Vidya opinions that enrage you

I'll start: "Nintendo is the only company that makes good video games/values fun anymore."

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Nintendo is not the only company that makes good video games/values fun anymore
This is so fucking untrue.Sony and Microsoft only care for profits and agendas. Microsoft cancelled Scalebound and Sony killed Senran Kagura with censorship Ninteno has continued to make great games FOR THE PLAYERS AND FANS. Look at Animal Crossing and the soon to be released Xenoblade DE.
Nintendo forever,

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>Video games are art.
No, fuck off, art is pretentious and whiny while video games are supposed to be actually enjoyable. Calling video games art is an insult to video games.

>Animal Crossing introduces lots more limitations including with saves


>The game's not supposed to be fun
I still don't fucking understand this mindset. If i'm not enjoying the game, why would I keep playing it?

There are other ways for something to be fun besides having juvenile kiddie graphics and fast paced gameplay.

Don't you guys ever get tired of making the same responses to the same threads every day?

yeah Nintendo doesnt care about profits right, its not like they milk franchises for 30+ years right

>There are other ways for something to be fun besides having juvenile kiddie graphics and fast paced gameplay.
Yes I know, and if a game isn't fun to me. I'm not gonna play it. I play games to be entertained and 9 times out of ten I do. The rare occasion I don't. I just don't find the game fun. I'm one of those fucking weirdos that found Death Stranding fun okay? So don't talk to me about "It's just cuz it's not colorful and fast paced" you sound like a nintendo boogeyman faggot.

It'd be true if they included the caveat that they're the only console maker that cares about fun. There's plenty of third party studios that still care.

So what's your point? Fun is inherently subjective, and what's fun to someone else might not be fun to you. No one has ever said games are not supposed to be fun.

>You can't criticize this game because the devs worked so hard, you're just ungrateful

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Not just vidya opinion, but in general I fucking hate this:
>someone who doesn’t know anything about a medium besides the most mass marketed stuff comments on it
>”bah, all that exists now is some CoD/Fortnite/whateverispopular, it was so much better back then”
Feel free to replace games with music that plays on mainstream radio, superhero movies, or whatever, but the point is that you have someone criticizing the medium without even *trying* to look below its surface - it really can’t be that hard to look for more interesting content if you’re actually interested in the medium now that we live in internet era. I admit that I can’t name one single definitive resource for vidya, but at least music has stuff like RYM making it very easy to look for potentially interesting new releases.

Any comment saying consoles are good/worth buying enrages me but i learned to somewhat cope with the fact that most people are braindead.
>paying money to play multiplayer
>games are downgraded versions because otherwise they wouldn't run
>aiming with gamepad is innacurate and requires auto-aim to be playable
Because of fucktarded normie waggies who come back from work and sit on a couch for 1 fucking hour we can't have nice things. Imagine playing a fucking animal crossing/smash and calling it a "VIDEO GAME" on "VIDEO GAMES" board

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It's a human instinct older than time itself.

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>Sequel changes everything that made the first game fun
>bunch of bandwagoners jumping out of the woodwork
>"You just hate change, the game is better now, it doesn't matter that the core gameplay mechanics that have made the game what it was got removed"
or alternatively
>"It's not your game anymore, no one is forcing you to keep playing it"

This usually keeps the anger burning like a thousand suns

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>We should not gatekeep our community so much, why are you so toxic
I gatekeep to keep retards like that out of my community

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Sorry OP, gonna have to agree with here. Nintendo is simply jus-
>Has the worst online practices, not only out of all four major gaming platforms, but possibly out of every company in the world period
As I was sayin-
>Cuts content and leaves it on cartridge in order to update the game later or sell it as DLC
I meant to sa-
>Fills games with tons of unnecessary padding for the sake of keeping people interested
I'm trying to-
>Continues to have lackluster 3rd party support for over 25 years now
Say tha-
>Continues to have incredibly weak hardware compared to its competitors, only now reaching the same level as late PS3 games
>Post ended. Purchase a Nintendo Switch Online membership to see the rest of the post!

> Games are shit nowadays. The golden era of video games is long past
Take off your nostalgia goggles boomer. 2006-2014 was pretty bad, but 2015 onwards has been amazing. Today's games are loads better than the janky old early-3D games of the 90s that boomers like to act like were the peak of gaming.

The problem is survivorship bias. People only recall the absolute best from their childhood and forget about the mountains of garbage forgotten to history.

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This. Go to any store that sells used retro games and just sift through the mountains of junk from 2001-2013.

>really can’t be that hard to look for more interesting content if you’re actually interested in the medium now
But the thing is, they aren’t. People who fall into this mindset have found their own comfort zone and already made their pillow fort in it, they’re not actually interested in leaving it. The entire ”use-one-popular-thing-I-dislike-to-disown-everything-new” manouver is just an internal rationalizing mechanism aimed at justifying to oneself why it is fine to stay inside the pillow fort.

>Microtransactions in $60 games are perfectly fine if they're just cosmetic!
No, fuck you. Microtransactions in $60 games are never acceptable.

Even as someone who regards 98 as the best vidya year ever, I mostly agree. I think that the general problem is that people look at that exceptional year, set it as the bar for ”regular year” and then end up being eternally disappointed, unless we manage to get such an impossibly good vidya year again (which will probably happen as long as societal conditions stay good enough for vidya development can continue, but who the fuck knows how long will it take?).

Personally, I’d rather look at is an exceptional vintage year - I’m happy that it happened, but every year can’t be the best, and as it is, we’re still getting more good games per year than I have time to play (only exception being the late 7th gen - early 8th gen, that one I readily admit was noticeably worse). Sure, 2019 may not have been exactly as groundbreaking as 1998 was, but why would I sulk about it when it still was so fucking good?

>survivorship bias
You seem to be suffering from the appeal to novelty fallacy. There was a lot of shit then and theres a lot of shit now, the difference being none of the shit matters and the larger amount of quality games in past generations trounces the number we get these days

I just remembered another thing that's improved, and that's pricing. I remember being a kid and going months or longer without a new game because I was a kid with no money to buy anything good. Today, your money goes a heck of a lot further than it used to. Games go on deep sales a year after release, and there are tons of great indie games targeting the $5-$20 price point. Kids today with a limited allowance can get way better stuff than they ever could in the past.

> larger amount of quality games in past generations
See, there's where you're wrong. Way more good games are coming out nowadays.

That games are supposed to do anything other than entertain.

Tired of titles that want to "educate" me, and devs that want to "explain" current year bullshit.

I play very little new/AAA stuff because of this, and I used to spend huge on games, rigs, etc.

>game has cosmetics
>cosmetics cost money through microtransactions
>I don't buy cosmetics
>"what are you poor lol"
no i'm not retarded

>That games are supposed to do anything other than entertain.
You and this user must be alike All you care about is being entertained and that's fine.

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Secret Sony Fan

Nintendo and capcom are the only companies that care about making sexy female characters though

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