Ninjala thread

So how did we like the beta Yas Forums? Are you looking forward to this game?

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Is that an actual unedited model? Because hot damn that is some decent puffy.

imagine the smell

fucking cunners

last time you made a thread with that image mods purged it. good luck retard and maybe use a normal image next time

I'm looking forward to both the game and the porn

user you are being pedophobic

You should be gassed. I hope thought crime becomes a reality for pedos so they can be purged from this planet.

have sex

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Okay edgelord.

Finally something i agree with

If thought crimes become reality no one is going to be safe from being purged.

Forget the lolis
The Legal Black Shota is where it's at

You like this shota (30 year old trained assassin)?

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I'm looking forward to magic gum fetish bullshit more than anything.

>You should be gassed. I hope thought crime becomes a reality for pedos so they can be purged from this planet.

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>>You should be gassed. I hope thought crime becomes a reality for pedos so they can be purged from this planet.

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He can fuck without being threatening

Tell me more about this game.

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sjws are getting desperate. 4 more years

The Gum already has age regression and size changing properties

It's cute

What's the male equivalent of Cute and Funny?
Wild and Silly?

This is Berecca, an adult scientist ninja. Say something nice about her!

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gays aren't welcome here

now you know how splatoon fans feel with most Yas Forums threads about it


Looks like bubble tape, the second best gum behind Big League Chew.

Except every splatoon thread is full of how much they want to fuck Callie or Marie and always devolves to image dumps.

Did they literally steal that fake language from Splatoon? Of all things to steal

You had to make up a bogeyman to deflect from being a child fucker. Neck yourself.
>No pedo will be safe

and funny

>dr pizza in this thread again

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blame nintendo

Bitch what the fuck is with your hair imagine going bald at that age

How about you wait until it's closer to the release date as there's not much to talk about until then.
Wouldn't that mean he's afraid of children?
Not that I'd blame him, they're scary.

the truth hurts doesn't it?

>You had to make up a bogeyman to deflect from being a child fucker. Neck yourself.

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>Ron and Berecca testing the capabilities of Ninja Gum on each other

>Vague platitude
Pedos can't make real arguments. Their brains are underdeveloped

The irony of this is that would make you a thought criminal.
I've been are you faggots long enough to not care about Pedos, just don't touch my kid.

more like shitla!

she looks like she has severe cluster b personality disorders

I don't imagine it'll get any more Rule34 than A Hat in Time did.


That, plus it can transform people and turn into seemingly anything. Lots of possibilities there.



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that's kinda ironic for a npc to say. but I guess that's just what you're programmed to do

on the shitch!

What the fuck is happening to this wojak

Like, don't get me wrong, this cunnyposter is bretty based but what the fuck is occurring with this wojak. Is he ok. It looks like he's turning into Giygas.

I told you fags, any Ninjala thread made after yesterday would become shitposting, fucking idiots.

My nigga.
I mean, pokemon did too.


If thought crime ever became a reality, humanity would be wiped off within a single month
It's in human nature to conjure up vile shit in their brains, that's what it's capable of and supposed to do, all for the self-serving amusement or means of survival for a human being.
the only difference between a "normal person" and a "psycho" is those who act upon the thoughts that are hurtful towards others

and you seem to be one of the latter. I can bet a million dollars you have some dark secret you're compensating for, acting like a saint on the outside, preaching how you want to kill, torture and maim people who've done nothing wrong and thinking you have some moral high ground, you are a grade-A psycho and a prime suspect for future crimes, and I still wouldn't sentence you to death or imprisonment, because you're free to express yourself how you see fit, but the good guy act of yours is a redundant facade and reveals your real character.

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>Wild and Silly?

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Cunnyfags are unironically cringe as fuck, and I like loli.

>thought crime

hes crazy

> I can bet a million dollars you have some dark secret you're compensating for, acting like a saint on the outside
Probably the case. My uncle was incredibly sanctimonious, always berated people for not being moral enough, always pointing out flaws in others, super leftist, etc. Turns out (you guessed it) he was a pedo.

This but ironically

I thought the game looked whatever when it was revealed
Then I looked at it recently and thought "Oh, its like if Splatoon was one of those naruto games they constantly shit out" and thought it could be cool

I managed to get into exactly one game, I had no idea what I was doing and then it ended.
I don't know if I liked it at all now, I'm not sure what to think

I know I cant get much from just one match, but it just didn't feel as good as I imagined it to be.
Its free, so I'm gonna give it a proper go when it releases.
But I dunno, first impressions on touch weren't as strong as say splatoons. That was a game I felt pretty much the same pattern as I described with this.
I thought splatoon was some shit I wouldn't care about, then the single player trailer dropped and thought it would be a sick mario galaxy type of game to blitz through. Then it turned out to be the opposite and splatoon multiplayer became one of my all time favorite games ever.

Do you bastards actually think that these designs are appealing? These are ugly ass character designs. Raise the bar already.

I like the sound of that

his fault was being a libtard