What the FUCK was his problem?

What the FUCK was his problem?

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Ehhh, I was going to play RDR but having two pistols like that isn't realistic.

Nobody would do that in real life, I think I'll pass. I thought RDR was more grounded like real life.

He's kind of a dick.

i may not have two pistols but i do have to cocks and your mom loooooves it

Too based for the gang, that was his only issue.

Low IQ. Seriously, he was just stupid as fuck. Realistic villain in that sense.

Micah was the realest because he acted like an actual fucking scum outlaw, but the son of a bitch should have been put down like a savage dog after the prison break by Arthur.

>Tfw wanna have a cool voice like Micah but can't pull it off.

It's not fair bros.

that govt money yo

Plenty of people did this irl, its accurate enough to be viable in cqb and doubling the number of shots you can fire is invaluable in an era when weapons take dozens of seconds to reload.

esp since they had to cock they revolvers manually before double action pistols. think those are schofields in OPs pic.

>having 2 pistols ins't realistic

if you have twink arms then i guess yes it wont be realistic for you

If Micah didn't become a rat until they returned from Guarma then who the fuck ratted about the ferry job on Black Water? Most characters mention that they were surrounded instantly as if the authorities knew that it was going down

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>muh games have to be realistic to be good
then go play farming simulator or something


My head canon is that Micah was always a Pinkerton agent from the very beginning and was running a long term scheme with the Pinkertons to capture Dutch and the gang, that's why things went bad real quick in Black Water and in St Denis. In fact the only bank job that was successful in any manner was the one the drunk hooker came up with, with no input from Dutch.

I got half way through the game before I realized you could dual wield hand guns.

Based, Karen should've been the leader smarter and bigger tits than Dutch. How could he ever hope to compete?

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The problem with that is if you read the papers in the epilogue Micah has become a fucking menace, and dutch is still free.
I think blackwater went to shit because
A) Their plans are always terrible
B) Bad luck


One of the members who got caught/killed before the start of the game.

You had it all.
He wanted it.

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you never see him, but the gang talks about how "they got davey"

>mfw no karen wife

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he's the guy in the intro who dies as soon as you reach colter, someone puts coins over his eyes

>bigger tits than Dutch
prove it

his problem was that he was the only interesting character in the whole gang other than dutch and arthur

Low IQ and a sociopath. Pretty nasty combination in those days.

That was a different guy.

>Low IQ
He wasn't that dumb really, especially not when you've got Bill Williamson riding with you.

He was just a normal outlaw not a muh family retard like everybody else. He is the only honest character in the game.

Dutch and their gang are sloppy, no need for a traitor to fuck things up really. It happens like four times during the game.

no it isnt, the entire first cutscene is about them trying to find a place for Davey to die in peace

Who was the guy who got left behind with sean?

Doesn't one of the Pinkertons tell you they got Davey and didn't get any information out of him so they killed him?
Says he put him out of his misery to Arthur during the fishing trip


it's Mac, davey's brother, that got left behind