Streets of Rage 4 thread

So, do you like it more than River City Girls?

Seems like they retained the SOUL.

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how to git gud?

I like most games more than RCG

I liked it, the new soundtrack is a hit or miss but the retro option saves the day (or mods in the future)
Definitely not worth 25 dollars though, maybe 15.

Still prefer the look of RCG, nice quality pixel art that's expressive is hard to come by nowadays.

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the new era of sega where fans properly revive their franchises. im ok with this

The game is fucking awful

Plays nothing like a SoR game, devs clearly never played any of the old games plays like some shitty flash game you found on newgrounds. absolutely awful.

Can we finally get a new Comix Zone?

>user shills his youtube video in every thread tyring to get rage clicks.

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What's the retro option anyway?
Plays songs from the previous games? Or 16-bit versions of the new ones?

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songs from the previous games.

Can you stop shilling your shitty video? You act like a conceited fuck at the concept of introducing new mechancis slowly. The shield cop difficulty ramps up when there are more enemies on screen as show by the very next encounter.

You cannot grasp basic game design yet you act like you are an authority.

Yes. The frogs are based when it comes to games.

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Can't it just reported? It's advertising right? Isn't that against the rules?

the game crashed on me once on pc so i uninstalled it and will never be playing it again

This song is a fucking goddamn masterpiece.

For real. Why do some motherfuckers hate River City Girls?

I never got around to playing it but it looks beautiful and I can deal with some meme tier VA (is there no JP dub?).

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ristar first

This too.
Olivier is so hit or miss with his tracks. Some are absolutely based and some are so boring. Like the entirety of stage 2 should have just played Call the Cops.

It's not a bad game at its core but I don't think they finished the game. It feels like a beta.

cancel your combos with special moves for example with Blaze.

XXX ->->Y (does a flip kick that launched oponent in air)
jump forwad + X when the kick hits) ->Y ->Y

>Why do some motherfuckers hate River City Girls?
Because of garbage like webm related and also
>e-youtube voice acting
>no button remapping
>money loss on death is by % not fixed
>spergs mad at the ending
>but to be fair ending suffered from classic us localization bullshit
The game itself is not that bad, but the retards hating on it are probably the same retards currently yapping that sor remake is sUpErIoR

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Special moves being the ones that take up health, right? I'm playing this on a Saturn pad.

Ironic coming from the guy making a Final Fight fan game and doesn't even understand how FF plays.

because Yas Forums hates everything. its a pretty fun game, just wish it had online.
This one is pretty great too.

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Enemies fall down if you keep them stunned for too long, so the best thing to do is to keep doing combo resets and finish up with a grab and/or a special.
For instance with Axel, you can do the first 4 hits of his punch combo, wait an instant to reset, do 4 hits again, then move on to grab, pummel twice, and finish with either a special or a forward throw into grand upper.

Even then, most enemies won't give you a chance to do this, so it's kind of not even a big deal that infinites were nerfed.

Enjoying it so far. Only played it co-op, though. Not sure what single player would be like.


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not really big complains there user.
voice acting was ok, nothing special
buton remaping, thats a preference, since the buttons are ok as is.
Money is never really a problem in this game, sure you get set back some cash, but items are not expensive unless you die tons of times in which I would say GIT GUD
the ending is meh, then again beatem up dont usually have great stories to begin with.

and about the weebm, i mean sure, it can be cheap but then again you as a player can be way cheaper against them and you actually had about 2 seconds to react to the guard runninf, you could have punched him out of that attack.

The Eminems?

Comix Zone, sure.
Ristar, I would rather leave it alone, since that game is fine as stand alone title.
Talking about beat'em'ups, i would love a Guardian Heroe2, please.

yeah but you can regain the health back by hitting enemies or things as long as you dont get hit before you recover the life back.

Because it's mediocre and this is coming from someone that actually played Kunio games. It looks good and some of the music is alright, but that's it. SoR4 feels like a proper beat em up and made by a team that's made one before and not because a friend show the director a Kunio game and wanted to make one without knowing anything about them.

I can safely say the game is one my top picks for Beat em Ups, along with Double Dragon Neon and SNES Turtles in Time.

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they dont need to follow the same formula user, after only playing RCR on the NES and having played many other beatemups I fund TCG refreshing

>Even then, most enemies won't give you a chance to do this
Lies. Especially in 1v1 situations such as boss fights if you manage to land a punch with Axel you have no excuse to not follow up with a long combo. The only exception is Estel's 1st boss fight since you have to avoid the occasional rocket.

>one white person you can play as
>the rest are shitskins and wammin
>enemies are literal danger haired women and fat tumblerinas or spics/niggers
>muh antifa type story, fighting the POLICE
>no running except for the tumblr ape character
>enemies have bullshit attacks and super armor
>2-3 hours long

yeah it sucks

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>1v1 situations such as boss fights
Liar. Bosses always spawn enemies, they're never a 1v1.

RCG felt like shit to me. Somehow ended up being way less fun to experiment with than RCRU.

RCRU is fucking trash, user

>Didn't buy or pirate
>Posts his onions
Fuck off

They don't, but it didn't do anything interesting either.

i bought and then refunded after beating it
cope more

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Why does it have to have so many niggers in it? I want my streets of rage to be segregated...

desu I wasn’t a fan of the graphics when it was revealed but it’s great, Great soundtrack too

Couch co op games are still the best

I swear you might as well buy all these games with all the different opinions surrounding them. Maybe not full price, but I kind of want to play them all.

Haha imagine if they raped her

>Especially in 1v1 situations
... Which is why enemies is plural

ah so they are just the same as the old games so that means that all Kunio games are mediocre at best for you then. or that you have an underlying problem with this game.

is alone for the first half of the fight, and if you carry enough stars you can even keep using star moves during her ler AOE attack to prevent her from even calling reinforcements.

is alone once you've taken care of the Barney that appears at the halfway point of the fight, but fair enough otherwise

that boss fight is a joke, just keep throwing both Nora and the Galsias into the spike wall to the left

ok fair enough as said in >5-Barbon
Don't destroy any bikes and no other enemies will spawn

>6- Shiva
completely alone, only gets additional enemy spawns with 2+ players.

fair enough, it's a pretty tough fight especially on Mania where there are TWO COMMISSIONERS

>8-the two divas
carry the golden chicken to remove a good chunk of their hp

completely alone, though unlike other enemies you gotta treat him like a dark souls boss.

>10-DJ K Washi
well he's got a shield but the Signals that spawn are easy to ignore

>11- Mr.Y
completely alone, only gets additional enemy spawns with 2+ players

>12- Ms.Y
completely alone, only gets additional enemy spawns with 2+ players.

at first I felt like I couldnt do shit, until I got the hang of the game, thats when I started experimenting combos and what not, perhaps you just didnt play it enough. to learn

the game lets you corral enemies in front of you though.