Is he /ourguy/?

Is he /ourguy/?

Attached: Capture.png (163x203, 59.85K)

He should have used this one.

Attached: JC denton youtube.jpg (480x360, 14.39K)

I sure like how he cropped it so you absolutely see the title instead of just the kino JC head

yes, it's why he gets invited to the game awards, he has stated that he started making games at a young age

No, he's like a knockoff Bob Page



I like how he is a covid denier.

he's based because he called Todds games childish and that they need more 18+ content

he literally donated ventilizers

You just know he's got a hot body replacer mod so he can play as a catgirl

Attached: 74f38add92fbd48b432a45b9448c699d.png (1000x1300, 915.13K)

Ventilators, you actual brainlet.
And he "pledged" to donate them. The ventilators in question haven't even been made yet to donate.

maybe he thinks the government made the plague on purpose

shut the fuck up
fuck this south african cunt and his stupid rockets

I always loved this dude

>clearly puts the title in the thumbnail so people will know what it is and play it
Good work.

Being obsessed with Deus Ex is weird.

Attached: Screenshot_16.png (608x235, 105.36K)

Ok, and?


Normals aren't going to know what that is. Including the title is going to make more people play it.

is this line even in the game?

It's a pretty fun game user

*sniff* *sniff*
Ahhhhhhhh smell that musk
8sniff* *shiff*

He's a total idiot so probably

I think the "that's terror" guy says it.

leo gold
you beat the statue of liberty, right?

based autismo billionaire

You talking to me?

He's a literal Bob Page. He's even got his NeuraLink On the way

Attached: bobpage.jpg (1280x720, 75.23K)

Is Deus Ex the most quotable game in existence?
The first time I heard "Do you have a single fact to back that up?", I knew it was something special.

Attached: deus_ex.png (1200x1306, 799.21K)

When he mentioned Deus Ex I thought he was talking about Neus Ex, because he also mentioned Overwatch.

>he got a job

I just started playing Deus Ex for the first time, doesn't the prologue scene literally spoil the entire plot?

Attached: 465465.jpg (2560x1440, 1.42M)

yes and no

>Eleon Musk
>that twitter pic
>those opinions
>those speeches


Attached: 1579907666178.jpg (514x455, 66.19K)

Which black bartenders are which?

>using mods on your first playthrough

>famous ceo is /ourguy/
>he also browses Yas Forums and spews all that nothingburger retarded shit they post there
is this what they call monkey's paw?

Maybe you should try getting a job

>*Who* really controls the media?
I'll never forget the kvetching from when he asked.

Share blue please go.

The one furthest right is probably the Lucky Money one. One of the others will be the French one that says you have to "crawl on your belling like a stinking rat." I dunno about the last one.