You ready for best girl in Part 2

You ready for best girl in Part 2

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Hopefully they just make her an NPC. Her arc is completely pointless.

This is not game related, this is just your waifu thread. Why are you alive?

Part 2 will be nothing but the flashback, part 3 will be the walk to the entrance of the cave with "did sephiroth do this?" as the ending. We may see Yuffie by part 5 though.

It doesn't look like the Wutai stuff is going to be optional anymore.

Going to Wutai is going to be mandatory but it will be nothing like the real game.

Most useless character in the game. I hope they give the player the option of having Cloud throw her ass at Sephiroth's sword to save Aerith. Also, they are going to have her pants zipped up since she is 16 years old and no time ghost can unzip them otherwise they would have removed Tifa's socks and sports bra and plumped up her thighs.


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Good chance they'll have her steal your materia in the beginning of part 2 similar to New Threat mod.

Why is she such a pit slut and why do I love it so much?

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I want to lick them

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Now janny go on and delete the thread

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She's always so sweaty and gross haha

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Anyone else getting the ad with the giant old lady titties?

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I'll let her steal my tongue

Come think of it she'll probably have a high steal chance for enemies.

Why is she so sweaty? She's a physically fit ninja.

Replaying the original now and she's honestly really annoying.

she stole something, my heart

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>Yuffie will steal all your items and materia only giving back lvl 1s back to fix the power creep
>everyone will hate her

It's not fucking fair bros ;_;

Yes. Yes, I am.

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I wonder if they're going to make her and Vincent optional/missable like in the original.

It's going to be a linear game with no world map, so Yuffie at least won't be missable

How else can you justify the stat reset?

I highly doubt it. Especially with the way they handled Sephiroth.

you ready for sora & yozora in "part 2"

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Cid Highwind is best girl, yes.

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Alright, thanks. I've only played up until a bit after Disc 1 but despite the overworld map the game is still quite straightforward. Go to Kalm, go through the Mythril mines, reach Junon, etc.

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