I'm still buying

I'm still buying

Seethe more, tortanic retards

Attached: unnamed.png (366x402, 246.41K)

Other urls found in this thread:


we could use more cyber games

What is with you faggots the past month with this "TORTANIC" screeching everytime someone says something slightly not positive about whatever?

Yas Forums shitting on the game worked as free advertisement for me. I wasn't planning on buying it when it was announced, but now I'm interested.

I used to browse Yas Forums during the tortanic days, but I switched over to /vg/ as soon as it was out. Just started checking up on Yas Forums again recently
What does tortanic have to do with people not liking CP2077?

Attached: 1577504862710.jpg (1860x2578, 263.86K)

All the gameplay has been scripted, have you even seen the raw gameplay yet?

They're CDPR marketing shills, they're just following the script they've been given.

Attached: Babel.jpg (1409x791, 253.35K)

>i wasn't planning on eating feces but everyone telling me not to really made me interested.

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Yas Forums buys every triple AAA game. They have nothing better to do and they love fitting in with reddit. Why else would there be so many final fantasy and tlou threads.

Respond, or the franchise gets it

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It literally has no DRM protection. They are asking to be pirated.

Shills have been spamming "tortanic" purely because the game is shit and people are pointing it out.

I was there, user
I was there 1,000 years ago, and let me tell you
No matter how bad it is when it releases around half a year from now, it cannot possibly be worse than tortanic

Attached: 1560084296576.png (936x603, 480.52K)

Can anyone tell me about the leaked info? I've been hearing people mention a leak.

It's the same leaked italian videos from ages ago, they're not new.

wow, you're down money but you sure showed user!

Damn :/ thanks for letting me know, anyway.

Could you buy it for me too OP? Gift it to me in steam pls.

Got a link, if you don't mind?

Not OP, but: what's your Steam account?

Just spend 3 seconds looking at the archive next time, user.

The previous italian leak, 26 min long:

Y-you too...

>That first minute of the first link
I've seen all I need to know. Looks great, downright stunning considering it's from, what, a year before the game is going to be released? Even longer ago than that? And they're STILL polishing this for the next half a year to make it even better?
Fuck, I need to preorder a second copy for my GF

I want to be interested but I really don't give a shit about FPS games. Really really disappointed that this game isn't for me.

Real people don't talk like this, shill.

Attached: RENTHECAT.png (1238x581, 247.47K)

This is all from like a year ago, There's maybe a minute of unseen footage from this.

Cyberpunk is a genre with limited appeal.
Every bit of info is a disappointing.
CDProjekt's holdings are not doing well. In one year end report to the stockholders it showed GoG made 7000 dollars profit.
They just closed down part of the studio or another studio they owned. Not really sure of the details.
Gwent isn't the money maker they hoped.

If CP2077 breaks even CDProjekt is in trouble. They need it to be huge to survive on their own. Expect Bethesda to buy them for pennies on the dollar just so Todd can rub their noses in it as a retirement gift.

Lol 90% of Yas Forums will play this game

>CDProjekt's holdings are not doing well.
Fucking cope

No DRM makes me think it isn't going to be pozzed as I first thought, why would they take a risk like that like they did with TW3 unless they think people will genuinely like it?

Because they get paid from outside sources to propagate the globohomo agenda.

Witcher 2 was pirated over 4 million times.
I fully trust Cyberpunk to be a great game but I do think that the founders are great for sticking to their guns and doesn't have to do with the quality of the game itself.

It's only pozzed on the most superficial level. Not picking a gender, even though it's literally the same thing, doesn't mean that the writing will be all about Liberal ideals.

Based af, user
Play it and form an opinion on the game yourself
I won't br buying it though.
All I have is a crappy laptop, so I'm sure my system can't handle Cyberpunk :\

Finally game when i can make futanari character.

they got blown out on twitter by shitlibs because they made a joke about genders now they've been pandering ever since

Download more ram

They haven't really pandered besides the genders label and maybe the design of female default V. That's literally it

I only support western games.

holy based

The NPC's will ALWAYS buy what they're told. It doesn't matter if previews or leaks show that it's the biggest con or rip-off of all time, they will STILL buy it because they are
They're literally the soulless drones ruining civilization, and they don't even understand how meaningless they actually are. Shit makes me laugh hard.

V is kinda hot ngl

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