Was I supposed to find this character unattractive?

Was I supposed to find this character unattractive?

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Didn't even play the game. I want her to swallow my semen.

Are there rule 34 of her and post it?

i like fat bitches so i certainly didn't

I mean, if anything she'd be useful for wet sloppy blowjobs then giving her a disgusted glare when she tries to approach you in public the next day

If you're not mentally ill, yes.

Hanako is an asshole

All the more fun to sexually dominate.

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i'm attracted to irl landwhales and even i didn't like her

>the "hideous character" is the only one that looks japanese
what did they mean by this?

Would you?

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>Game is about accepting people
>except ugly people fuck them
yeah I buy it

Based chubby chaser misogynists. Fat girls are made for facefucking like on-call fleshlights, and they know it.


assholes can change if you show them enough love. she never got that chance. because she doesn't even get a social link.

Well yeah. Why should you be forced to accept something you don't want to?

yeah but that's not why they hate her let's be real

isn't that what Persona is about? when you deny your shadow or refuse to accept it you open a shit storm.

Don't act like you wouldn't Kashiwagi

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>hot teacher and slampig
I fail to see any downsides, I’m into older chicks and she’s hot as fuck and fat chicks usually have wetter tighter pussy too.

>Breaks Yosuke's bike
>Insults him and walks off
>Snores in the girls' tent, so Chie and Yukiko can't sleep
>Never tries or shows any intent on being friendly or improving
And you wonder why the party doesn't like her

>remember kids, the power of friendship can over come anything! It doesn’t matter what you look like or where you come from!
>unless you are fat, ugly or a woman older than 18 haha, eww disgusting
Adachi was wrong btw...


Even if she wasn't fat, she's a terrible person you're not supposed to have any sympathy for.

she could've been the nastiest, coldest cunt in the series but if she was beautiful and didn't have an onscreen boyfriend she'd have no end of waifufags

what's kashiwagi? i know someone that uses that as a username

Kashiwagi? Yeah, balls deep. Atlus was quite progressive for making the MC of Persona 4 gay.

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She can't improve if you don't approach her first and the game never lets you do that. snoring isn't her fault, lots of people do it.

A little steak with your cake never hurt no one.

yes, but true bbw chads know she is actually hot

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>Makoto, Junpei, Akihiko, Yu, Yosuke, Teddie and Kanji passed this up
Junpei and Kanji I understand, but why the fuck doesn’t anyone want her?