Why do things look better in isometric

Why do things look better in isometric

Attached: 2f6.png (640x480, 419.23K)

that's actually trimetric

Only have to worry about the world being seen from one angle, so you can make that angle look as detailed as you like.

Attached: leftenant.gif (208x181, 247.96K)

Attached: 1555687301769.png (1280x720, 1.81M)

Is this a mod?

I would totally play a New Vegas remake in the old FO1 engine


what is this? looks cool.

Fucking same.

It's a fixed angle, distance, and field of view, you know exactly what the player is going to be seeing at all times, so you have an incredibly strong degree of control and ability to add details. All of that work will also nearly guaranteed be seen and noticed by the player, compared to a 3D game the player is able to freely look around in say, a first person view where you need to consider nearly every single angle a player can possibly look at an environment, combined with the fact a player can just walk right up to an object and focus on it in detail, and can zoom in on something far beyond what is normally considered reasonable to immediately see the cracks in design, even if you do an amazing job graphics wise, not including the other small issue where it's much easier for a player to just flat miss many of your finer details and attempts to build a good looking world since they have such a large amount of freedom of movement.
yes i vomitted all that out at once but surely you catch my drift it's just easier to work with

As always \v\ is the nicest place on earth.

Pretty good recreation of that 90's render style. I'm surprised.

Fan art.

A shame, would love to replay new vegas in this awesome style.

For me, it's Candlekeep. Where the 'otels are as clean as an elves arse.

Attached: latest.png (480x360, 201.96K)

Most likely cause it's what you played when you were younger so it gives you fuzzy feelings when you see it

Also because it's 2d. You can make it incredibly detailed, whereas you'd be limited by whatever specs you expect your customers to have if you use 3d graphics.

I appreciate the amount of effort they put in but I can hardly tell what’s even going on here

Getting gibbed via machinegun fire, looks like.
Doesn't work without your fucking party member shooting them through you.

>Getting gibbed via machinegun fire, looks like.
No, he got shot by a plasma gun. The animation doesn't really make a lot of sense.

Holy shit

The electronics that are keeping him together are malfunctioning.

they don't. isometric is shite

Get any more recommendations?

that looks like shit.

It is imperative that you make your way to the Friendly Arm Inn. There, you will meet Khalid and Jaheira. They have long been my friends, and you can trust them.

Attached: 8920384908343.jpg (2560x1920, 2.66M)

K, will do.

Attached: 1521847183581.jpg (314x314, 10.09K)

It's the best view imo if you have to control more than 2 characters.

I think that's just Lou Tenant's generic death animation no matter what kills him.

Fuck that looks so good

FO1 was pretty damn gruesome

Attached: overseer death.gif (249x240, 1.82M)