One Winged Angel

>Crisis Core Version

Showcases Sephiroths decent into madness. Realizing everything he knew was a lie. Falling from the world's greatest hero, to it's greatest threat

>Original FFVII version

The Final Battle against a God. If Cloud and the group doesn't stop him, it will be the end of everything.

>Advent Children Version

A song showcasing Clouds inner struggle. To finally end the regret and pain that Sephiroth and Jenova caused him.

>FFVII R version

You've just destroyed the beings that kept your Fates sealed. Nothing is certain anymore, you have ventured into the unknown, and now there is no going back. The song is all jumbled up and changed to reflect this.

Attached: biggest-changes_blog.jpg (1920x1080, 616.07K)

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How nerdy do you even have to be to post this gay shit?

Advent Children's One Winged Angel always bothers me because the guitar sometimes actually fits in and makes the song more dramatic but it also sometimes just ruins the tone of the song.

I'm so fucking sick of hearing One Winged Angel, no matter how much they change it.

It's surprising how much they spam it now. In the og it was in the final boss fight, not even for all of Sepiroth, just his final form.

Now even he takes a shit One winged angel starts playing.

retarded ad-hoc fanwank

This is pretty neat user, thanks for sharing

Where the fuck do you think you are you stupid fucking casual

Why do I hear boss music xDDD?

You forgot the best version

wtf, the AC version has completely different lyrics


They all do.

Is this the greatest boss theme of all time?

Remake is best

>The song is all jumbled up and changed to reflect this.
so was the original song, it's a juxtaposition of musical quotations and sampled lyrics

Calling this the best boss theme is like calling Death Note the best anime of all time. It's babies first JRPG final boss theme. Still pretty good, but definitely not the best.

What I meant is that the song is all out of order. You know how the song is supposed to go, but now that fate has been thrown out the window, parts of the song are places where you know they shouldn't be.

What would you consider the best final boss theme?

God Shattering Star


It's not even the best in its own series.

The extreme is good, dancing mad is overrated just like the game itself
Still my favorite

I agree that it is overrated. But it is still better than One Winged Angel.

Wherever this guy goes, there is always a full orchestra following him, complete with a chorus that will keep chanting his name over and over.
You will never have this much chad energy.

How to get into FF or FF7?

Attached: 0911 ps4.png (1024x575, 1.01M)

>gets btfo by a virgin with tard strength
>seethes about it through space and time
I don't know...

Buy a FF and play it. There is no "starting" point. Just pick whatever looks good in your eyes.

A bit weak and conservative. Not bad but incredibly mediocre
Charming, perfect, powerful, nostalgic, groundbraking for its time
Interesting approach, is enough faithful to the original but updates it with AC aesthetic. Good enough.
A fucking mess. Its like a schizo remixed the AC with no music knowledge at all. Tried to make it "more epic" than what already was. The song doesnt make sense at all. There is no subtlety, just a drunk guy boasting how epic he made the already epic song with terrible and obvious parlor tricks.

Attached: reggie 2020.jpg (1216x832, 155.66K)

AC is movie, right? It's the same history from the original or a sequence?

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