Play Paladins, big guy

Play Paladins, big guy.

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im 5'4

She looks like she fucks human men

i'm 5'6
you should top__ for me

Human's law

what an attractive marmot

i enjoy this specific permutation of this meme

I don't like girls, eww


Attached: pepper death card.png (740x1100, 623.21K)

wait what
what are they complaining about

Built for homo erectus

>tranny version of a character


built for human hugs

that was kinda the point

Pepper is a biological girl, not a mutilated freak.

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>tranny skin
>replacing pip

>rule 63 is now considered tranny shit

Does it have community servers, or just matchmaking?
I don't play shooters without community servers.

t. retard

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yes, we're on Yas Forums, even though they're considered two different characters by everyone else on the planet, it's trannyshit now

no one likes you palatrannies

Death cards are pictures that appear when someone dies. Many people don't like because A) they hate furshit and B) they feel embarrass when someone else witness it on their computer screen without context.

This is the picture

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i mean i can kinda understand that, you're showing your friend this f2p shit or some shit and suddenly there's scantily-clad furshit on your screen for however long
its hot tho

i'm going to jerk off to this

>play multiplayer game for one generic sparkledog

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>what is bowsette

Even more cringe.

>bandicootnigger doesn't know what sparkledog means
you morons are pretty much ironic weebs but with furshit

Imagine being such a massive homo that you want to censor this glorious furbait

>actually getting upset over and needing to censor a female animal

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Pepper :3

>>what is bowsette
that character was created through transformation, not rule 63

I like pip better

No, i don't like hero shooters.
Playing SMITE instead.

Still gay.

furries draw highly unstable people from both ends of the spectrum. and by that I mean people that love anthro characters so much they make it their actual lifestyle, and people that hate it so much they are actually dangerous and actively seek out this content with varying degrees of aggression.

i can't really explain it, its just something about cartoon animals that resemble humans that make people just lose their fucking minds.

all I want is cool anthro characters and good porn and we can just leave it at that

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>being bothered by shit that doesn't appeal to your sexual orientation
What a pussy ass faggot. I ain't gay but I don't get uncomfortable when I see some gay shit.

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For you?

For you

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Same :^)

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>females are gay
not how it works but ok

I don't like bowsette but she wasn't a tranny. The original artist did not mark her as one. The change was due to magic not surgery and no just because some random tranny on Twitter called her trans doesn't suddenly invalidate everything stated.
Funny thing. He is a furry himself. The problem isn't that there is a furry picture, his problem is that he is strictly gay and is seemingly allergic to women.

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>reee this doesn't appeal to me sexually
lmao literally Yas Forums

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To be fair, girls are kind of fags.

Can confirm, I identify as a girl and I am a fag.

I'm getting heavy CWC vibes with this...thing

>I'm totally not a furry, I just like the kit
Faggot is in denial

Let me know when people stop acting like retards then I will play.

>bowser fucking his enemy
>not gay

Literally generic.

>actually playing LoL with the camera panned down

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What do Pepper's pubes smell like?

it's only mentally gay, not physically