Assassin's creed: Valhalla

>Triple A game
>No forced diversity

Am i fucking dreaming?

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Yes, now let's talk about how we hate minorities in games anyway.

I don't hate minorities in games when it isn't forced.

there's a black guy in england, so forced diversity ahoy

We hate minorities that dress up as vikings, romans and knights in games


Gonna cry? Gonna post on twitter about how Ubisoft is racist?

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No, you're having a nightmare.

Germans are niggers

Seethe harder, faggot.

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So they really are just putting the AC name on it to make sales, right?
Like why not just make it a separate thing on its own?

you are not dreaming, it's the french touch

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>no forced diversity
>features swarthy n*rdicucks and g*rmanics

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This but unironically

AC is just the name they attach to any historical game with killing in it now.

This is not the Prince of Persia trailer I was hoping for

It's an Ubisoft game tho

if there is a black man in 9th century england/norway its forced diversity.
i dont care if you say otherwise.

is it RPG soul style game?
or back to rooftop running AC?

the french have allowed their homeland to be overrun with teeming hordes of feral browns

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>Falling for Jewbisoft tricks
It's just going to be more "Christians bad, gay pagans good!"

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Get me in the screenshot, faggot

Stop forcing shitty agendas and people gonna stop shitting on them.

Spoke too soon

Yes, I agree with you, good chap. I say, fuck Eskimos.

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It's over.

Is he supposed to be an Arab? He looks more like a half-Black American

>Gay pagans
Based, now we can have hot girl on girl viking sex


It has anglos too and they're (((Templar))) scum

Vikings traded with Arabs pretty regularly. It would be a pretty good way of putting diversity in without there being brown vikings.

Too bad it's in a shitty AC game LMFAO. Woke crowd gets the best fucking games

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No that sounds about right.

It’s incredibly historically inaccurate anyway

I like cultures from other countries. I dont think my own culture is interesting. I even think my fellow countrymen are all cucks.

>no forced diversity
>you play as no better than a nigger

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>no horned helmets
so far so good

when he shouts about Odin, isn't he talking about the storm on the horizon?

Well yeah, the alt-right it too stupid to make videogames.

Sure, but there are no nuggah
vikings. Period.

You clearly haven't played a Ubisoft game in the past 10 years. Fuck off, retard.

The big anglo Saxon guy was the coolest part of the trailer, should have made a game where you play as him.

So is he Antonio Banderas in this story?

>people were retarded in the 1700s

Can you post quotes that are up to date?

why would nordic assassins have the overarm hidden blade from the ancient persians, instead of the more modern underarm one? could it be a dark age thing, with the knowledge lost with the fall of rome until rediscovered?

There were black people everywhere in AC Odyssey, you really think Ubisoft won't find a way to shoehorn them into medieval England and Scandinavia?

Here's the female Eivor VA

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If there are nigguh vikings I'll probably pass on the game, but if there aren't any nigguhs, the media is gonna go nuts. The smartest thing they can do is have your village trade with Arabs, and occasionally work for/with said Arabs. I'd be fine with that.

Anglos are white and Christian, and even their women can defeat vikings

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Nords were pretty underdeveloped compared to other euros, for instance the anglos were like 100 years ahead of them in metal working.

Diversity can work in games like GTA 5 but in nordic game is straight up dumb


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al-Andalus confirmed? Might be cool

just wait. this will somehow be the most pozzed AC yet

Because of branding, why do retards still post these questions? It's been 3 years already.


Why does ubisoft still try to market here with Yas Forums bait when the spammers have ruined that for everybody 4 years ago?

The writer said the main character is similar to Kenway where he finds out about assassins later in the story and decides to use the blade. He wears it overarm cause it looks cool and he doesn't give a fuck.

>stronk warrior whamyn
>No forced diversity

What's with all the vikings these days? I just saw Vinland saga, now this.

Is the Jews behind this again?

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Looks absolutely ridiculous on the right

Eyeliner trilogy

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I sure love it when they take a historical setting but change the equipment as if it was crafted by elves from The Lord of the Rings.

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Yeah right, like the Ancient Roman armor of AssCreed Bro?

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>Playing AC4 for the first time

Do you ever get a powerup that will automatically collect these fucking chests and orb things on random fucking islands?
I am so sick of having to sail for a minute, swim for another minute, pick up item, swim back to ship for 2 minutes because it has floated away, and repeat.


They make Viking shit to reel in the white supremacist Amerimutts, then they poz them with tactically placed blacks and female warriors.

It's incredibly sinister, but you gotta do what you gotta to do brainwash people.

this game will be very downgrade

lol, France is a MENA country now.

fucking high elves armor there

>hidden blade on the outer part of the wrist

fucking shill threads i swear to god

Heil Odinn.

>Paris represents all of France
Going by your logic, the US is Somalia because of Minnesota.

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