He did nothing wrong. Fuck the empire and fuck elves

He did nothing wrong. Fuck the empire and fuck elves.

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Fuck off

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Why are there so many Thalmor agents on Yas Forums

FUCK the empire and FUCK the elves

>"People are rightly stirred up about the damn Thalmor being allowed to roam around arresting people, just for worshipping Talos. But was it worth tearing Skyrim apart, and maybe destroying the Empire? No, Ulfric will have a lot to answer for in the end. Nords have always supported the Empire, and the Empire has always been good for Skyrim."

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>Because they want the war to continue, so they don't try to actually win it. That doesn't change the fact that eliminating Talos worship is part of their greater plan, it's just that that aspect of it is more long term.
Or maybe because they know that it's going to continue no matter what, and they only need to be there to check up on things every once in a while. Apart from torturing the occasional Nord, they don't do half the shit they could be considering that there's a motherfucker in the trade capital of Skyrim fucking preaching about Talos in front of a giant statue and shrine to the man.
>Pressing X to doubt.
Retards who support rebellions as likely to succeed as the gunpowder plot often say shit like that.
>So, he's bad because he didn't want to gamble on the position of High King? Half the Jarls would have vehemently disagreed with him.
No he's bad because he didn't want to go through the legitimate process of being High King WHICH IS THE FUCKING REASON NO ONE INCLUDING HIM RESPECTED TORYYG AND CONSIDERED HIM A PUPPET. Not to mention that at that point as the man who defeated the High King, and no other Jarls with a significant claim like that, they'd all be swayed to him as an option instead of let's see:
A crazy hag bitch
A paranoid motherfucker in charge of the worst hold
A naive cunt ignorant of the corruption in her shitfest of a city
Some fuckass dude angry at the legion and wants Talos worship back(guess who's gonna be on his side)
A drunk Jarl that actively works with bandits
Toryyg the bitchmade
And Baalgruuf, who might have had a chance had he been the one to challenge the High King and prove him unworthy.
Canonically half these fucking people chose Ulfric even when he pulled a bitchmade move. There was no chance of him losing unless the Thalmor leaked their Dossier, and he doesn't know about that.

>muh thalmor agent

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People who side with the Empire are nostalgiafags and RPers who can't tell what's needed. Stormcloak is the best option available in game, (really the best is Dragonborn stays in Sovngard, so the truce can go on indefinitely and people start talking again)

>most TES threads now are Skyrim shit
>Skyrim came out in 2011
>around the same time a fuckload of tourists from social media, reddit and other sites started infesting the place
Jesus fuck.

>As I said to someone else, why do you place so much value on biased sources that hate him? What makes you think they're right?
What biased sources? I never use what they directly say about his actions rather than what they say about Toryygs beliefs, of which none of them including the Vampire who actively disdains his wife and didn't give a fuck when he was killed would lie about. You don't take Nazeems speeches about himself as proof that he isn't a terrible person.
>I said "some of." Read, dingus. Also redguards don't have them beat.
They're merely some of in a continent of racially superior warriors. Even the fucking Orcs have better physical strength than them and are more prized as fighters in the legion.
>If you say so, but from what I can tell it's not that big of a deal
They blotted out the fucking moon for two years or at least fixed it. Even if they didn't the Dawn Magics themselves are equal to the fucking Thu'um and She'hai in might, it's very serious shit. This is again ignoring the veritable army of fully trained mages who have centuries on the average Nord.
>Not nearly enough? Why do you think that would work?
Because no one has seriously brought an entire army of mages through trying to get through there. If they did that's almost certainly what they would do. Glaciers in our world melt because of some fucking CO2, a hundred thousand Altmer mages casting fireball is clearing that shit up faster than they will Skyrim once they get there.
>Like 40% of it is like that, and guess what? There are farms there anyway. Like Windhelm.
Again you mean the small civilian owned farms who sell their produce at the market rather than being expected to suddenly feed he entire province by themselves?

>According to who?
The Synod, the center for magic in the entire world. Even fucking J'zaargo only went to Skyrim because he had no choice and was impatient. The fucking Redguards who dont even like magic have a better library than them in the house of quills, and they're still suffering from the great collapse despite 80 years having passed.
People who side with the Stormcloaks are retards who can't tell when they're being got. If you actually believe that Skyrim can fight off the Dominion because Hammerfell fought off an occupation army and not even its main one after bleeding for it for 6 years, and with the help of many "retired" legionnaires alongside the covert work of the Penitus Occulatus, you're smoking fat dicks made of ebony tears.

Did you even read that?
It spells out how he is simply a useful retard.

Shouting was a gift of Kynareth to all mortals so anyone is welcome. Jarls and commoner alike make pilgrimages to them indicating that this is indeed common culture.
But the point is that the Way of the Voice became the only and current culture and thought regarding shouting and 'muh ancestors' isn't a valid argument when said ancestors were dragon worshipping fucks literal thousands of years ago.

Siding with the Empire gets me some yellow tits

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Unironically the based centrist temporary treaty is the best for the future of Tamriel, any war only benefits the Aldmeri Dominion

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They're Roman larpers

The war going on too long is literally the best thing for Thalmor.

This is the most ridiculous reaching, fictional additions and misrepresentations I've ever seen in an ES Lore thread.
Usually people make short posts for their ridiculous head canon but this is above and beyond bullshit.

>"The fiercest of the remaining rebels will continue to harass us, but by and large, the people here desire peace. What I'm not so sure about is the peace we've made with the Thalmor. But we'll keep that between the two of us, alright?"

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Sorry, bro. But Skyrim is and always will be Imperial. We don't want no Ulfgang Stormcrown, or whomever, to roam around massacring innocent citizens. Not mentioning the fact that he is a Thalmor puppet.

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>Americans think their centrists are far left

Never trust a damn elf

Retarded as fuck, are you stupid?

Imagine working for the Thalmor without even fucking being paid by them. At least be a corrupt short-sighted moron and get out at the last minute with your fortune. Being just a short-sighted moron wins no prize.

Empire is playing the long game, while Stormcucks are playing the retard game.

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From the previous thread:
>the Talmor will invade!
Nope, I doubt they could even get into Skyrim.
>magic against icebergs!
That's a great big assumption that would work adequately.
>all evidence says Ulfric did it because ego!
Patently untrue.

As for the other guy
>hurr durr how can you manipulate someone who escaped custody
Jesus Christ you moron, watch some Mission Impossible or James Bond movies, you are woefully ignorant. Just what the actual fuck makes you think some jackass in Thalmor robes would just stroll up to Ulfric and start chatting? Are you that fucking dense? They could send a letter to a guy to send a letter to a guy to hire a guy to talk to Ulfric. And that's the MOST BASIC way. They could give a letter to a Thalmor agent that Ulfric KNOWS is a Thalmor agent, then send that agent somewhere Ulfric can kill them, or have them killed, then he reads the letter, which says what THEY WANT HIM TO THINK IS TRUE, and he believes he caught a genuine spy and not someone sent to die. That way, he thinks the letter is something he's NOT supposed to see. Fucking Christ, wise up.

>The Imperials are Thalmor puppets!
>The Stormcloaks are Thalmor puppets!

This is just like a facebook argument about the war in donbass, with both sides calling the other nazis, jews, and communists simultaneously.

>Empire is playing the long game
No it isn't. It is a corrupt bureaucracy with no true loyalty to itself, its people, its religion, or its culture. What is left is a hollow shell and it won't survive another clash with the Dominion.

If the Empire was playing the Long Game they'd have just let Skyrim secede.

The fact that the Empire has to play the "long game" and grovel at elven feet before they have the strength to stab them in the back (like an elf) is all the reason why the Empire should no longer exist.

>You should throw yourself towards death at a superior enemy that was only mildly shocked you wiped out an entire army of theirs because backstabbing is against the Nord WAY!
Remember when Tiber Septim betrayed his king and murdered him before also betraying his battlemage and used a Dwarven God heart powered weapon to slaughter thousands of civilians as well as it being the only way he beat the elves? So by your logic Tiber Septim is like an elf.

Yeah I bet you didn't know that you fucking lorelet. It's called common fucking sense though I suppose you retards won't have it.

Tearing Talos' Empire apart will make men stronger bro trust me

>The events of the Oblivion Crisis left the Empire with no Amulet of Kings, and the Septim Bloodline gone.
>Morrowind has an Aspect or Tiber Septim himself wondering how much longer the Empire would last
>”durrr the Empire totally has a future, of course they will win against the Thalmor in a second Great War”
Why do lorelets even try?

Just let the Altmer win.


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>Just because Tiber Septim was wondering how long his empire would last it suddenly means there's a fucking prophecy about it
Remember in Morrowind when Cyrodil was a Jungle?
>Just because the amulet of Kings is gone and the Septim bloodline is too it means the empire is worse
You know that none of them were tibers direct descendant's right? You also know that with the end of the crisis the dragonfires are no longer needed. And you have the balls to call people lorelets?

The long game benefits the Thalmor, what they need is to buy time till the next war, that's the whole point of the treaty, not peace but time, to marshal their strength and rebuild.

>If the Empire was playing the Long Game they'd have just let Skyrim secede.
That would only make things worse for the Empire. Further reducing resources and troops necessary for the Legions' consolidation. They no longer hold Hammerfell and Morrowind in on a completely different level, of sorts.
The main reason General Tulius is in Skyrim is to end the rebellion as soon as possible, remove contestation from local ruling nobles and reinforce the Empire's grasp on Skyrim, for the inevitable war with the Dominion.

I said this is in the other thread but yes, the Empire is going to fall, they've been hinting at it for multiple games, I'm glad someone else remembers.

>"The Emperor is getting old. Don't know how much longer he'll hang on. So is the whole Empire, for that matter. Getting old, that is. The Emperor and the legions have held the Empire together for hundreds of years. It's been a good thing, by and large. But maybe it's time for a change. Time for something young and new. What? No idea. Because I'm old. Old dog doesn't get new ideas. But maybe young folks like you should try some new ideas. I don't know. Could be messy. But change is never pretty."