Did they really spare women and kids?

Did they really spare women and kids?

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Why would you spare the next gen of enemies?

>they better be historically accurate in assassins creed bro
>the past 2 games where you fight mythological gods were so accurate bro

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normally they would rape them or take them to slavery but meh it is video game dont think about it much

Yes. Unlike christians, jews, niggers, sandniggers and chinks.

lmao no the beautiful women were raped and kidnapped. There's a common joke between both the UK and the Nordic nations that the latter stole all the former's beautiful women.

Niggers are gross and this game will have mixing because the juice is in all media.

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No. In reality they would have KO'd the mom and double teamed the girl

Rape and take the hot ones, bring the kids as slaves.

Didn't Ubisoft say the vikings saw men and women as equals on the battlefield? In that case why are they taking pity on the women and sparing them?

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Sure, what's the point of killing them?

She looks about 14. Old enough for rape.

>did they really spare women and children
what do you think?

In origins it was only dream sequences and non canon "glitches"

Whites weren't civilized as blacks from the middle east and the fall of the roman empire done so by the evil whites also desotryed the last backbone of mediterranean african culture.

I think that means they would be equally as harsh to men and women so they probably raped the men too

The kang has arrived.

>I just killed your fathers and sons protecting your homes that I am currently burning down and pillaging but don't worry woman and child I mean you no harm, this way to safety!

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Only young women were spared. If by spared you mean kept as rape slaves. The rest were killed or kept as regular slaves.

They usually got enslaved.

So the end of this game is gonna be tragic like Black Flag right? It's the same team and writers so expect that settlement to be burned down and all your viking mates to be brutally killed.

The vikings could not be more based

Sometimes people spare others.

>Letting them go rather than taking them as thralls so another, normal viking doesn't run them down and rape them both 5 minutes from now

What the fuck were they thinking

Leave the N*rse to me.

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based Christian knight

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Unironically how could they possibly paint the Vikings as good guys? Will it be some shit like the Vikings came peacefully and the farmers randomly attacked or killed someone so the Vikings are just out for revenge now?

Yes so they could gang rape them during funerals
>The dead chieftain was put in a temporary grave with nābidh, fruit, and a drum, which was covered for ten days until they had sewn new clothes for him. Ibn Fadlān says that the dead man's family ask his slave girls and young slave boys for a volunteer to die with him; "usually, it is the slave girls who offer to die"
>A woman volunteered and was continually accompanied by two slave girls, daughters of the Angel of Death, being given a great amount of intoxicating drinks while she sang happily.
>Meanwhile, the slave girl went from one tent to the other and had sexual intercourse with the master of each. Every man told her: "Tell your master that I have done this purely out of love for you."
>Thereafter, the slave girl was taken away to the ship. She removed her bracelets and gave them to the old woman. Thereafter she removed her anklets and gave them to the old woman's two daughters. Then they took her aboard the ship, but they did not allow her to enter the tent where the dead chieftain lay. The girl received several vessels of intoxicating drinks and she sang, before the old woman urged her to enter the tent.
>"I saw that the girl did not know what she was doing", notes Ibn Fadlān
>Then the girl was pulled into the tent by the old woman and the men started to beat on their shields with sticks so her screams could not be heard. Six men entered the tent to have intercourse with the girl, after which they laid her onto her master's bed beside him. Two men grabbed her hands, and two men her wrists. The angel of death looped a rope around her neck and while two men pulled the rope, the old woman stabbed the girl between her ribs with a knife.
>Thereafter, the closest male relative of the dead chieftain walked backwards, naked, covering his anus with one hand and a piece of burning wood with the other, and set the ship aflame,



Even to this day blacks are secluded from their true history and bearers of knowledge after the savage whites pillaged, enslaved and killed every record of the highly advanced society of Africa. Not even their records were spared.

The whitey's need for man labor is what perpetuated this lie and seeks to demoralized the black man the true heir of the world as nothing more than thughs and gangstas or crack addicts, drugs that were also created by the crackas to put the black man down.

Nice fanfic


What the fuck.

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Africans not only enslaved defeated tribes but sold them to Europeans in exchange for weapons.

Reminder that shieldmaidens are a myth, whereas there is incontrovertible historical evidence that the Christian noblewoman Aethelflaed took up arms and defeated vikings in battle

Attached: Aethelflaed, Lady of the Mercians.jpg (1871x1376, 1M)

No. Infact there was a dude who was made fun of because the Vikings had this game where they threw babies in the air and saw if they could catch them with a spear and he said that was wrong.

>Ibn Fadlan

Seethe more Jewish pawn, there is nothing more Nordic then gang raping women at funerals. Just look at Sweden who is really good at making migrants assimilate into their culture

I got my llm and lpc in Newcastle; they are taller and blonder there, also everyone has a complete disregard for snow and dresses like its springtime...

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His name is now also the word for "being good with children'. He was too good for them.

>Just look at Sweden who is really good at making migrants assimilate into their culture

No, vikings raped the women and enslaved children, but out boy is different, see. He's got some strong moral convictions and all.

>but out boy is different, see.

He's gay, or a pedo?

Most of the History we know about vikings is from Christians

So I'm going to do the exact same thing that I am accusing Christians of and make the assumption Vikings were peace lovers with strong morals

nordicucks are literal trannies and fags
one of their chief deities turned into a female horse, for the purpose of getting fucked by a male horse, then got pregnant, then transformed back into a "human" form, then proceeded to be a pregnant man who gave birth to a fucking horse

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Because 'muh equality' has always been a hypocritical lie and women never actually wanted to be treated like men. They just felt entitled to all the male-privileges whilst retaining their female-privileges.

He's MC, so he's imbued with our modern day sensibilities, because you control him, from our modern day.

>gash immediately gets wet and follows her husband's murderer without question
During WW2 over 50,000 Norwegian women married and spawned children with kraut invaders, who had just a few months previously been killin Norweigian men defending the country.