Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

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What first party ports are left?

I literally do not give two fucks. Nintendo is dead.

>record profits rivaling wii profits
One of these things is not like the other

>muh sales
They're dead as a good company. They put out consoles with atrocious build quality like the Switch and just pump out nu-Nintendo """games""".

Sounds retarded. There is already basically nothing on the horizon for the switch. Why would they purposely kill the momentum of their sales like this?

They still make money. Whether or not you care about them is irrelevant to the fact that they are still a viable and profitable company

>championing a corporation's profit margin
Man how much of a fucking brainwashed drone are you.

Disappointing, but understandable.

They have nothing to show obviously. Their big plans for this year probably got flushed down the toilet due to corona.
Now we're back to the norm for Nintendo consoles; massive droughts between big releases.

Nice strawman.

What the fuck are we talking about again?

lol nintendies btfo

what this guy said.

Nintendo is no longer a quality gaming company. the triple AAA titles are all rehash and nothing innovative has come from any games they have created. they simply don't push the envelope anymore.

They could just dump some more NES/SNES roms or start doing switch selects and sell some of the older games for $30. Problem solved. As it is my switch is set to become an animal crossing machine for the next year.

But that's wrong. Basically every nintendo game is high quality. Innovative? Definitely not, you're right about that.

2020 is at it again.

Ok tendie.

>he bought a nintendo console after the gamecube
>he bought a nintendo handheld after the ds

yikes. nintendo = ded since 2009

last big nintendo game announcement was the XB remaster like a fucking year ago, and the last one i gave a shit about was BotW2 like a year ago. Wtf is taking them so long holy shit

You sound like a huge faggot LOL

this but unironically

Says the person who plays nintendo shit.

They have shifted their policy to only show trailers of games releasing within 6 months since then.

>they have nothing i give a shit about coming in the next six months


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Oh please, shitposter, tell me about all the amazing mature games for mature gamers that you play. Bet you don't even post 1 game because you're a huge faggot LOL

Well that only goes for 1st and 2nd party. NMH3 might drop this summer.

Sega arcade games that have actual challenge and good music and graphics.

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NMH3 was already very iffy for a 2020 release before Coronachan even happened.

>They have shifted their policy to only show trailers of games releasing within 6 months since then.
That was years ago and it turned out to be total horseshit.

Before corona happened Travis actually said 2020. But yeah, I'm worried about that as well.

Remember when people thought switch was good?

Not really: regular Directs adhere to the 6 months rule.
E3 is pretty much the only exception.

God damn it, these Smash roster prediction threads will never end.

>Bet you don't even post 1 game because you're a huge faggot LOL
>proceeds to mention a company and not a single game

wing war
panzer dragoon zwei

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Pathetic Sega widow

I will now try both of these games. They better be fun, user.

lmao is this supposed to be impressive

Xenoblade 1 and especially Animal Crossing weren’t announced six months before release, user. Usually the only games that get announced close to release are games that needed more time in the oven like Mario Tennis Aces and Super Mario Maker 2.


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