This thread is a serious discussion of the 'Tired Gamer' syndrome

This thread is a serious discussion of the 'Tired Gamer' syndrome.

What are the underlying causes of 'Tired Gamer' and how can they be resolved?

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try playing good games for a change

I fixed my tired gaming syndrome by playing radically different genres and setting two rules
>1. No multiplayer only games like LoL or Siege or something
>2. play at least two hours of a new game straight

more like reddit thread

It's called depression and it's not going away anytime soon as the world gets shittier and shittier

Get some exercise outside and spend some time away from the computer.
That makes it more fun when you are playing games

I think there are many causes but I honestly think something about modern games can bring on a kind of fatigue. No, not some "wrong generation" shit. I just mean, like, they're almost *too* stimulating. A lot of 3D games now, I can't keep track of everything happening on screen, and I can't separate the "foreground" elements from the "background" and so on. I thought I was just getting old, but I've been playing retro games exclusively for almost a month, and honestly the simpler game design is way less tiring to me personally.

>get home from work
>scroll through my steam list
>Yas Forums
>scroll back through my steam list
>Yas Forums
>scroll back through my steamlist
>Yas Forums
>find game I want to play
>get bored before the main menu loads
>scroll back through my steamlist
>Yas Forums
>go sleep

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Capitalism, or as I like to call it, crapitalism.

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There is no tired gamer syndrome; just depressed people who instead of fixing their own unfulfilling lives just blame videogames.

Fixing that starts with two steps:
1. Get outside
2. Take a big, deep breath
Do those two steps every day

This is Dr. Gabor Maté.

He specializes in addiction care in Vancouver.

The notion he is most famous for is the idea that all addictions are a result of trying to cope with trauma. This means, fundamentally, addictions cannot exist without trauma. Trauma most commonly associated with video game addiction is that of coping with the trauma of loneliness, ostracism, parental neglect, or childhood bullying. Most of the trauma occurred during childhood in many addiction scenarios.

If you're reading this post, on Yas Forums, right now, and have a hobby of video games, I think it's not a secret that you're likely someone who has undergone social isolation in your life. It's not unreasonable to anticipate that many people here, in this thread, this instance, have suffered from chronic loneliness in their lives.

Video games have attempted to fill that void. Video games are inherently not addictive. But combined with a release for trauma? They are a dissociation escape.

A tired gamer is someone who loves video games, and that love may be geniune, but there is a void. There is a pain that the addiction is no longer healing. Your sense of Self is crying to be whole again. To reach levels of Attachment and Authenticity that are being unfulfilled in your life. You start up the video game. You can't focus. You quit in 5 minutes. You come back to Yas Forums. You browse easily accessible, short form information. You aren't learning anything. You aren't doing anything. But it's pressure free social interaction. Social interaction being the thing you've been chasing for a long, long time.

A tired gamer is addicted. Likely to Yas Forums, or the internet. It's ruining him from being able to enjoy his hobby. Video games are a great hobby. But a tired gamer wants something new. But video games are all the tired gamer has.

If this is you, help is available. You can change. You can beat addiction. Trauma can be healed. But it's up to you. Will you seek out the help you need?

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based helpful user trying to lead people away from despair and hatred... thank you

blame the world and not yourself, classic depressed cuck mentality

stop fucking browsing this site 24/7

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cool bug dude

I can't.
It's like I slide off whenever I hit an obstacle and end up here

Instead of just buying things for cheap or on-sale everytime to clog up your backlog, actually pick out the shit you want and stick with it

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No multiplayer games, eat better food, exercise first if you're not feeling the drive, and most importantly, get your fucking shit life together first.

if you stay too long youll turn into a stalfos

thanks user

buy a game you think you might like and you might enjoy yourself

Stalfos would be an improvement.

>"try focusing on something else for a while, maybe read"
>start reading again
>currently have 0 desire to play video games
Maybe I just don't like games as much as I thought I did.

you actually got indoctrinated by the negativity of Yas Forums.

you're just depressed, go meet some people when the virus is over, at least join a d&d game online or something, get into a discord for a game you like and set up a round with some folks
video games aren't the problem

Great post. Thanks user.

I don't particularly think I'm tired of gaming, but I'm definitely getting tired of Yas Forums. The constant negativity, the constant off-topic threads, the constant pointless internet fights with other anonymous people. Yeah you guys can reply to me and tell me that things have always been like this, but does that make it good? Nope. Suit yourself if this is what you like doing, but I dunno how any sane person could like it. Whatever, call me a redditor or another buzzword now. I know how the cycle goes around here. Dunno how much longer I can take this.

>every game is shit!
>everyone's a shill!
>every game is pozzed!
>everything in the world is conspiring against me, personally!
>every element of every game in the past [number] year has been garbage! No I haven't played any of htem, because I'm not a dumb consoomer!
>fuck discord, hanging out with people using an easily accessible app is cancer!
>le epic pessimism about everything!

>guys why am I so depressed?
Gee I fucking wonder.

pick ONE (1) game you haven't played and spend the week to complete it.
start with some mindless, easy, short, but psychologically rewarding triple-A, like a 6-hour shooter. The difficulty is so low it can't make you cry and quit, and it's short enough that you can finish it to feel good about it. Then progressively get back to playing more demanding games.
You're affected by girl's "dunno what shoes to wear" syndrome because there's too much choice and you feel the inevitability of death makes any choice useless.
also stay off this site, it turn everyone's brain into mashed potatoe. Try posting some questionable content to get a week-long vacation.

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Yas Forums has not always been like this, it was never great but it was never a soulless husk of complete and utter detached irony like it has been over the past 5 or 6 years, this place is like a black hole sucking up all genuine enjoyment and creativity, there are a few nice threads here and there for specific games like monhun or ace combat, but they are so few and far between compared to the slew of coomer/wojak/twitter/sjw-baiting/race-baiting threads that there's nothing left here for anyone with a halfway functioning brain, get out while you can

There is something to this, but VR will fix it. The details are too much, it can’t be absorbed without the perspective.

Phoneposters need to be banned, quality would instantly go up. When you're replying on a phone you're not going to text out a well-thought multi-paragraph answer, you're going to drive-by shitpost as much as you can

Then give this place to everyone who has a phone now

>help is available


I just keep playing games I know I like. Played like 7 hours of Beyond the Blade yesterday

it's a jew, you know what help means to them

You guys have convinced me I need to quit, but HOW. Every time I try I make it like two days and then whip out Yas Forums when I'm bored in line somewhere or on a break at work