Is SOR4 worth the asking price?

Is this guy right?

Even good beat em ups usually launch at $15 (Scott Pilgrim, Castle Crashers) or $10 (Double Dragon Neon, Final Exam). What makes SOR4 worth it?

Btw, Steam and the PS4 have remote play together options so you can play SOR4 locally online, so only one person has to own a copy.

There's also Parsec, which IMO, is in some ways better than Steam remote play due to more customization options, but you can't host if you're on Win 7, unlike Steam.

Attached: sor4 box.jpg (1362x1064, 245.79K)

Other urls found in this thread:

SoR remake is better in every way

Just buy it already, dummy

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i wish the gog version had online

Why is there no fucking porn

3rd time posting my DLC character predictions.
Anyone hoping for some DLC stages? I'd like some remakes of 1, 2 and 3 stages in the modern artstyle as well.

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>Is SOR4 worth the asking price?

doesnt every version have online?

I played it online on the xbox a few moments ago

I want this cutie pie as DLC.

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I like the Sonic Spring reference on her.

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gog version doesnt

>this guy
>some literal who video with under 200 views
Quit bullshitting, that's your video.
Its shit... RIP Streets of Rage

It was linked in a previous thread and it's hard to disagree

>Have this concept
>Get fucking Cherry instead

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>It was linked in a previous thread
Yeah, that's called begging for views.

>Top tier: Floyd, Adam, Cherry
>Mid tier: Blaze, Axel
>Low tier: SoR1 Axel
No really, how are you supposed to make the retro characters work, especially from the first game?

Any one got a download of the gog version?

No the guy is an utter brainlet, and his Final Fight "remake" is trash and shows his lack of understanding of beat em ups and game design.

She looks fine.
Both would have been great.

Fuck I wanna try Cherry so bad but first I need to beat it with Axel. I have no idea how she fights. Never watched vids on her attacks.

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>opinions only count when they're said by a million-subscriber eceleb

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its super clunky and still has that thing where youre literally hitting them but youre 1 inch away so it doesnt count

>>Low tier: SoR1 Axel
>Stunlocks every boss in the game easily

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>10% off
Wait until summer sale where it'll be at least 25% off

no one wants to watch your 40 minute video

glad im able to plat the game, now I can say he is full of it.

game is not perfect sure, but its not bad either, its a fun playthrough to test out all the characters.

now I dont know about the price cause I got it on gamepass for 1 buck, but the game is solid.

Even if it had a million views, it's shilling. Don't pretend they aren't trying to make it big on YouTube either.

Actual new Streets of Rage Thread

>dropped in
>heard about 50 seconds of him ranting
>disliked and closed.

You fucking wish nerd

Footage of the game being played by a non-shitter speaks for itself, it's actually based.

Speedrunners can make shitty games look exciting just by being good at them, to be fair.

Help these weapon dojos are filtering me hard

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I like the game but I dont like the lack of movement options. Maybe I am missing something...

Do we know if DLC is even on the table?

Axel does absolute stupid damage.

>punch punch punch kick
>aerial attack
....this is what you guys are hyping up?

So shill your failing youtube channel somewhere else.

I got really dissapointed when I realized the stars didn't represent the powered up special moves from 3.

Sure but he's not even close to speedrunning it, he's playing it normally except isn't terrible at it like the fag in the OP

I got filtered so hard there the first few times. It's all about throwing the weapons, catching them, and throwing right back. Just keep doing it in both directions. I tend to stick to the right side so I can deal with the coming enemies easily, then launch weapons to the left.

I thought that's how they were too.

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Game's pretty cool, but for me Mother Russia bleeds is still the best recent beat'em up/


Not enough alternating between moves for no reason while fighting training dummies for your tastes? Regardless there's several throws (including combos), jump attacks and specials and it can all be combined for juggles and combos

I'm gonna wait for Battletoads, the developer is taking their sweet time making it so it'll probably have more content than Streets of Rage

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I can't wait for the rule34 of Estel

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I want to fuck Ms. Y

>people complaining that the dojo is difficult
That's it. I completely lost faith in gamers. I always thought it was a meme but holy shit you guys are fucking garbage.

It looks like shit though

yeah movement is clunky but is fun when you can actually hit them and combo getting there is the issue

Nah, it looks like a TMNT knockoff which is perfect.

Take notes Naughty Dog

fpbp. the sor1 characters only have their base moves while remake updates them

Use it to your advantage. It sucks when it's you though. That shit used to piss me off so much in SoR3. In this one too.

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>getting there is the issue
Getting there is part of the gameplay.

>that one room in Stage 6
Who thought this was okay?

Jumps/jump attacks often let you move faster, but it has pretty simple movement overall, it's more about making sure the enemies are where you want them to be than reactively running all over the screen dodging attacks.

>defending that hideous fucking garbage
Okay shill

How quickly we forget

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Chill man.
People dont need to be good at vidya to enjoy it

No. Even RotTMNT looked better than the shitty new battletoads.

>Shills will pretend this looks good

Shovel Knight devs should have made the new Battletoads


they have the same fucking artstyle, quit lying

who the best character? how the wrestler guy? does adam still sucks?
