Name 3 good things about it

Just 3 good things about the Wii U. I'll wait.

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It's easily hacked
with a wide variety of readily available retro games
Gamepad plays fine enough for a handheld to play comfily in the bed.

Super Mario 3D World
Amazing Virtual Console library
Free online

Free online
Virtual Console
Gamepad is actually pretty comfortable and not a bad controller.

it had ZombiU
um... uh...

Jackie Chan!

It was great for what it was. It was essentially just the switch with a corded external processor. But playing earthbound as I watched TV was a big deal at the time.

What killed them was retarded branding and a collapse of third party support

Xenoblade Chronicles X
Wonderful 101
Pikmin 3

>could have been a hardware enabled controller and firmware update for the original Wii
>fucked up an entire generation of saleship and games so there was no co-relation between 1990-2010's media the same way there was a connection between 1980-1990 media
>shitty resolution

1980-2000 media*

>easily hacked and pirated
>free online
>while the first party games it had were few and far between, they were all good.

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>Xenoblade Chronicles X
The Switch Definitive Edition of the first will completely destroy this game

>Wonderful 101
Game was trash compared to what Platinum usually put out.

>Pikmin 3
So good Nintendo never made another one

I saw someone mention Super Mario 3D World as a positive of this system. It's literally the worst of the main Mario games if you can even call it one. Also VC was worse than even the first Wii was and the free online was shit.

You cant say anything good about Wii U because there is nothing good about it.

Jailbroken to play any GCN and Wii games

Free Online that's still active

Modded Smash Bros to add custom music and Ultimate movesets/ characters

It's $99 from Gamestop to start.

Shitposting aside, if you picked up a Wii U, you were holding a gamepad that felt like it was connected to a gaming machine. It felt like it was made for games, and not multimedia. Wii U was something special mostly because it came from Nintendo with the idea of making the best games. We've seen a lot of hardware companies come and go, and I think Wii U's base console with streaming gamepad was truly ahead of it's time.

There were a lot of great games for Wii U. I think it's going to go down in history as one of the more desirable systems.


In 20 years you're going to see collectors going after pristine Wii U's and talking about them. I think Xbox One's and base PS4s will be in land fills.

Porn on the web browser

- comfy controller
- when hacked it can play every pre-switch nintendo game, only n64 emulation kind of sucks
- it had an insanely good library and to this day it's the wii u games that carry the switch
- some good definitive editions like human revolution and arkham city
- cheap as shit to get

what more do you want bro?

With the gamepad vs the joycons, I like the gamepad more because it was less of a call for motion controls and it feels better to hold too.

The problem was that the same people who complained about gamepad connectivity are the same people who enjoy docked switches, when really I don't want to bother "clicking" the Switch into the dock so I can play.

What do you need to hack it?

- when hacked it can play every pre-switch nintendo game
This. Until the Switch Pro plays Wii and GCN titles, I'm keeping this retro gaming treasury.

Pikmin 2
Pikmin 3

>nothing good about it.
Maybe that's why the Switch's best selling game is a port of Mario Kart 8 with 2 new characters to shut people up.

Wake me up when Mario Kart 9 comes out on the Switch, then I'll buy one.

free online
actual games, not just ports
actual features like virtual console and miiverse

>It's literally the worst of the main Mario games
it's literally the best 3d mario game. sunshine and 3d land are the only others that come close. 64, galaxy and odyssey are reddit-tier.
>Also VC was worse than even the first Wii was
still better than the switch's offerings.
>the free online was shit
wow, shitty online, what else is new with nintendo. at least you didn't have to pay for the "privilege" of using it.

>people itt believe Wii U was a good console

It was so good nobody bought it. The shit sold worse than the GameCube.

Is all the hacking and homebrew done in Wii mode? I want to be able to play pirated games in HD so it would need to be in Wii U mode

the marketing was historically terrible. the actual product itself, while still not living up to the snes/ds/gamecube glory days, was a trillion times better than both the wii and the shitch.

The entirety of Yas Forums was shilling Wii U when it was active. Then the new toy came out and literal children started to shit on the old one. But I remember

of course it was better than the Wii. It was an HD console with a wii built in. it's better by default. But better than the switch? absolutely not

The only thing wrong with Wii U is Switch. Because of Switch Wii U only had about 3 years of active support. Because of Switch it currently barely has any exclusives, all stolen by Switch. If Switch never existed, Wii U would've been a great console.

the wii u is way better than the gamecube. the gamecube is actually garbage with nothing going for it except the controller, though

>Fatal Frame 5
>Devil's Third
Janky, especially the first level, but it has a cool Kill Bill feel and genuinely enjoyed it.
>Best versions of Zelda Twilight Princess and Wind Waker

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>But better than the switch? absolutely not
better build quality, better gimmick, better features, the same games years in advance with a few bonus exclusives, free online, etc. how is it NOT better than the switch?

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>better than the switch? absolutely not
I'd say they're about equal currently

I can play it in the bathroom

>easily hacked and pirated
I wonder when Nintendo will take down the eshop for it. They can't be making much money from people buying Brain Age, and each one of those sales is a lot of lost Switch game sales

split screen multiplayer where each player has an entire screen to lookat.
It used to have a really good netflix player before they changed it.

W101 was a great game.

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3D world
Twilight princess HD
Controller was comfy albeit bulky as fuck
Offscreen play
Small but decent library(most of which was ported)

>How is it NOT better than the Switch

I can actually take my Switch anywhere and play the game OR dock it to the TV and play it. You know, like how the Wii U was supposed to do before they walked the shit back?

Wonderful 101
Free online

>I can actually take my Switch anywhere and play the game OR dock it to the TV and play it
You can do the same with Vita and PS4. Wow what a killer feature

keep saying it.

haha at least neither is worse than the n64 right, bro

I felt scammed buying it. People were saying it was good. I was underwhelmed. Though using homebrew I can use it a little more. Retroarch sucks for homebrew as it doesn't have all the emulators, ps1 particularly. You will do a better job on a compute now.

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-comfy pad
-durable peripherals (switch shit breaks down all the time, flimsy chinese shit)
-80% of switch good games were wii u exclusive
-only console with kinoblade X
-free online
-actual classic console support
-after hacked it plays all nintendo games ever made

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>11 year old adult swim reference


>Backwards compatible, tons of controllers and accessories available
>Hackable, can play every handheld up to PSP, every Nintendo console
It might not be the best but I loved mine and it’s the best emulationbox I own.

The Switch lacks the ability to take older remotes like the Wii remote and the Wii U Pro Controller. Kinda uninviting since everyone still has their old controllers ready to play Smash or Mario Kart except that one guy with the broken Gamecube controller.

But tell me why the Switch's joycons can' emulate the Wii Remote to play Wii games? Oh wait, Nintendo will rerelease ports at $60 and suckers will throw money at them. DS gameplay on the Wii U alone make it a better system.


OH WII U, I look just like Buddy Holly
OH WII U, And you're Mary Tyler Moore
OH OH OH, I don't care what they say about us anyway
I don't care 'bout that

1. Better library than the Switch
2. Gamepad is more comfortable to hold than the Switch
3. Easily hackable for backwards compatibility to every Nintendo console before it, unlike the Switch

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