Tfw the entire plot of this game could be resolved by a simple conversation explaining each character's grievances

>tfw the entire plot of this game could be resolved by a simple conversation explaining each character's grievances
"i'm going to kill you, joel, because you killed my father, an innocent doctor for the fireflies"
"your father kidnapped ellie, trying to take her brain out. i did what i had to do to save this girl. i'm sorry for killing your father, but this was the only way"

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but that wouldn't be interesting at all and would take away from the CYCLE OF REVENGE story that druckmann was trying to tell

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you're thinking of reasonable characters and non-conflictive dialogue
doesn't exist in sony games

no. because then we wouldnt have a videogame >:(

i love cycle of being unreasonable lol

But Joel is in the right here

you think she has any mental capacity to think after the hormone treatment?

i mean yeah, he did what he had to do to prevent ellie from being killed. the fireflies didn't even ask him to give up ellie, they just took her from him.

You don't get the meta. They are fighting because of the sins of the old white cis man.

Is the Ellie boss fight at least fun? The highlight in TLoU for me was fighting David. Man that entire boss fight had me tense as fuck.

>mash square
>obligatory falling through collapsed floor
Every time. These games are so pathetic

cringe and bluepilled


You guys aren't woke enough to understand this game. It's feminist slam poetry mixed with tumblr queer porn.

There are guys in abby's gang who seem normal and peaceful (owen) and ellie kills them

The game should end with Ellie having the choice to spare or kill Abby. Do you keep the cycle going or let it end with Joel?

holy shit that's fucking awesome, THANKS FUCKMAN

the game should end with abby killing herself in the beginning to prevent the events of the game happening

Thats a non-choice. Everyone is gonna kill the bitch for brutalizing Joel.

So the "good" ending here would be to just Ellie kill you?

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Yes. I'm gonna play the game, let Ellie kill me, and when the game over screen flashes, I'm gonna turn off the game and head cannon it as the ending.

going to dive off the first cliff i see as abby and turn off the game, with the headcanon ending being abby was so overcome with grief she killed herself

or just don't buy the game and let the higher ups die

>still buying the game

>those arms
So they finally put an actual tranny into a AAA game?

At the end of the day they're all just random people in that game's world. No one is necessarily wrong or right.

>assuming I'm gonna buy the game

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Guys, it's like this, ((they)) made a game with a relatable man taking care of his daughter to get male normies playing it so they could spit on you in the sequel.

Also, you might not like playing as a tranny but you have to accept it. That's the entire point.

I legit don't understand what Druckman is thinking that fans of the original game would not just want to play as the tranny that killed Joel, but than also hunt down Ellie and strangle her to death.

Well yes, this is the sign of shit writing but even though I don't have Naughty Dogs in my heart, a LOT, too many ? what we consoom is like that actually. But yes it's the sign of shit writing.

>let's Ellie go instead of killing her
>leaves Ellie again instead of finishing her
>then decides fuck it I'm going to here now
>kills her, game end
Whoa that is DEEP. I makes me question EVERYTHING!