Game introduces a weak character to the party

>game introduces a weak character to the party
>cant really do much at first
>train them up out of curiosity
>they become the best character in the game
love this trope bros.

Attached: tumblr_opiz21j5hM1rdlq9lo1_500.jpg (500x706, 110.85K)

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Has the fire emblem franchise ever done this? I can think of some characters that start out mediocre and turn into monsters very quickly, and many that start out shit and end up as shit, but none that starts out as weak yet turn out good after a significant investment.

Donnel(FE13) and Mozu(FE14)?

Ross from FE8.



>he uses Ests

Attached: default_Portrait_pent_fe07.png (420x480, 166.5K)

Hell yeah I hate LTCers and love fun!

Donnel is the same as any awakening unit in that he can grow strong if you feed him exp, except he doesn't get galeforce, takes way more effort than anyone else, and his final stats suck. So no.

Mozu has some unique class options in conquest that make her an interesting option but even after her slow start a trained mozu is not going to be as strong as xander, camilla, or corrin.

Ross isn't terrible but even after going through all that training he's significantly worse than gerik.

Close to what I'm looking for since she starts terrible and training her is a huge waste of time, but she's worth deploying if you actually do go through all that effort. Though Pent is still better.

No way, best case scenario is you get a second Louise and Louise isn't even good.

I still use a lot of these units, it's just a shame that (as far as I know) FE hasn't properly executed this supposed trope even once in its history.

Green hair is ugly

As long as a unit is locked to 2 range it can never be good because it can only kill 1-2 enemies per turn.
A strong character with a 1-2 range weapon (tome, javelin) will counterattack and kill every single unit who attacks them and thus can kill dozens of enemy units during an enemy turn. Even a character with 1 range can kill dozens of enemy units that are coming at them with 1-range weapons.
However 2-range characters will be attacked point blank by 1 range characters and 1-2 range characters, and it's hard to ever find a big group of 2-range characters, or to barely get into the range of multiple 1-2 range characters.
What this means is javelin Lowen will kill 1 guy on his enemy turn and 10 guys on enemy turn, while rebecca will probably take 11 turns to kill the same number of enemies For this fundamental reason, archers are shitty in just about every FE game barring 3houses where they were buffed to shit.
However I do like that both Rebecca and Dart are fire affinity, so if you support them they both give each other damage and crit chance, so they become offensive powerhouses. This seems to be one of the best ways of killing Kishuna on his first appearance.

Just to clarify I'm not even a low turncount fag, it's just bad in general to leave enemies alive so long
1. they surround your sniper so she can't move.
2. they're repeatedly attacking the sniper and most snipers in FE don't have good bulk.
3. It pulls a large number of fully healthy enemies towards your main army, rather than a bunch of weakened ones, so it's not even great for helping your squishy units level up

Actually on the very first map that you get her: If you unequip all of your tanks then have them block off the bridges and then have Nino kill every enemy that comes your way: it quickly becomes evident that she's an absolute beast at dodge-tanking so you can just send her by herself (with a guiding ring, and enough fire tomes and elixirs, of course) to solo an onslaught of 100 goons and she'll reach level 20 soon enough for you to promote her. It doesn't take that much effort to make her leagues ahead of Pent in sheer power.

I really need to play FE7 again and shoot footage of it.

>As long as a unit is locked to 2 range it can never be good because it can only kill 1-2 enemies per turn.
>A strong character with a 1-2 range weapon (tome, javelin) will counterattack and kill every single unit who attacks them and thus can kill dozens of enemy units during an enemy turn.
Only if the game is absurdly easy. Play FE12 lunatic reverse, archers are great since they deal huge effective damage to dracoknights and flying dragons, they have high speed so they double stuff, they can attack 1-range enemies without taking a counter, they can counterattack 1-2 range enemies by staying on the edge of their range, etc.

>lowen will kill ten guys on enemy phase with a javelin
do you play eliwood normal mode or something?

Things like 1-2 utility actually become significantly more important in Hector Hard Mode.
Because of the way stats work in fire emblem, a single unit with good stats (e.g. a high level or jeigan) is astronomically better in combat than even half a dozen evenly-leveled units. Most high level FE units become dodge-tanks who take 0-3 damage per hit even if they're not that kind of class. I just picked lowen because he's a cavalier and they can use javelins but I could have used any peg or paladin or magic unit or handaxe unit or whatever else. Being able to be a single unit capable of beating a large number of attackers is unbelievably useful.

Have you ever looked at Lowen's stats? He's actually a good candidate for the most durable unit in the game.

there isnt a single section of hector hard mode where an average lowen is 1 rounding 10 enemies with a javelin

There is if you feed him, that's my point. One 1-2 unit getting every kill is going to be significantly better than 6 units getting kills evenly.

the question is why would i train characters to become powerhouses when I have a decent enough character who's ready to go at recruitment time.

Most of endgame, if you use lowen, though I've always preferred sain

>game introduces an experienced fighter/mercenary type guy
>great, well-rounded base stats
>growths keep him strong the whole time
>even gets a 1-2 range weapon when he promotes
Why has ISIS been shitting on mercs/heroes so hard lately, while sucking off myrmidons/swordmasters?

Attached: raven crit.gif (480x320, 481.59K)

>using only one of each class
you aren't a moron, right user?

the question is why would you involve yourself with Fire Emblem past 12. Just ignore the rest.

I like Raven but both Gerik and Dieck are much better examples of that. Raven's got crazy attacking stats and bad bulk and joins at a comparatively low level.
Shoutouts to Ike for literally being an Ogma lord.

durability isn't going to make him kill 10 units on enemy phase

Okay so Lowen takes 2-3 turns to kill 10 enemies when Rebecca still takes 10. And Rebecca can still be surrounded which makes her unable to kill the last 4. The fact remains that snipers suck in GBA because being 2-range-locked sucks. Stat wise the snipers aren't even too bad but being locked to bows is somehow worse than being locked to swords.
I do think there's a time and place for everything though. There are spots and maps where a sniper is useful. But almost always you can just give one of your existing units a hand axe and save yourself ever having to train a sniper.

i wasn't advocating for rebecca, just pointing out that lowen isn't gonna be killing 10 units just from being durable

Point taken. I'm just saying that some characters need help and others are self-sufficient.

I had the Raven picture on hand so I just posted that, but yeah I was thinking of the Ogma archetype in general.

Oh, this is what I was talking about. As you can see: There's loads of enemies vulnerable to magic that come down from the Northwest so you can train with Nino. Once you promote her: she's a lot of fun, although I have no clue how her natural final stats at 20-20 compare to Pent's or Erk's.

Can you do this in hector hard mode if your units (other than nino) haven't been grinded to high levels?

sara from FE5, but she’s arguably broken from the get go. The best example is Tear Ring Saga’s Narron, who genuinely starts out poorly but actually becomes really powerful.

Attached: adfhdfh.gif (500x449, 78.47K)

I thought of those but Sara is a staffbot and she's ready to staffbot from the getgo. Narron isn't any worse than kreiss/arkis/estelle even before promotion and it only takes about 2 chapters to get him to promotion. Another similar example is Homer in FE5 but he takes less than one chapter to become a monster.
There's also Sasha from TRS who starts out REALLY bad but becomes pretty good after she gets her promotion item, but that's more about the promotion item than your effort in training her and she's stuff worse than other fliers.

This do it for you?

Attached: 0253113bfae5ab9ff8b805d430e9acf2.jpg (472x591, 48.83K)

Narron is technically “worse” than your other starting cavs as you have to miss Lee and the Defense Staff just to recruit him early. Alternatively, you recruit him late and don’t get Lionel.