The last hope

the last hope

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I get the impression OP is a false flagger


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whys cyberpunk the only one with pc case

because it's the only one out of those that will be out on PC day 1

Where were you when a babby game won GOTY over those brown "muh realism" trash heaps?

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>Elden Ring
Don't do this to yourself user.



GOTY is Streets of Rage 4 obviously

Persons 5 Royal is GOTY, Cyberpunk might flop as well

I want to believe Monster Girl Quest Paradox part 3 will come this year

>trannypunk 2020

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Cyberpunk is looking worse all the time. It's not even an RPG, it's a story driven action game with some customization elements, as much an RPG as Devil May Cry.
Witcher was successful not because of its gameplay or even roleplaying but because it had characters and plotting that people liked. Is anyone likeable in Cyberpunk? Does anyone care where the story is going?

Cyberturd 2077 is gonna be shit.

P5R is the real GOTY.

>Everyone hates the AAA game I'm working on

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nah nigga ff7r is getting it

>make game based on a tabletop rpg
>remove most of the classes except the generic ones
>don't allow the main character to join any of the groups/gangs in the game
>downgrade character creation for whatever reason
>"choices" boil down to shit like sparing someone or refusing to help big bad corps
>will probably force companions like keanu down your throat
Doesn't look good. As for Elden Ring we haven't even seen anything since the reveal almost a year ago. Considering the game apparently started development in 2017, things aren't looking very hopeful for the time being. Might be another 2-3 years till release.

And the more time that passes, the more people will sour on FF7R, especially since it's not a complete game and the sequels aren't looking so hot now that we know what Nomura is up to.

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lol the two GOTY contenders are already out
HLA or Doom

only AAA game worth waiting for

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I really hope Elden Ring doesn't suck dicks.

Delayed to 2021


it wont

All the gameplay for trannypunk has been scripted, and it still looks boring

Doesn't change the fact that Animal Crossing is goty git gud nerd.

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You know damn fucking well Elden Ring won’t be out this year.

You people keep saying this as if Doom Eternal isn't going to take it and your shitty dlc won't even get a nod lmfao.

>tfw liked FF7R
>Will probably like CP2077 because im not hellbent on hating it
Feels good to not be a smooth brained tortanicist

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Yeah and watch as Nintendo swoops in and steals it with a big announcement this summer with their big fall game

where's bloodlines 2

It's pretty clearly an FPSRPG in the tradition of System Shock 2 or Deus Ex. I really don't see the problem here.

we need a based centrist to resolve this issue

>Based user who doesn't mindless hate games for arbitrary reasons
Animal Crossing Doom Eternal, and FF7 remake are all good games

What would ever convince you of that? Gee, I wonder

the centrist is not on Yas Forums, he's playing video games

Based af

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CP2077 looks like one of those games that gets heavily discounted after a short period of time, like Death Stranding that's already 50% off.
I do plan on buying it, but not day-one

People are expecting some sort of amazing open world roleplaying experience even though Witcher didn't even deliver that. It delivered a cinematic adventure with characters you can care about.

constantly coopting our memes just makes you look lazy. the shame of crying starwars boy cannot be hurled onto people who detest buying shit.

it is like people think memes are like uno cards they will reverse or something.

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Do you honestly expect the devs to treat it as degeneracy? That it'll be used to highlight the decaying morals? More than likely, it'll just be a thing that exists and won't serve the setting or narrative in anyway. It might even be painted in a positive light. I could be wrong though, we'll see when the game comes out.

2020 really looking like a shit year for videogames

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