*blocks your path*

>*blocks your path*
what do?

Attached: tlou2fix.jpg (320x220, 54.39K)

Fap to something else.

hide his HRT pills

knock her out because im a man and im stronger than her, obviously

sorry I don't play shitty video games

Would Tifa be able to beat Abby?

>blocks your preorder

Are you though?

shoot her I guess

Tifa has the power of god and anime on her side whereas Abby has the power of transness on hers.

no, not even sephi could
so abby wins

I'd fuck her. What else?

Attached: 1588293895549.jpg (1000x1000, 186K)

Only Nadine could defeat Abby.

Attached: nadine.jpg (1280x720, 91.32K)

So its a bad matchup for Tifa then. That's a shame but what can you do? Trans is top tier right now and honestly is ruining the meta.

why do these threads keep getting deleted?

Play a better game

Attached: 1588283112147.webm (1920x1014, 1.63M)

at least there's a good ending you can go for, but it's way too short


Tells her to do a Joel in one

Attached: bea.png (680x780, 1.02M)

DMCA notices probably. hiroshimoot is obligated to take them down or he'll be considered personally responsible for everything posted on the site. It's fucking retarded, but that's american civil law for you.


Attached: 1588026237924.webm (854x480, 2.9M)

get a boner

make her take the room temperature challenge

Attached: bQ8ZvQT.png (608x600, 229.63K)

she's a man too

Attached: 1344556878.png (900x675, 963.64K)

Possibly. I'd have to consult my progressive stack oppression chart to see if being black beats being a tranny in power levels.

Attached: PAIN.gif (200x200, 469.71K)

Ask her what 30 + 11 is.


purposefully misgender xer

Tell him that he’ll never pass.

Attached: E0BB8315-E2BE-420F-92AE-3EF509A22C94.jpg (689x680, 96.25K)

Get my head FOOORRREEEd by a golf club wielding tranny I guess.

The greatest meme Yas Forums will never know is false.