros
Cry more, tranny.
If the larger sword requires more skill to use then its justified to be more powerful than the short sword, otherwise nerf it.
Valve way
Its objectively the best way to run game balancing and is one of the reasons why their games survive so fucking long
Riot way in competitive gameplay.
Valve way in non-competitive gameplay.
valve, too bad it doesnt make games anymore, and they made the games it had ""balanced"" because of "muh MLG scenery"
Valve obviously.
> Anonymous 04/30/20(Thu)17:53:35 No.505914151▶
>File: 1575767577811.jpg (94 KB, 800x802)
I hate to say it, but Blizzard way makes for the most fun experience, as long as you're the one who keeps playing the OP guy.
the first one has no pros since blizzard is a company run by retarded monkeys
Completely fake photoshopped, anti-trans propaganda
Of course it is hon.
I would ask you the meaning of life but you can not count that high.
Orange girl is cute, i wanna see her feet
isn't league super unbalanced?
like half the heroes are bad and you get flamed if you pick them?
valve way is the based way
>tfw valve turned into riot