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>Ellie looks like the lesbian that runs Scotland.
>Gets choked out by a chad.
What did Naughty Dog mean by this?

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This meme is retarded, her dogface girlfriend isn't even present during the fight.

I clapped when my expectations were subverted!

Nah, you see her head smashed against the floor in that same room after the fight. They don't kill her though


That dykes don't really know what they truly want and need sense bashed into their skulls

This is from fight 2, the "final boss". IF this wasn't a photoshop it makes no sense to have them both say "don't kill her" during the same fight.

Unironically based. Fuck fangirls.

Surprised this thread is still up


So there are two fights and Ellie gets wrecked in both?

Hey remember the time Ellie actually have a cute romance moment between her and Riley from way back then. Good time, good times.


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>This is from fight 2, the "final boss"
That's the same fight. They only have 1 fight really. The full thing is in that long 1+ hour video, you see they're only fighting in that red room

Ellie looks like the underdog to me why is she the final boss

Hey remember when Ellie wasn't a lesbian

We know, Neil. We know.

Honestly that felt cute and unforced. Just kids playing around. And then they had to make her a full on dyke

>Jason the Sony shill is already running around squashing rumors
>Claiming every post is fake due to his insider knowledge
>covering for Naughty Dog when Sonys PR isnt even trying
>Screaming that the PS5 reveal is right around the corner

why is this dude out in full force trying to save the face of a company who actively fucks their employees over? is it because hes a jew?

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No I don't because the DLC was shit and the precise moment that Naughty Dog went from being on life support to being officially dead.

This image is lewd

Fuck you and that faggot DLC, retard.

No, I remember when Ellie specifically stole a porn magazine with naked dudes on them, you know the time where she was never meant to be a lesbian.

It's because they're on his side of the culture war. Yep it's that simple. Americans are mentally ill


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is that paul mccartney?

She wasn't a lesbian in that DLC either. I played it without any outside knowledge and it didn't come of as lesbian to me. Kids play around, there's nothing to it. It's not the story of children discovering their sexuality, that would be creepy as fuck. It's just a story of two kids playing around

>kills joel
>smashes the jews face
>smashes the lesbians face
give me 1 reason why abby isnt /our/ girl

Could someone link the Leaks?



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Sure, that’s what Neil was also telling himself

But Joel was based

but what if the rumors are false and this billion-dollar corporation has to handle a weeks worth of bad PR?!?!

Seeing Ellie struggle and squirm, and helplessly flail at her attacker as her windpipe gets crushed, the life and fight In her getting squeezed out - I'm starting to get fetishes I always thought I was above getting. Maybe it's because she's a lesbian?

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Who's jason? I wanna see what autism i'm missing

abby's too much of a uggo. she either needs to be hotter or a full man for me to feel anything

Surprisingly, I can fap to this

While playing around with himself

based tranny btfoing lesbians

Why didn't abby attempt to throw and mount her if she's actually attempting to kill Ellie here?

that can't be real

The white male is killed.
Ellie and her girlfriend aren't killed.
I wonder why...

same reason ellie got a knife swing in but didn't go for the neck- despite that being the sole place she always stabbed in the first game.

Jesus Christ Neil calm down

No, for you

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holy cow those faces

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>i didn't want to make a misogynistic game -neil cuckman

ellie does die and her lesbo gf tho
the tranny is new mc

Making it too obvious right now, Discord

>laughs in Days Gone


Is this new? Is there streamable?

>Record scratch
>Freeze frame
Yep that's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation. Well let's just say it turned out me and Joel weren't exactly the last of us. But let's start from the beginning.

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Do you think they choked the mocap actress in order to get such realistic choking faces? Do you think Druckmann did the choking himself?

It's in the thread you fucking retard

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nothing about this game seems fun

>No Joel
>No Cunny
>No zombies
They take the last from us

Can someone just post all of the leaked info?

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>It all started when I couldn't sleep for the third night in a row as I listened to Jesse plowing Dina in the next room

>she's The Last of Us 2
Please tell me that isn't real. No one would actually put that in the script, would they?

DMCA-resistant mirror of the full leak

A kike covers for another kike

>VHS rewinds
>starts playing on the Joel death scene
Woah nononono this is not the start, keep going!
>VHS keep rewinding

>they described it as a pretty good place to work except for the unreasonable conditions
stopped reading there

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Can someone do an edit with that s o y guy in the corner cooming over it.

>and then she say the line

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She even fucking raises the knife into the camera when they could have panned to the side to reveal her drawing the knife, If they wanted Ellie to stab her way out of a choke without killing her opponent theres so many ways to convey that, while maintaining the illusion they're actually both going for the kill.

>tranny vs female prison interactions

This is the most one sided fight I've ever seen, if this is presented as a boss fight its going to be an absolute beat down on some skinny girl you have 100lbs over

I remember Yas Forumsfags sperging out about it

so again, he knows nothing but has suspicions and is pulling out some random new information that covid workers got paid extra?

dude is acting as a PR mouth piece and i want to see the receipts

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God I can't believe how bad this game looks. I mean it looks like a technical marvel, but holy fuck I can't believe that this is what hundreds of people and unlimited budget amounted to. Without bias of convincing yourself to like it, I have no idea how the FUCK anyone could be happy with Abby, playing as her, or what happens from what we've seen. Fuck this game. TLOU1 was great, Yas Forums just seethes because it's a Sony game. It's one of the few great RE4 clones that actually got it right and had astonishing characters with Joel and Ellie. NO FUCKING PERSON wants to play as Abby and kill them brutally. I know Ellie doesn't die, but nobody wants to do this

because he didn't get the scoop on the leak first so now he's taking their side
guy literally has double standards and has leaked shit before and is even why bethesda and ubisoft blacklisted kotaku

Isn't that the guy who moaned and bitched about "incels" yet when he met up with some streamer IRL he acted like the cringiest fucktard alive and even disgusted her out when patting her back or some shit like that?

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Based. No wonder Discord liars are so mad.

Wonder how much they're paying him

>"The leaker wasn't even an employee"
Oh sure, some random dude just snuck into the offices and leaked the full fucking build.

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