What exactly is the appeal of watching someone else play video games, Yas Forums...

What exactly is the appeal of watching someone else play video games, Yas Forums? What exactly compels people to give other people money, just for standing in front of a camera to play games?

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I don't give them money but watching competetive age of empires or starcraft is enjoyable

I'm only mad because I didn't get in on the racket before the market was saturated.

watching the story without having to put in any effort

is this actually a girl? or a guy with a female avatar

Some people might play the game better than you can, or are taking on an unusual challenge to play through the game (pacifist run, 100% completionist, low-level RPG completion, etc.), or maybe they're playing a game which you aren't interested enough in playing but you still want to see what it's about.
>give other people money
Now that's just stupid.

How would you distinguish yourself from all the other uninspiring streamers who made it big?
it's not a real Stream.

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Those are obviously Koikatsu models. Give me a link to the lewds.


There's only pure and wholesome content, user. No lewds.

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only realized that after looking at their twitter, kind of a clever idea for a vtuber considering twitch is full of pedos

Well fuck you too, then. I'll find her card and make my own lewds.

>those twitch names

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If they're good, or have informative statements to give about a game, I might watch a recap on youtube. If they're garbage at the game, or have no redeeming qualities beyond superficial ones, I will never watch them. I do not believe in paying money to streamers or youtubers. I think it should be a hobby, not a job.

>suspended for 2 weeks for saying nigga
It's kinda funny but I think she had a small channel so its also kinda sad.

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cause people are lonely

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You can't, user. They're too pure to be lewded.

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If you are lonely and friendless and have no one to play with yourself.

Hololive EN is recruiting user, not too late you just have to be able to stream at least 3 times a week for 1 year

Won't that make you even more lonely?

>What exactly is the appeal of watching someone else play video games, Yas Forums?
It can make for a decent way to vicariously experience a game you don't give quite enough of a shit about to track down or play yourself. And it's a bit more organic than a speedrun or a longplay, since you'll often see the player coming to grips with the controls, struggling with a puzzle, ect.
And yes, parasocial relationships. It'd be dishonest to deny that factoring in.
>What exactly compels people to give other people money, just for standing in front of a camera to play games?
This, on the other hand, is baffling. My guess would be that it's almost purely the parasocial shit, but fucked if I actually know.

Did she say it?

People like watching other people do things
Right now you made a thread because you want to see what people will reply with, you're using other as a means of entertainment
People do whatever they want to be entertained, watching others play vidya happens to be one of those things

Money is dependent on the individual, some people feel that they want to support others or give them spending money just to be nice because they feel like it. It could also be seen as a way to make the other person happy because they make those who donate happy. Even outside of watching people play vidya, its not that uncommon to want to buy gifts or treat other people with your own money if you feel like being nice.


what are the requirements for this? are they asking for anything aside from just being available?

What's the appeal of watching someone else play sports or pretend to be a detective or sing and dance around a stage?

I sometimes watch for some raw unscripted footage of the game.
If you watch for a different reason, you're probably gay.

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I want to fuck the dog

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This is cute!

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Just be a cute boy

I want the fuck the rabbit

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but what if I'm a girl(female)

I'm ok with 2d girls being streamers. it fits the cyberpunkish dystopia we live in but it's also cute

You know the fucking rule slut, post tits

>it fits the cyberpunkish dystopia
I didn't know cyberpunk is now = anime girl but i'm okay with this

Wear a low cut shirt and act dumb. Don't forget us when you're famous.

The viewed experience might be totally different from your play experience which can make it interesting. Either because the person is better than you, is running under some condition you're unfamiliar with like speedrunning or a weird challenge, or even if they're just so much shittier than you that it's funny or fun to get mad about.
Sometimes a streamer might be entertaining enough on their own merit that you watch them the same way you'd watch a performance art like comedy or slam poetry and the game is really just a theme for their show.
Or maybe you're a parasocial leech that needs to hear a voice constantly or else you're collapse under the weight of your own problems. No judging here.

As far as giving people money goes, I think it's unhealthy as fuck if someone does it looking for the attention of the performer but I do approve of handing over money like a tip. People've been collecting five dollar bills in hats for ages. This is just that, you want them to keep doing this for your entertainment instead of getting a real job. Even if your individual support is just extra for a bigger streamer, it's extra that may go to long term improvement.


They play games for me so I can do something infinitely more productive with my life like practicing art or making music

as watching paint dry maybe.

Scared the shit out of me.