When did you stop enjoying video games and play only out of habit?

When did you stop enjoying video games and play only out of habit?

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Probably at age 14 or 15 or so.

never because i'm not a fag

When do you stop reposting this shit thread ?

>Maybe you should try getting a job

hey would anyone like to come to my house and cum in my asshole

When I played COD because of friends who weren't really friends and no interesting games came out.

>You talking to me?

I do not even play out of habit, I play because I need escapism, and I don't want to do drugs or watch TalmudVision. I think I stopped enjoying them about 6 years ago.

I still enjoy them, but my tastes are much narrower. Looking forward to the new Record of Lodoss game, for instance.

The moment I got my PC and started obsessing over how many hours I put into a game because of steam hours tracking, that's when I couldn't play for fun anymore.

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that dog looks cozy

i started taking music production making seriously around 2017 and thats when i stopped playing vidya frequently

That has never happened to me.

I never stopped enjoying vidya but I feel bad for doing it when I have unfinished project lying around. I usually drop vidya completely for one or two months and then start playing more when I fall into creative coma again.

when I started streaming

I'm turning 30 soon and I've yet to experience the kind depression and lack of motivation and interest in their hobbies people describe.

That's a pretty silly reason to stop enjoying games, did you never play any game that tracked your time before steam?

Around the time developers started pandering downward. If I'm lucky I'll find something maybe once a year that puts a smile back on my face, but otherwise I'm awash in a sea of trash that I'd never even dream of playing.

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Okay, where?

MGSV was the last game I truly enjoyed playing. 2015 as a whole actually.
>Hunie Pop
>TF2 still got updates
Now I sit here for 12 hours a day.

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Dont you guys ever replay games you enjoyed before?
I just played kingdom hearts on ps2 and put 30 hours into it and had a ton of fun

I'm 32 and I still enjoy video games. You zoomers just have burned out dopamine receptors from jerking off to porn since you were 10.

unironically based user

the problem is a lot of people feel guilt and even resentment towards video games because despite being their hobby or passion, they feel like they have missed parts of their life or failed because of them, they dont have healthy views on most things in their lives

>every year gets worse and worse for games
When will this trend end?!! Every e3 I hope that next year is when it will get better and then next year its even more shit. Last year sony didnt come then this year the whole thing is cancelled.

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Imagine coming to a video game board every day and not even enjoying video games.

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It's a good thing there's already mountains and mountains of good games out there to play

im not a zoomer so ive played everything i wanted to play

>Why are you locked in the bathroom?


I still enjoy them but only the ones I enjoyed back then and indies that scratch the same itches.
Haven't started liking a new genre since 2012

I'm sure you have only the greatest of taste in vidya user.

a man without meaningful purpose in life is not a man at all

So play some stuff you werent interested in trying before, you never know what's fun until you try it

after p5

Taste is subjective so yes

now maybe you can calm down and tell me about the mole people

10 years ago

You're just a late bloomer. It'll come for you too

user if I hit 30 without even a hint of what you're describing, I don't think it's coming for me.

When I started hanging around Yas Forums

I didn't really stop liking vidya. I only started to be more selective of the games I buy and play. A lot changed in the last 24 years - you can't blindly buy games anymore.

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I do.



You'll see

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