Show me a better kino moment in FPS gaming

Show me a better kino moment in FPS gaming.

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most of the game after this point

This same scene but in Black Mesa.

Do you know who ate all the doughnuts?

quake 2 big gun

The entire middle 1/3rd of Doom Eternal. Super Gore Nest, Arc System Complex and Mars Core are all perfect levels and they all come right after the other.

>man at times like this I remember why I became a physicist
>Too show anti matter particles who's boss YEAH!

The entire sequence from the title card on black fade in, up to the point you get the handgun, is pure atmosphere kino. Seeing the scale of the facility before the resonance cascade, all those people at work talking and doing shit on computers, seeing the commons areas and messing with different things like the microwave and vending machines. The depth of the testing chamber. Then the chaos that ensues as you push the crystal in and all hell breaks loose. Seeing the carnage it has wrought on this once perfectly functional and safe place. The way the NPCs feel like actual people trying to survive the disaster. Half-Life 1 was and always be the landmark title that took videogames and brought them into the modern age. Nothing before can compare, and nothing since has lived up to its flawless execution of world building. I am blessed to have been there in 98 to experience this game when it was still fresh and new. A moment I will cherish until the day I die.

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>Nothing before can compare
Unreal compares, whether you want it to or not

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I laugh when people try to imply Unreal somehow has better world building than Half-Life. I played that too, and they're not even in the same league. Unreal is barely a step up over games like Turok. There's almost 0 NPCs in the startup introduction sequence. It feels like a bad tech demo against Half-Life's real living breathing world.
Okay faggot. Get good taste.

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Seeing the Halo ring after coming out the crashed pod

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Unreal compares to Half-Life
And Unreal had more of a "real living breathing world"
I prefer Half-Life, but let's not talk complete and utter shit here

Detail in words, like I did above about HL, how Unreal has a more living breathing world. I'll be here waiting.

there isn't a more kino FPS period.

half-life is about as good as it gets when it comes to next level vidya and as hard as it is to believe that still holds true even today

HL1 is good, but that intro isnt kino

Seeing the Earth for the first time in the original Prey was pretty cool.

Just walking around in the environment of Quake 1 was awesome for the first few moments when you realized it was all polygon architecture.

Shooting stormtroopers for the first time in Dark Forces.

The city level of Tron 2.0 (How Disney never made a MMORPG out of that IP I'll never know).

I think that the tram ride in Half-Life 1 is more memorable than the picture in the original post.

Playing with the in-game computer screens in Doom 3.

The very concept of portals in Portal 1.

You're convinced you're already correct, it would be a waste of my calories

The press M3 to time travel in Titanfall 2

i been knew dat

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oh he been knew

In hindsight, the cinematic, story driven, singleplayer FPS was such a restricting novelty. The fact that it dominated gaming for over a decade really set the medium back in my opinion. I think that in time the age of the single player. cinematic FPS will be perceived as a 'dark age' of gaming.

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t. cold-take JRPG faggot

when you step foot on halo in halo, as the titular character: the master chief
was the first game to make me scream out the phrases "based!" and "kuh-kuh-kuh-kino!!!"

>'dark age' of gaming
>during the golden age of mods

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On the contrary, your weak stance and uncertainty shines through in your laziness.

t. Faggot that plays brutal DOOM

this isnt real

Save it for debate club, Shakespeare
I care not a fuck for what you ponder
You shit cunt


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Spoken like a man with no backbone.

You win OP, but gravity gun enhanced by the confiscation field is number 2 most kino moment in fps.

This is how Yas Forums always replies when someone posts the truth. No rebuttals, just angry buzzword and ad hominem word salad.

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it does cause i replaced all the black mesa music with music from hl1

My only regret is that I have boneitis
Seriously though, what species is that bug up your hole?

i dont disagree but i wanna know, what makes you think it's so restricting?

It belongs to the (You) family.

what do you want me to say? youre just objectively wrong

im sorry you are a contrarian that doesnt enjoy half-life, but general consensus is that it is a defining moment in gaming for good reason

Teach me, senpai.

Here, shove this one up there too, give him some company

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Well, you started by calling an entire subgenre trash that will be considered some sort of dark age. Might as well you go full retard and say they are on the 'wrong side of history', it would have been slightly funny that way.
Back to your bing bing wahoo, shooter edition.

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why on earth they chose to waste this track on the first boring buggy ride instead of using it for the super gravity gun part i will never understand

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