Nobody cared about Xenoblade until Shulk got into Smash, stop pretending that you care about the franchise

Nobody cared about Xenoblade until Shulk got into Smash, stop pretending that you care about the franchise.

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Shut the fuck up OP.

wait shulk was in smash?

Nice b8 OP I expect at least 400 replies

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actually i got into xeno by cooming to kosmos way before xenoblade was a thing

This OP is bait however it is a sentiment that quite a few people unironically believe, so I feel I should provide a counterargument to it:
The entire point of Smash is to make more people care about more franchises.

Operation Rainfall

I had never heard of it before, and I still don't care.

Xenoblade on the Wii was considered a gem by Yas Forums well before shulk got into smash you autistic cunt.

>Nobody cared about Xenoblade until Shulk got into Smash, stop pretending that you care about the franchise.

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But if a person discovered Xenoblade through Smash and then got into the franchise what's the problem?

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hi zoomer

Yas Forums exploded when this game came out on wii in english, even though it looked like shit there were tons of threads saying how good it was.

FOMO kicked in and it led me to hacking my wii to play it

secondaries get the rope, that's the problem

I played Xenoblade on 3DS because of smash. Even though it was worse version, I still had a blast playing it

I bought Xenoblade Chronicles with art book when it came out for Wii.

But why?

*Casuals and zoomers* didn’t care about Xenoblade until Shulk got into Smash.

FTFY. Same thing happened with Persona and SMT.

/Viggers just can't not be mad

Were you not here for Operation Rainfall?

They're fake fans. Just like how most Persona 5 "fans" never actually played the game and tried to spam it via hashtags to port it to the switch.

If you got into a franchise via a crossover, then you are not, and never will be, a true fan. If you did, you would have been prior to Smash shilling them.

But people can find out about a game through a crossover and become true fans of the franchise. Most people had never heard of Fire Emblem until it was in Smash, does that make everyone who had never heard of the franchise after 2001 a fake Fire Emblem fan?

Oh boy, another user that thinks their words are 100% fact. People like you are useless and should be lined up for throat slashes.

Doesnt Operation Rainfall prove thats false?

>"does that make everyone who had never heard of the franchise after 2001 a fake Fire Emblem fan?".


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>MFW Ultishits continue to argue with themselves when mods can do everything better than Ultimate can

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>no banjoke
Nice. What's the name of this mod?

Xenoblade 1 is the worst Xenogame, lmao.

based, it's not even the best XenoBLADE game

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Fuck off user I only started to care about Xenoblade when I seen it had Welsh cat girls. The same with everyone else XBC2 is the only Xeno since Gears people gave a fuck about.

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this is the worst virgin v chad edit i have ever seen, sage

disc 2