What's your opinion on the 17 Touhou video games released for the PC-98 and Windows OS?
What's your opinion on the 17 Touhou video games released for the PC-98 and Windows OS?
I like them
good game filtering my casual ass
All shit
>best touhou games are not mainline
sasuga ZUN
>Playing Lotus Land Story to show my brother
>Brother says I talk like Reimu
How should I feel about this?
Only The Game was good, everything else just doesn't do it for me.
The mangas are all good tho.
FUCK seija
Not for lewd
>Wow, this has turned out to be one crazy story, Marisa. Who could have expected that something like that was happening in Hell?
>Too true, Reimu. Heh... I guess at the end of the day, we truly were the Wily Beast and Weakest Creature all along...
Fucking seriously, ZUN?
Look at this fucking kot
she looks like she gets btfo by old hags
This is what Seija WISHES he looked like. But not matter much magic HRT he receives from Eirin he'll always be an ugly little manchild.
Stop projecting
Why has the Moriya shrine caused so much trouble compared to other factions?
>Drawing is mildly better now
>Finally gets to see two Demon cats
>Hell ran away because gap hag is being a meanie instead of interacting with another cat
There are way more than 17 games. Maybe even a hundred times more if you count fan games.
Asking ZUN to make two minor characters interact with each other is like asking him to stop drinking alcohol.
>Satori claims yet another pet
>Maybe even a hundred times more if you count fan games.
>fangames keeps putting tertiary meem garbage everywhere
>fangames are SDM rehash
She's Jewish.
that dumb fucking face makes me so mad
Uh oh
It's normal for virgin incels like you to get turned on by a cute girl bullying you.
i think it's hilarious how you can play every mainline windows touhou on xp
>cute girl
Two lies. Double Hell.
Abhorrent spacing
You can still run everything worth running on xp
You only want her to be a boy because you're gay
Be the change you want to see. There is nothing wrong with fans putting what they want in their own games.
You're also vastly overestimating the size of the "problem".
I swear to Yamaxanadu, if she is real I'll tell her before she makes my judgement that every tertiary demons must be brought to a special kind of hell.
it's all /jp/ aidoru garbage for people who think themselves epic cultured gamers who are too good for idols, waifufags are the worst thing to happen to everything