Name a JRPG better than CT

And I'll tell you why you're wrong

Attached: CT Cover.jpg (1200x750, 497.64K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Phantasy Star IV


Shit music
Story is shit

Chrono Cross


Side content is monotonous
Every character feels exactly the same by the end of the game, with Tidus, Wakka and Rikku being objectively better because of their overdrives
Summoning, a huge aspect of the game, is useless
90% of the characters are useless filler

JRPGs are for people with no skill. Its like playing a book.

Attached: your bait is bad.png (480x340, 47.21K)



It is in this genre

Also, shit taste OP.

Attached: 1577167217254.gif (540x405, 2.25M)

Now post a video of the characters moving through a town or the overworld

How exactly is this ugly? Also, funny how you didn’t even mention the gameplay.

Attached: phantasy-star-iv_30.png (320x224, 19.07K)

>bait thread OP is baiting

say it ain't so

The World Ends With You

That's ugly
It was fine, above average.

>That's ugly
Sure, if you have bad taste.
>It was fine, above average
And way better than Chrono Trigger’s to boot.

>And way better than Chrono Trigger’s to boot.
Says who?

Says me.
>no ATB bullshit
>enemies can fuse mid-battle, becoming more powerful and giving you shitloads of EXP if you defeat them
>input all commands at the start of your turn
>turn resolves via speed stat and a little RNG
>combo spells/attacks before Chrono Trigger was a thing
>three kinds of resources: HP, TP, and a flat number of times skills can be used
>can set up macros to speed up specific combat tasks like buffing, healing, or manipulate the turn order to make combos easier
>animations resolve quickly
>items can be used to cast spells
>Land Rover offers a good shake-up of the normal combat

Hoa is it anymore linear than Chrono Trigger

You said gameplay, you seemed to have meant battle mechanics
FFX is basically a straight line, travelling from one city to the next until you get the airship, and even then the cities don't change, at all. Compare that to something like CT where the time travel mechanic allows you to go back and forth and explore the differences between the timelines as well as jump around and defeat Lavos at several different times

And considering how tedious CT’s combat is, that raises PSIV above it in my book.

get the fuck out

Paper Mario TTYD.

Shadow Hearts

X is no more linear than CT, and they're both great games

>90% of the characters are useless filler
a guy on youtube just had a series of polls to determine who was the most useless character in classic jrpgs, and "half the cast of chrono cross" won

Attached: worst_jrpg_character_poll.png (847x437, 49.15K)

Linearity is my cup of tea.
Branching path is like a fine ass.
What can i say, i wanna play.

OP is about chrono trigger, not cross. nobody likes chrono cross.

No, it isn't. I'm not just talking about linearity of the story. I'm talking about the progression of the game.


What the FUCK is with all the CT threads lately? Is this some kind of advertising thing, like for a remake?

CT remake incoming. 7 and CT were made at the same time.

CT remake can't happen unless Yuji Horii greenlights it.

>Also, funny how you didn’t even mention the gameplay.

We're talking about JRPGs, remember?

haha, I loved how they all had their own little endings though

Let me guess, you only play FF, DQ, and Chrono, right?