I didn't think they'd actually marry what the fuck

I didn't think they'd actually marry what the fuck

Attached: 20200430_222920.jpg (1836x1244, 538.91K)

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you fucked up. you were supposed to have your avatar marry nowi

It's okay, she's really 4000 years old so it's okay that she looks like a little girl.

I did appreciate that 3 Houses added platonic endings, though I guess some might consider it a kick in the groin if a pairing you like are just friends in the ending. Like how Felix and Leonie become street performers in non-BL endings with no hint that they actually got together

I'm playing as a chick, dude.

you're not helping your case

That's nothing. In Awakening not only is the loli like 1000 years old, they also don't explicitly have sex.
Compare to Fates where you can whore out Sakura, who looks no older than 13, to take the Kitsune dick or have Elise fuck Ryoma, who must be at least twice her age too. And not only that, they actually do have sex and knock the girl up

They explicitly do considering she has a daughter you can recruit.

That daughter comes from a different timeline. There is nothing saying that during your adventure, Libra fucked Nowi. Unlike Fates.

It says that Libra WILL fuck Nowi since otherwise the child wouldn't exist. And Nowi will still no doubt look like a child for as long as Libra is alive if it took her a thousand years to reach that appearance unless dragon puberty just hits like a truck at 1013

>Not setting up Nowi with Gregor

Attached: maxresdefault[1].jpg (1280x720, 94.62K)

Will is not the same as doing it right then and there, which is what happens in fates.

now is better for robin/donnel/gaius/vaike/henry.

>Priest is a pedophile

This does bring up the question of how long does Fates' campaigns last since there had to be time for the girls to get pregnant and give birth.

I'm sure I'm thinking about it more than they did.

>Not letting the Priest marry the loli

List your top 3 male and female characters in order
Libra, Henry, Gregor
Lissa, Cherche, Tharja

>he doesn't remember the hyperbolic time chamber pocket dimensions
Sakura can get pregnant, give birth, and let that kid stay in there for some 16 years before even one day passes in real time.


Attached: 1540131492400.png (800x800, 441.24K)

You now remember this support.

Attached: Libra trap.jpg (1280x720, 105.41K)

Oh right, I guess that works too.
I still find it bizarre that Virion of all characters got an odd "essential" status so he can't ever actually die.

Don't think too hard about Fate's """"story"""" or you wind up realising that the pocket dimension aging negates the whole fucking point of having kids, ESPECIALLY for someone like Xander who needs an heir

Virion is literally a coomer.

>I still find it bizarre that Virion of all characters got an odd "essential" status so he can't ever actually die.
That's because he's plot relevant for one whole scene at the beginning of the Valm arc

I guess it's because he has some significance in the Valm arc, where he reveals himself to be former duke there. What's odd is his presence in #FE.

Attached: __virion_and_yumizuru_eleanora_fire_emblem_and_2_more_drawn_by_kakage__sample-9361e7ad2ad0b846d78a80bbfb9f9598.jpg (850x1020, 185.64K)

What are you talking about, user. Elise is an adult!

Attached: elise adult 2.jpg (400x240, 38.04K)

>fall for "girl"
>ends up pretty much offering his own as to fuck

His first appearance is basically him hitting on the tomboy, so yep.

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>trusting memehouse

Phantom Virion has good taste, look at those legs god damn.

We called em players

C'mon user
Surely they wouldn't just change dialogue to imply that your little sister (whom given the timeline information we have, is probably somewhere around 11-13 years old) is an adult when she wasn't that way originally, right?

That would be silly.

Attached: elise adult.png (499x349, 333.16K)

I still hate those toilet armors so much. What the hell were they even thinking