Monster Hunter

Why is Garuga the best monster?

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World’s Garuga was... actually not a mistake.

Garuga in World feels neutered. It's not the same without the instant startup attacks

Don't people complain about instant startup attacks in World all the time though?

I'm trying to learn SnS but I'm getting wrecked by Glavenus. He's just too fucking big. His idle stepping around is enough to take him out of my range. On top of that, since I'm so close and seeing so little of him, I can't even properly see his tells or learn his attacks.

Behemoth, Nerg, and Rajang. Can't really think of any other monsters off the top of my head with fast and hard hitting moves

Smart Biologist says it is ok to fuck monsters


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It's nothing compared to the old games

At least in the old games you could get monsters down to a science with how predictable they were.

I just want the carapaceons back.

why did the old thread get archived? :sob:

you could stunlock with a lance in the old games, I think this is better


Top 5 Least Hunted Monsters in Iceborne, not including the Guiding Lands.

lurk more dumb newfag

That explains the numbers for the most hunted monsters I guess.
Otherwise you just know namielle would have been top 5 just from trancehides.

Kind of a dumb ranking since it's counting Garuga and Tempered Garuga as separate monsters entirely, which is silly.

That said if they had the balls to make Scarred Garuga an entirely new T3 variant, I would hunt him way more.

I assume its only on ps4

I thought it was least liked monsters, fuck I need to learn more kanji.

they are separated in the game, so that's where the fuck up is

>Not including the Guiding Lands
Considering that's where over half of them are most likely to be encountered I guess it's not really a surprising list

>Garuga and Tempered Garuga as separate monsters
The game considers them Separate Monsters as well. Tempered Garuga has one (1) drop that Garuga doesn't give: Scratched Shells.

>not including the Guiding Lands.
Assuming it's the same for this, that means Odo and Narg aren't this high because their GL drops are important like some anons were saying. So why?

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>capcom wasted time updating the pc version of mhw instead of focusing on console
>pcfags just download "QoL" mods to cheat through the game and install monster cock and anime tiddy mods

PC gaming was a mistake

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Stay mad ratto, PCchads run this planet.

Stop chugging through damage and instead concentrate on not getting hit

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Zinogre is due to decoration grinding, as well as being a common presence in other quests.
Safi'Jiva is obvious
Nergigante is due to Great Spiritvein Gems as well as general deco investigations
Odogaron and Narcacuga I assume are due to early Iceborne where people are farming them in sub-optimal quests to get their sets.

It's out

>a year passes
>taroth support LBG is still the most fun gun
>doesn't even get copypastes like glutton did

>read hunter's notes
>use water pods to absorb the water on the ground
>use at least 30 of them
>she still doesn't dry out and just immediately covers the entire area in water again

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Odog is likely farmed for dog cum, narga is a common event appearance and its armor is a sticky gun staple

>uses Free Meal and Speed Eating in your path
fucking try and make me nigger.

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Is Stormslinger busted in HZD just as much as it's in Iceborne?

poor bazel...

>finally get to the elder dragons fight in base game
>this tornado cunt
it's like they deliberately decided to make the fight not fun at all

The fun is in overcoming the challenge user


I'm still pissed Scarred doesn't have his own set

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