Fuck the game leaks, when are they gonna leak her giant milkers?!?!
Fuck the game leaks, when are they gonna leak her giant milkers?!?!
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Call me when there's feet leaks.
I'd have consensual heterosexual sex in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation with the lights off with her.
If you know what I mean
Can you dumb that down a little
why are there so many god damn coomer posts on this board
its bad enough that the weebs do it constantly, why the fuck are you piling on?
Have you seen her tits?
meh, her big hands bother me more
I understand. Yet I must say you must be equally ugly to consider racemixing with a bastard pig race
show them
fpbp based feetchad
I want those tits in my mouth RIGHT NOW
what race is this?
I'm half palestinian half jewish
Same here user. We can suckle at those breasts together
she needs to be colonized
Theyre not THAT big user, they're pretty average for mediterranean area, also she's wearing a bra and a shirt that emphasizes their size
But yes, wouldnt mind testing what her milk tastes like
could have just said "yeah"
>I'm half palestinian half jewish
So full Arab then.
Khazar Jew judging from those tits.
I wish user
>t. doesn't know how bras work
i never had sex bros and i'm 29
I think the fact that ND made them smaller in the game makes the real ones bigger in my mind.
We could toast each other with her breastmilk
She’s Italian IIRC
cringe af
>laughs at how britain took over some countries
>probably gets mad at muh immigrants
tit for tat
My mistake. It's just her ancient Roman genes at work then.
How do game devs approach people like this?
I went out of my way to look for her YT channel because >coomer, and she's like a complete fucking normie
>LOL haha so random XD
so how do the "muh realism" assholes that hate big tits on characters respond to this. the real actor had at least 2x bigger tits
Why did they reduce her breast size again? Seems like a complete waste of time to make natural breasts smaller when your company uses a shitton of mo-cap and is going for more realistic games. God help us if Kat Dennings ever gets put into vidya she’ll be as flat chested as a 10 year old boy.
She's not ugly. He prominent nose makes her more average looking, but her face is perfectly fine and her giant gazongas make up for it even more.
They audition like anyone else unless youre plastered everywhere from the getgo like Troy Baker or Laura Bailey.
Thank god her shit got leaked.
Fuck the devs. All their feminism bullshit and they defeminize them to appeal to the tranny crowd.
>make it more realistic
>we didn't want to offend booblets
>Why did they reduce her breast size again?
The physics to bounce her giant tits was dropping frame rate to less than 10 fps in some areas.
>get's full of immigrants
Get fucked. You already apologised.
I agree.
I was trying to understand the previous comment. I actually don't mind certain women with beaks. Sometimes it makes them more attractive to me.
would be weird if theyput those mocap balls on her boobs right haha
wow, good thing they removed it- halfing the framerate is a major issue
god i wish i were her
>13.8 percent foreign born britbongs in 2011
I wonder what the census for them will be in 2021.
Same reason they made her shoulders square and non feminine
I'm a selfish scumbag with no morals so I think marrying in to the chosen people would be a great advantage for my kids.
Why would you want to be a woman with a tiny forehead, a drooping septum on a huge nose that takes up 50% of her face, and have huge sagging brown tits? Uh, cringe?!
whats bigger, her nose or her milkers?
I wasn't sure but she reminded me of someone, maybe not 100% but turns out she kind of reminds me of Cynthia from Malcolm in the Middle.
>not lesbian
>Sometimes it makes them more attractive to me.
True that. It's better to have an unconventionally striking feature like a big nose on an average looking woman than it is for her to just be average looking and not have anything special about her.
She has fake tits now, and dated Jeff Goldblum.
Someone understands!
Apparently getting a nose job ruined Dirty Dancing girls career.
she looks really soft and smooth, with gentle curves in all the right places.
I';d love for her to ride me as I lick sweat off of her nipples.