Finally got to this part

Why was she so excited?????

Attached: PS_Messages_20200430_205126.jpg (1920x1080, 828.5K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Do women like traps? Is it gay if a woman gets off to traps?

She was enjoying the show.

how are there so many stupid fucking inbred retards on Yas Forums, asking such dumb questions while playing the game? does your mind drift off while playing, or do you have so much of a brain vacancy that you cant understand?

she thought it was funny.

Women like cute submissive males just like how men like cute submissive women

Everyone was having a good time.

>knows a shortcut
>took the long route just to spend more time with Cloud

Attached: 1588120403352.webm (904x526, 2.34M)

>Cloud didn't want to leave her yet
>Even insisted on escorting her back to Sector 5

Attached: stay just a little bit longer.webm (800x450, 2.76M)

She was bullshitting so Cloud would't end up just following her back again, dunno if you didn't notice, but Cloud wasn't very willing to let her go.
>Tifa #3
>Aerith #22

Oh nonono Aerithbros. The nips hate us

It's anime shit, that's all.

do retards just not understand genre tropes?
it was for comedic effect

Can someone provide me a link to this scene?

Don't kink shame

>Cloud wasn't very willing to let her go.

Attached: 1588265157851.jpg (683x1024, 103.23K)

She lusts after Cloud as hard as Jessie does, she just has a different approach/personality.
Tifa grew up with him so their relationship is more like brother and sister, that's why it takes so long for their relationship to go anywhere.

Attached: itsover.jpg (515x306, 80.5K)

Attached: reeve.png (1315x800, 825.55K)

He's just trying to start a conversation, user, don't be mean, OP probably has autism and doesn't know how to do it

Wait, didn't we just have this thread?

Either way it's cute

I'm not sure whether this or time jannies is the best meme to emerge after this game

>how are there so many stupid fucking inbred retards on Yas Forums
Because moot didn't delete Yas Forums for good.

No don't be daft. Now post cute Aeriths

Attached: aerith-beach.jpg (640x889, 85.99K)

aerith is such a pathetic cocklusting femsimp

jessie raspberry is the only choice

Because she isn't dead yet

How many times must this thread get made?

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Here's your (You) gaylord

Attached: 1584398201222.jpg (781x720, 54.68K)

wheres aerisu face ripoff?

Attached: 1588291344879.jpg (1511x809, 297.16K)

Reminder that there's only one man designed for Aerith and it's not the one you want.

Attached: ff7-amano-giving.jpg (1100x850, 170.78K)

You gotta chill out there, guy

>they were supposed to be siblings
too bad that was scrapped. Imagine the wincest porn we'd get

Aerith looks like she enjoys watching other people have sex

Attached: 1556141849775.gif (525x338, 3.43M)

She's a domme for a reason.

Attached: aerith.png (1540x1440, 2.89M)