Game has 2 wikis

>game has 2 wikis

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_Souls_Wiki Souls Wiki Scrolls Online Wiki Hunter World Wiki

> Souls Wiki

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It has 1 pedia and 1 wiki
The fuck you talking

wiki is a generic term.

I just use the first one that shows up after I google "name of game" wiki.

>gamepedia getting cannibalized by fandom

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"Fandom" (read: Wikia) is absolutely abhorrent and shouldn't exist anymore.

Is there any particular reason for this, or is it just advertisers going after the same audience

>One of the wikis is very lacking on information
>The other was has much more information but it´s layout is eye cancer.

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>one is official
>the other one is trash, is outdated and was made by a youtuber to promote his channel

fextralife niggers are a blight. literally every single one of their wikis is inferior to the one that came before it.

fextralife on the bottom xD

>there are multiple wikis and they're all competing for attention because they want the dibs on the "ownership" of the information

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going back and forth between the Fire Emblem wikis gives me so much anxiety

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"Not invented here" mentality

Are they equally as shitty as fandom? Someone redpill me on them.

>Fandom wikis
>Fextralife wikis

I literally refuse to use any game wikis that are part of that shit and if they are the only option I get so fucking mad

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isn't half the info there just fan theories?

Wikis are usually better.
Wikia/Fandoms are fucking garbage.

watch this

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>including yogstation and paradise
those are dead servers and don't belong on the list of actual good servers fucking retard

come home white man

i don't have too much to say besides personal experience.
>seemingly out of no where fextralife wikis appear as the first result on every single game because they paid for it
>information is almost always wrong or non-existent if it's not ripped from another wiki
>autoplaying streams in the background
>has a fucking shit design in general

I haven't played ss13 in a while, did paradise actually die?

it's so fucking gay playing a game and then trying to look up something on the wiki on your phone and you're bombarded with 7 trillion ads

Zelda Wiki is much better

no idea but some tg died for a bit in the past few months, and i dont play with fucking furries so i've never touched paradise

>two Fire Emblem wikis
>the best source for FE info is actually Serenes Scrolls Online Wiki (the best one)

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To be fair, some shit does change between SS13 servers, even servers on the same codebase.

>>autoplaying streams in the background
this is what kills me the most, they do it so that they appear on the top of the viewerlist on twitch. they always have 20k viewers but a dead ass chat, it's pretty much legal viewbotting. fextralife is garbage and the dude who runs it is a scummy rat faggot

anything that breaks the mold of ____wiki/pedia is always the best choice. see: Hunter World Wiki (the best one)

my nigga

>one is based on fan-made lore

is it?

>both fire emblem wikis are routinely wrong and full of opinionated entries that are clearly biased
>the only good fe wiki is in spanish

>Unofficial Elder Scrolls Page
>The Elder Scrolls Wiki

>Dark Souls Wiki
>fextralife Dark Souls wiki

Fuck Fextralife so hard
All those faggot middle-school tier writers spouting their bullshit theories about shared universes and made-up characters, always posting links to their diarrhea scrawls on the bathroom wall to every goddamn article that’s even tangentially related
One motherfucker wrote a goddamn novella on Bloodborne’s Darkbeasts and halfway through started drawing on Demon Souls lore and real world mysticism, I mean what the fuck they’re literally just undead werewolves pull your head out of your ass before your stomach digests your thick fucking skull

wiki came before wikipedia
wikipedia is a wiki

What was exactly the reason for the namechange "Fandom"? I'm pretty sure there were more wikis that didn't relate to media.

whats the difference between the warhammer wikis?

dont forget the hilarious maymays
>hit the boss to kill it
>9001 HP!!!1!!

>Most of the wiki's pages are just lorem ipsum and a broken style guide.

Wikia sucks so badly. The ES Wikia is so inferior to the chad UESP that even Bethesda themselves refuse to use it. You know you have a god-tier wiki when you can get an interview with Todd Howard himself despite being completely unofficial and fan-run.

>game has a wikidot
feels good mane

You misspelt Wars of Dragons.