The Last Gaurdian

Just as haunting and powerful as Ico or SotC.
Buried under an ocean of pseudointellectual indie bullshit that Ueda unwittingly "inspired".


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was very good, underrated, makes me mad when people complain about the main gimmick of the game because it shows how little patience and common sense they have.

Huge letdown

ICO and SotC did it better.

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I thought ICO was a piece of shit and SOTC was a masterpiece. This one looks more like ICO to me.

get a job NEET

An absolute mess in terms of performance but a remaster on PS5 or PC would be absolute kino. TLG and Death Stranding are the only two high IQ filter games this generation.



Ico is a onetrick studio and they are not very good at it.
Only praised because sonyroaches have no standards and need to suck exclusive cock.

I found SotC amazing but Ico was a bit of a drag, there are some beautiful vistas but the puzzles are kind of a letdown and the Yorda protection got repetitive.

Ico did nothing better, this is a perfect evolution of Ico's ideas. SotC is a different game entirely, it's a game that the donkeybrained low IQs can enjoy. Unlike Ico and TLG, those are high IQ only games

>Ico is a onetrick studio

They're the only one doing the trick though.
Its their prerogative.

I like ICO more than SOTC personally because the latter was just running around emptiness (beautiful emptiness but still emptiness) while ICO was constantly pushing forward and had me thinking through the puzzles. I liked TLG more than SOTC for the same reason. I guess the boss battles just weren't enough for me. I also have much more innate empathy and concern for a child than a dipshit adult knowingly making a deal with the devil.

>knowingly making a deal with the devil
Dormin isn't necessarily evil though.

Do we know anything about what Ueda is working on next?

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That might be the issue, I felt nothing for Yorda and saw her as an obstacle, which is probably what developers were hoping not to do since I've heard that same mindset can ruin The Last Guardian. Dunno how I'm supposed to change it though, I just wasn't connecting.

You should see her as the qt cunny bunny that she is

one of the greatest games I've ever played no doubt. My favorite of Ueda's games by a long mile. that fucking ending had me in tears.


It was almost a self-parody of Ueda's style and direction. Plagued with "playable cutscenes" which are completely antithetical to the philosophy of his games. Trico itself is just a piece of moving scenery that carries you from one setpiece to the next; there's no meaningful way to interact with him because whether you treat him well or badly it makes no difference; the "show" must go on.

You can take a guess.
>Epic Games Publishing Announces Partnerships with gen DESIGN

not enough black guys

made me nauseous and i never finished it. In fact i'm leaving thread now cause im sure someone will spoil it

anyone who cries over a videogame should be shot and your body shipped back to plebbit in pieces

No game before or since has managed to recapture the dynamic between beast and man as TLG, and with such a beautifully realized and animated creature too. For that alone makes it in my top 10 vidya of all time.

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>Trico itself is just a piece of moving scenery that carries you from one setpiece to the next; there's no meaningful way to interact with him because whether you treat him well or badly it makes no difference; the "show" must go on
That's a lie. Every time somebody criticizes this game they always make up a lie about their dogcat's behavior.

>noooo don't spoil it
>wtf why would you cry over an ending
Ummm okay faggot

This game was in development hell for YEARS. By the time it actually dropped, nobody cared.

There's a part where the cat needed to jump up into a hole and it wouldn't fucking do it so I stopped playing

Trico jumps through many holes in the game.

It makes no difference. Trico may be more or less responsive but that only makes the already-janky gameplay more or less annoying. Trico never abandons you or hurts you for treating it badly.

absolute taste

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I saw a game called rime that had similar structure aesthetics like this game. I wonder if the puzzles in that game would've worked in this one, the puzzles were usually too simple in the game. Besides that they should've ironed out more bugs in the game's AI among other things.