Xbox Series X

Is Xbox the only platform with soul?

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Nintendo has soul too

Are Xbox and Nintendo the only platforms with soul?


Nah. Kiketendo only makes soccer mom bait.

yes unironically. may 7th. the days of wii60 will come back in due time

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Microsoft and Xbox are the exact opposite of soul.

I disagree.

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Gay meme. Wii pandered to soccer moms. No overlap with Xbox audience at all.


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How would you all describe this? I would you the word, "soul."

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lol sony trans

Is Xbox the only platform without soul?

No. Every Sony game is the exact same game with different characters. How could that possibly be soul?

It has the soul of its enemies.

Our time has come

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what exclusives does xbox have besides halo?

Hellblade 2 and Everwild.

no fuck microshit

The platform you orbit has soul and everything else is soulless

You admit that Xbox has soul.

Bankai Xboxsu

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Halo, Forza Motorsport/Horizon, Halo, Gears of War, Halo, Rare Games?, Halo.

I'm not joking, I own an Xbox One X and I can't actually think of anything besides that... the only exclusive I play regularly is Forza Horizon 4 daily so everything else is a multiplat I guess?

I agree

Late 360 and early Xbone were. But I feel it coming back. OG Xbox was peak soul though and you're just pure ignorant if you disagree.

Ori and Cuphead are good.

Yes, they're also the only consoles with Halo and Metroid.

dunno wot 2 tel u cuz, but thats BOTW 1.5..

playing as imPAZ set fufufufuring the 100 year time gap.. impaz purifiying dorf..

is liek REcore(prime+starwars1313=prime 3.5)(about ADAM from fusion, missing samus during her disappearing act..)

I tried playing Ori and I got filtered by some room where all these stone pillars slam together from the floor and roof. It was frustrating and I got lost because there were 3? different pathways through it and I just said fuck that and went back to racing.

czech em