They made a furfag fighting game. Quite frankly...

They made a furfag fighting game. Quite frankly, considering some of the content on Steam being outright hentai I'm surprised there aren't calling it Knot's Farm. Take special notice of the art style.

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This is old news(years old), and nobody outside of the furfags care. Wack thread, wack game.

Closest anyone will ever get to Skullgirls 2 :^)

ironically it's not allowed on this board or that other board

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Because it was developed as Fighting Is Magic, but they got Cease and Desist'ed by Hasbro so they had to change it. Also...

>Not being a furry

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>This is old news
Its development was old news. It was just released so it merits discussion.

I don't get it.

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it's pretty good

take it to /mlp/, or reddit or someplace not here.

It's not that bad of a fighting game, better online than any retard Japanese developer.

my only memory of this game will be going to TooManyGames and watching a trenchcoat wearing brony play it by himself on one of the free space tables for about 5 hours straight

>Yas Forums is not for video games
Please stop hijacking this thread, shitposter. Thank you.

you're right. we need 16 more tranny kills jew 2 threads

Why did you make this thread?

This isn't a MLP video game, though.

That's interesting. What does it do well?

feels good to play. hits are impactful and movement is fluid, closer to dbfz or prbftg than, say, mk11 or sfv.

Dropped that shit on episode 100 and have never felt better.

That's good to hear. How is the sound direction? I feel like that's been the biggest problem in Mortal Kombat for the past few entries.

Dropped it around season 3, so don't know what I missed out on. However, I enjoyed my time.

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didn't stand out either way last i played (november of last year), which i guess is closer to being a good thing than a bad thing.

I definitely agree, I'd rather have unremarkable than bad.

Good job. Season 3 was the last decent season.

There are no seasons of Them's Fightin Herds.

god I can't believe they made a furry fighting game. I mean, what the fuck were they thinking?

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What discussion is there to be had about this exactly?

Man I remember playing so much Bloody Roar on the Gamecube when I was younger. I think I had a thing for the bunny girl

Scroll up, we were just discussing the sound design and the movements. All of the things that video games have can be discussed here.

That's a weird way of spelling Season 9.

There are no seasons of Them's Fightin Herds.

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Did you seriously enjoy those ugly faces they made every 5 minutes?

Deal with it.

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Looks like they're dealing with it by killing furries.

I cant believe this show had 9 seasons