Aerith's flippers are doing things to me and I'm NOT into feet

Aerith's flippers are doing things to me and I'm NOT into feet.
Is anybody else still playing the remake after beating the story?

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Dear god why are people on here so misogynistic? It's disgusting, including the so called "feminists" (aka sexual predators trying to get close to women) on here. Stop sexualising women okay? It's unhealthy and anti-social. Thanks.

Yeee, but not as much as I did the original playthrough. I'm trying to figure out whether or not hard mode is bullshit, and right now I'm leaning towards "mostly fair"

Also, Aerith's feet do not elicit a reaction to me. I think you just discovered something about yourself

Aeriths flippers
Belong in my lippers

Dangerously based

I haven't even played it and I can't stop watching Aerith and Tifa's scenes.

>You just """"discovered something about yourself""""

Fuck off Jew Fetish is mental illness and feet are top of its dung heap

Face > Legs > Midriff > Clavicle/Neck Combo > Ass > Boobs >>>>>>>>>> Feet

I already finsihed both hard and normal
great game

>Is anybody else still playing the remake after beating the story?
No? Why the fuck would? There is nothing there to do.

Aerith has a cute face

>Ass that low
This is the most hipster opinion I've ever seen

user that's a good thing

Flipping her flappers on my bapper

based chairman

Every prostitute I fuck, I must get a footjob or at least kiss her feet otherwise it feels like I didnt fuck the girl properly.

you like feet but you haven't embraced it yet

she looks liek she smells good

Yes this is the based department calling for Mr. user.

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She canonically smells of flowers

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It's so weird to me that there are self-proclaimed heterosexual men who are only attracted to small portions of the female body instead of the whole thing.

He's not sexualizing women, just their humongous feet.

I'm not saying you have to be a full-blown footfag, but if you can't at least appreciate a nice footpussy you are a low-T soi faggot.

I want Aerith's feet around my waist in a leg lock while I fuck her silly

t. Cloud

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Ass+Hips+Legs+Feet (The GOAT Combo) >>>>>>>> Everything else

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how does anyone have cute feet? footfags, explain yourselves, what the fuck makes a foot "cute"

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Lips = Ass > the rest

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I knew a girl who had somewhat unusually long feet and long toes to help offset. Shit made my dick diamonds back in middle school. Problem was she was a little crazy (on top of being a bit of a butterface), so, you know, effectively unfuckable. And I was 13, so, there was that.
In hindsight, I should've went for it, consequences be damned.

yandere is best dere.
they say dont stick your dick in crazy but always stick your dick in crazy devoted.

Shape, smoothness, and softness.

long feet are the best. I would've went for it and not even care about the consequences

Me and Cloud are so alike haha

>Aeris wears those stupid heeled sandals that gooks love
>Tifa wears proper high heel shoes

Tifa proving herself as best girl yet again.

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If she's so best how come she don't give me my money

t. Cloud

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I dunno, I'm not a footfag, but at the same time I definitely recognize a nasty foot when I see it. Crooked toes, bunions, crusty calluses. It stands to reason that a cute foot is the opposite of all that.

Though we all know better, having been exposed to footfags for so long on here, that they have no fucking standards whatsoever and just jizz their pants over any foot they lay their eyes on.

I don't remember, does Tifa get an extended scene with Marlene like the one(s) Aerith gets with her? I feel like Square is about to make the meme about Tifa only being about Cloud a reality.

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Because she's stronger than you and she knows it. What are you going to do about it?

>tfw popular girl in history asked if she could put makeup on you
>also had kinda long feet
>was blonde with green eyes instead of brunette
>I thought being aloof and cool was the right idea


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Reminder that this song is confirmed to be from Cloud to Aerith.

I would be lost, drifting alone
Floating up high, time after time
And there you'd be, shining brightly
Your smiling face, to guide my way

Bloody and bruised, brought to my knees
When beaten down, when broken up
You would appear, reach out to me
Heal every wound, and make me whole

Was it all a dream? Will I never know?
Foolish and blind, to everything
Had I realized, had I thought it through
Would you be here, in my embrace?

Shine bright, once more
Guide me, to you
Smile bright, once more
This time, I will never let you go

With your every smile, hiding something more
Dark mysteries, lurking beneath
But I was consumed, with this emptiness
This selfishness, this void to fill

Hear me, once more
Show me, your smile
This time, for sure
I'll see, the truth hidden inside your tears

But I, I know
That you're, long gone
But I, I will
Go on, howling and hollow

File a complaint.

>Was it all a dream? Will I never know?
gave it away imo

is our boy gonna have angst about if he really loved her? Is he gonna be too retarded that his angst answers that question?

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>They don't want to worship the female figure-- all of it-- with their tongue

Begone with ye, barely-men of a lower respectable level. Begone and stay gone.

>This time, I will never let you go
Atta-boy Cloud!


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tifa's dress is totally inappropriate and unprofessional. We do need to do something