Assassin's Creed Valhalla Won't Launch On Steam

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no steam, no buy.

simple as

Buy physical on pc

W8 so if it's just gonna be on Epic just buy it on Epic right? What's the problem? You get the game either way
Also this

who cares?
AC is shit

Yet another reason to not play this game


What is this supposed to mean?
A "physical" copy is no more than a download code to install the game from their stores these days anyways.

Is it worth catching up with the franchise. Last one I played was 3.

>buy ubi game on Steam
>still need a uplay account and have it open as well to run the game
Literally why double up on the DRM? Steamies, are you okay?

Why do you mongs insist on preordering games? what benefit do you get from buying it before release?

I've been pirating AC since the 3rd game so i dont give a fuck

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>it's a code where you have to sign up on ubisoft to activate it.

Not like steam isn’t shit either. GoG is the only store worth supporting. PC gaming is a complete joke these days.

Oh sweet, its a pirate then

Redditors spotted

Simple as

People still play AC?
The first game was shit and every Ubisoft game now is the same shit rolled in a different colour glitter
The only AC I had any fun with was the Pirate one and that was only because the boats were fun. The rest of the game sucked

>Playing assassin's Creed
>Pre ordering Ubisoft games
What the fuck are you doing? Who does that

if you give a dollar to epic, you should have your pc taken from you and be given a pacifier

>sign into game store platform
>sign into uplay
>sign into uconnect (it lets you play ubi games with friends and update each other on your progress!)
>sign into uplay+ for special updates
>sign into smegmaplay
eventually you get to the game, or so im told.

Ass's creed is a bad franchise, so I wont have to worry about a preorder. Anyone that disagrees is objectively wrong, and a nigger.

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how do these games still get made?
who is playing these games?
it's been 13 fucking years, and almost as many games
just kill it and do something fresh

>unironically wanting to play ass creed we wuz vikangs

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>no this game won't be on my favourite DRM *stamps feet* *bangs on door of cuckshed*

lol cringe

This. Female vikings ruin it.

Do you still play Ubisoft games Yas Forums?

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ok valve drone, also funny cause most games use unreal engine so you sre giving them money anyways

I just pirate all the games on epic game's store that I want to play.

which is why im not concerned about it.
Females were vikings user.

who wants to tell me what's wrong with this:
>Steam typically keeps 30 percent of game sales, with 70 percent going to developers/publishers. By contrast, the Epic Games Store offers much more to the people who make games; on the Epic Games Store, 88 percent of revenue goes back to developers.

is tiny timmy tencent paying off goyspot now?

Bet you still buy COD games.

>giving money to gaben gordo
do am*ricans really?

>who wants to tell me what's wrong with this
you support a fat lazy kike named Gabe

If you give a dollar to epic, 88 cents go to the developer and publisher.

if you give that same dollar to valve, the developer and publisher only get 70 cents.

since I like games, and want the industry to be healthy, I will be buy from Epic instead of Valve every single time. It's called voting in ones best interests


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based take here, if i play the game at all im bringing back black flag namsayin

i doubt it will even be worth the hdd space though

When Anno released on Epic, Ubisoft had already announced they have a partnership with Epic and all future games will be Epic only until the partnership ends.