

In the final battle, was he the real Sephiroth or just an illusion or clone?

Also, that thoughts on One Winged Angel REBIRTH

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how much shit do you have to eat to care about a nomura fanfic replacing a faithful remake

who gives a fuck, it's stupid

All the sephiroth appareances were either illusions cloud-only, or clones.

Except that last boss fight, which was just whispers emulating AC sephiroth to fight you and protect the timeline. To kill the big whisper thing, you fought 3 little whispers ,representing Kadaj, Loz and Yazoo. As you kill more parts of the big whisper thing, AC scenes are removed or at least not pre-set anymore.

The sephiroth that opens the portal, and at the edge of creation, is the sephiroth we all know. At the edge of creation it is just in cloud mind. The one that opens the portal its a clone or something else, but thats it.

Theres only one sephiroth. No, no time travel.

What do you meant Seph meant with those 7 seconds?
And if there's no time travel what happens with Zack? Story would not make sense if he got saved

Jesus Christ, everyone who slobbers over this shit needs to be castrated

time ghost + cloud ptsd

Even in the Ultimania Nomura goes with 'oh, they flyer was different in that cutscene?' And 'big mistery'. Time is definitely in there somehow. You do fight the embodiment of fate and fate jannies try to avoid any change to the timeline.

>What do you meant Seph meant with those 7 seconds?
many have speculated that's the amount of time you have in the original cutscene from the moment Sephiroth is shown on screen until he skewers Aerith
implying that Sephiroth is trying to get you to change Aerith's fate for... reasons

7 seconds it is what it took sephiroth to kill aerith. Also, 7 seconds for the meteor to fall.
Basically telling cloud, hey do you have the guts to save aerith this time? or do you prefer to change destiny and probably still fuck up?

Zack in the maintimeline. It is either an alternate timeline just used to DLC his ass, or just to show that multiple timelines can change now with no ghosts intervention. Before that, the will of the planet, the cries of the planet, the whispers, were messing every single timeline to make it like the original, because thats what the planet wants.

When you see zack before fighting the soldiers, you see ghosts around, preparing to kill him if he survives. But since you beat the ghosts, he survives. Now, timelines can be different.

>Basically telling cloud, hey do you have the guts to save aerith this time? or do you prefer to change destiny and probably still fuck up?
i meant
>hey, do you have the guts to save aerith and probably still fuck up, or do you prefer to let her die and change nothing

That's pretty fucking cool, I love the idea that they're going off rails, we now have shit to look forward to and make stupid ass theories out of it

>it's cool that I can now shut off my brain and larp about retarded homo fanfics

Why did you enter this thread full of things you didn't like

How autistic do you have to be to think a 1-1 remake would even be fun? At least this is interesting

It's a different space so who knows(raughs)

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And finally, sephiroth and aerith knows stuff because they got the info from the future thorugh the lifestream.
Aerith got the info in the back alley at the beginning of the remake (which is OG ending last bit of aerith you see) and sephiroth got it through the lifestream too. Thats why he annoys cloud so early.

Basically, it is a sequel but still has all the events of the original.

Now, all of this is a mix of multiple theories around, but this is my personal interpretation.
Dont just eat the kingdom hearts, time travel and muh jannies "that dont belong to ff7" bullshit that people love to say here.

Sorry its the canon story now, boomtard.

knowing how much you retards will seethe for years going forward is have the fun of remake's changed story

>I think FF series in general is a highbrow fantasy story meant to make you think


The way I see it, this is gonna be a big gamble. If it pays off, then great. If they do something creative, I'm all on board to see where this goes.

But if it ends up being a stupid clusterfuck, which given that Nomura is writing it it very well could be, I'd wish they had just done a straight retelling instead.

It's not at all interesting, it's fan fiction written by someone who is mentally retarded and actually gay. He has admitted that he only writes to "shock the player" meaning there's no consistency or care put into his work.

Only the most inane retards would find this interesting.

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see i took it as one version of cloud used the 7 seconds to save zack, the one person who could do everything an (at this point) insecure, weak, and fucked up cloud couldn't.

Thank you for proving that you are in fact autistic, Jesus Christ

>dang this nonsense really makes me think, it must be good
>wait, it doesn't make sense? it's fucking stupid? doesn't matter it makes me think

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only the most inane retards pay any attention to the inane bullshit happening in youtube comments at any time.

Isn't Kitase the scenario writer and not Nomura?

>He has admitted that he only writes to "shock the player"

pretty much

Attached: NomuraWantsToSuprise.jpg (1099x240, 148.62K)

threadly reminder that Sakaguchi was literally the only thing holding this series in check and S-E is going to produce nothing but garbage as long as Nomura is in positions of importance

>Hironobu Sakaguchi : laughs and smiles all the way MASTER ! Oh good, I was sure he' d be a bad guy. I was vaguely aware of this. I thought I' d be a bad guy because back when I worked with Nomura I canned half of what he showed me. I remember it vividly, I assumed he' d use that opportunity to get his vengeance. If you meet him again tell him I said thanks !

Attached: Nomura working on the ff7 remake script.webm (640x360, 2.65M)

There are 4 different sephiroths in the game, the one you see at the end isn't neccessarily disclosed as the "real" version either

Thank fuck someone else gets it.

In the original FFVII, Sephiroth is frozen in the northern crater, and every time you encounter him in the game, it's just a clone whose body has been possessed by the real one.

In the Remake, it's all terrible Nomura bullshit, so who even cares?

>Sequels replace the games they're sequels too

Stop posting any time.

friendly reminder Nomura stopped everyone being killed in the return to midgar in the og game

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>people buying a remake that isn't actually a remake
you will defend this

He was not the real Jenova. He was an illusion created by the Whispers, taking what they know of to be "Jenova's final form" from the memories of Cloud's soul in the lifestream and recreated it.
I know it's...odd but that makes the most logical sense.

Knowing how much sales are going to tank in episode 2 is the best part. Then I can’t wait when they quietly release part 3 with a weird name like Cloud Returns.

4 Sephiroths? Holy shit this is beyond retarded. I cant stand this autistic Kingdom Hearts trash. Keep the time travel or whatever, but dont give it to us JJ abrams mystery box style.

I miss this fucker like you wouldn't believe.


Nomura had a big part in it and was asked to handle the characters and stuff but he was given a script outline to follow- and shit like Sephiroth at the end wasn't even his idea. In interviews and the recent book he said he planned to keep Sephiroth out like the original game, or use him very sparingly but the other writers kept pushing for more and even asked him to find a way to work in a final boss vs him.

It's easier for the trannies on Yas Forums to just blame everything on him though.


It was a replica created by the whispers to stop Cloud and co from messing with the timeline.

The same way the whispers brought Loz, Yazoo and Kadaj from the future to defend the timeline. the whispers then bring Advent Children Sephiroth to do the same.

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He's the original creator of the game.

>Nomura saved the original FF7 from its team when they wanted to kill every party member except 3 and end in Midgar
>Nomura was a big part of 7's OG script and storytelling
>omitting this just so you can shout NOMURAAAA

Fuck you retard.

>counting "past sephiroth" as a distinct one

What a retard

>Not knowing what a subtitle is

Stop posting any time.

>creator of the game
>he rewrote like 1% of the game
>wait a minute that's the definition of a remake

COPE Zoomer.

Nomura has really lost his touch then.

>As you kill more parts of the big whisper thing, AC scenes are removed or at least not pre-set anymore
I took it as simple melding. Which will continue in part 2 until by part 3 we're basically playing as the AC versions of the characters standing at the edge of destiny and having to decide to sacrafice their friend (Aerith) to fix everything, or continue on in a doomed timeline (because there's no way these changes are going to be good, I mean fucking Sephiroth started them for fucks sake)

imagine believing this.

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>Original creator of FF7


Who's gonna tell him that there were multiple Sephiroths in the original game too?

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>creator of FF7
>ever having a touch

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How to trigger Nomura hating tards in one simple move

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Both designs look good.

He had "some" involvement in the story, that doesn't make him the creator of FF7 you absolute retard.